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Member Since 14 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 07:36 PM
Thought I'd go away from the young me, and decided to "look" dignified Updated 03 Nov · 0 comments

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  • Member Title e-Sword Tools Developer
  • Age 75 years old
  • Birthday April 21, 1949
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
    Land of the Long White Cloud (AKA New Zealand)
  • Interests
    Well, I have heaps of interest. The most obvious is my passion with e-Sword. But beyond that, the things I like are reading my Bible, going to church, studying the Scriptures.

    Thing I would like to be able to do that I use to do is SCUBA Diving.
    Things I would love to do that I ain't done yet are Bungy Jumping, Jet boating on the Shot Over river, and Para motor flying.

    I love sci-fi movies like Star Wars and etc, and fantasy type movies like The Lord of the Rings. Oh yeah, Considering I'm a Kiwi, Peter Jackson not a bad sort of a bloke, and The Hobbit is being made in New Zealand (just had to have a bit of stir).

    Another fantastic movie I like is the Chronicles of Narnia. The three I've seen are pretty good, and can't wait till they are all made. Sorry, but I ain't a fan of Harry Potter. That just tends to bore me to tears.

    A couple of things I would like to tick off on my bucket list is:
    1. Trip to Ethiopia with my Grandson
    2. Do anther tour of the Balkan region with my Grandson and a couple of friends.

    Already done the Balkan tour with my sister in June (2024), of which I really enjoyed.

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