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File Information

  • Submitted: Jun 22 2011 11:53 PM
  • Last Updated: Jun 22 2011 11:53 PM
  • File Size: 311.35K
  • Views: 8345
  • Downloads: 1,349
  • Author: William Crockett
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download William Crockett - Harmony of the Books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles

* * * * - 6 Votes

William Crockett

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

William Crockett

Harmony of the Books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles

I just downloaded and installed this, but it's not showing up in e-Sword (10). What do I need to do to be able to use this module?

click on Bible (near file and commentary) and Harmony.

Crockett Harmony file shows similar verses in the Books of Kings and Chronicles.

checked with virustotal and it is infected!

Checked - no virus infection found 2023-04-23.

checked with virustotal and it is infected!

William Crockett - Harmony of the Books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles

As updated June 23, 2011, Bible Support provides one download module.  William Crockett - Harmony of the Books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles.harx.exe    311.35K

This module is suitable for viewing with e-Sword for the PC. If your PC security blocks access to download a file with the “.exe” file type, append “.docx” to the filename. After download view the Properties of the file. I have tested the file with Windows Security and
there are no current threats from any virus.


My PC added the following Security warning in the Properties, General, option: “This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer.”. Move the pointer to the check box next to the word “Unblock”. Select the check box. It will display a tick inside the check box, and the “Apply” button will no longer be greyed out. Select the Apply and the OK buttons. Now rename the file type back to “.exe” When the “Rename” warning appears, “If you change a filename extension, the file might become unusable. Are you sure you want to change it?” select the Yes option.

Right click on the filename to Open the file, and allow it to run. The Setup file will begin. “Welcome to the William Crockett – Harmony of the Books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles.harx Setup Wizard”. This will install William Crockett – Harmony of the Books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles.harx version 0 on your computer. It is recommended that you close all other applications before continuing. Click Next to continue, or Cancel to exit Setup.

Continue, and read the pop-up windows carefully, from the top left, reading line by line, from left to right. You will be asked where the file should be installed. The current folder will probably be correct. Continue to read the screen options, carefully, and follow instructions. Close e-Sword if it is running.


Restart e-Sword to view the Harmony on the option “Bible”, and “Harmony” at the top option. Select the Bible to be used to display the text. Then select from 1 to 183 options to display various parallel passages throughout the Bible.

Because these are only from the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, and are not complete, you may want to augment these basic entries with your own lists, for each of the options, in your own Study Bible Notes.


Remember the advice from the Apostle Paul to Timothy, 2 Timothy 3:14-17 (KJV) 
But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; (15) And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. (16) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (17) That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Another series of modules, submitted to Bible Support by DoctorDaveT Sep 06 2011 and updated Jan 15, 2022 with a module updated for Mac/e-Sword 11 for windows, provide a companion to the Crockett Harmony Module.

Crocket, William D. – A Harmony of Samuel, Kings & Chronicles 1.0 - A Companion to the Harmony file.

http://www.biblesupport.com/e-sword-downloads/file/5551-crocket-william-d-a-harmony-of-samuel-kings-chronicles/   These modules are provided in topx and in refi format. 

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