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  • Submitted: Jan 20 2018 08:10 AM
  • Last Updated: Jul 08 2023 04:37 PM
  • File Size: 31.98MB
  • Views: 5803
  • Downloads: 801
  • Author: A R Dellerba
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Suggest New Tag:: Harmony of Gospels, Holy Gospels,

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Download 2023 Holy Gospels in One Book 6

* * * * * 4 Votes
New Testament Scripture Gospels History Biblical Studies Matthew Mark Luke John Jesus Studies Textual Criticism
A R Dellerba

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Suggest New Tag::
Harmony of Gospels, Holy Gospels,

(Windows and Mac Version)

The Holy Gospels in One is a “Word for Word” narrative of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, combined into a single chronological account. In order to capture all the events concerning the ascension of Christ, a section of Acts chapter one has been added to the end.

This narrative was compiled using a direct analytical translation of each Greek word from the 1550 Stephanus Textus Receptus. To ensure an accurate translation, the 1769 King James Authorized Version was the main source of cross reference. All words that are not in the original Greek manuscripts, but were deemed necessary for readability were italicized.

The intent of Holy Gospels in One is to dispel the “so-called” contradictory passages through an accurate chronological recording of the events and words. This is not to replace the Gospels but to be a mere study aid for the avid Bible student, who flips back and forth between the Gospels studying the same events. Thus, leading to a dynamic and an enriched Bible study experience.


When there is a common sentence in the Gospels then that sentence which is most complete is used. If another Gospel has a word or phrase which is unique, then that word or phrase is added. For example, the following verses reference the exact same events: Luke 23:25b; John 19:16; Matthew 27:31; and Mark 15:20.

The Holy Gospels in Ones compilation:
Now therefore then he (Pilate) delivered Him, Jesus, unto them, to their will in order to be crucified. Now they having taken Jesus and led Him away. And when, after they had mocked Him, they having stripped Him of the scarlet military robe and the purple garment and clothed Him with His garments and led Him away to crucify, in order for them to crucify Him.

Please note this is the book version (topx and refi). These pages can be read through the Reference Library window if loaded into the Resource Location, typically C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword folder or copied to the ...\Documents\e-Sword\ folder and then read with the Topic Editor options.

If you want the commentary module (cmtx or cmti) go to
  • For windows: Copy the file with the topx extension to the e-Sword folder: Generally it is C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword.
  • For mac: Copy the file with the refi extension to the eSword folder: /Users/youraccountname/Library/Containers/net.e-sword.e-Sword-X/Data/Library/Application Support... Generally the files are hidden, to un-hide, in Finder use the shortcut: CMD + SHIFT + . (command shift period) press once to show hidden files and again to hide them.
For more details refer to https://heavenscatal...gospels-in-one/

What's New in Version 6 (See full changelog)

  • July 2023 - New Revision, charts, updates and commentary.
  • Jan 2022 - New 2022 Release Windows and Mac + Updated commentary.


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If you are looking for a harmony of the gospels.  Here it is....  This is a great resource.

This is a harmony of the Gospels and Acts, where the Author, A.R. Dellerba, has started from the Greek text, and uses suitable English words to translate the Greek words. The accounts are combined together to make a continuous story. This is supplied as a help to Bible students who believe that the Greek words are accurate, and want some help to be able to read the events in a suggested chronological order. Two modules are available for download. 

2023_holy_gospels_in_one_book.refi     4.05MB

2023_Holy_Gospels_in_One_Book.topx             47.28MB

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