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  • Submitted: Jan 10 2012 05:01 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 24 2021 09:58 AM
  • File Size: 5.1MB
  • Views: 12335
  • Downloads: 1,839
  • Author: Adolphus S. Worrell
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: WAS

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Worrell's New Testament Translation (1904) 1.0

* * * * - 7 Votes
New Testament

Adolphus S. Worrell

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Worrell New Testament (1904)
by Adolphus S. Worrell (1831-1908)

Louisville, Kentucky: A.S. Worrell, 1904.
Reprinted by the American Baptist Publication Society (Philadelphia, 1907).

Worrell was brought up as a Landmark Baptist, but later in life converted to Pentecostalism. His translation reflects both traditions.
A. S. Worrell sought to update the accuracy and grammar of the King James Version in his translation of the New Testament and included his personal study notes in it as well.

Worrell introduced the work as follows:

This translation is the outgrowth of a solemn conviction that such a work was required of the writer by Him Whose he is, and Whom he seeks to serve. The translator, A. S. Worrell, spent two and one-half years devoted to the work. It was done with the view of pleasing the Supreme Critic, at Whose judgment bar he will have to account for the manner in which he has handled His word.

The work was begun and prosecuted under the distinct conviction that these New Testament Scriptures are the veritable word of God – His last revelation to this sin-cursed world. The translator believed that these Scriptures contain nothing but "live matter;" and that they are as true now and as applicable to man's needs as a tripartite being as they ever were.

Absolute perfection is not claimed for this work, but there is confidence that there are many improvements that the intelligent reader will not fail to recognize. Some such examples are as follows: capitalization of the initial letter of every pronoun referring to deity, restriction of the solemn form of the pronouns and verbs to Deity alone, use of quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation, use of pronouns differently from the usual translation, and the clipping of uns from the preposition unto.

This work claims greater fidelity to the original Greek – especially in the words baptidzo and ecclesia. If these two words had been translated instead of transferred, many divisions in Christendom could have been avoided. The Greek text of Westcott and Hort, as modified by Scrivener and others, was used in the preparation of this work. The italic words have no word answering to them in the Greek text, but are often understood or implied.

Converted to e-Sword 9x-10x using Good-ol' Clint's e-Sword 9 converter

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

Worrel's translation was recommended by K. E. Hagin. The Apprendix "An outline of the articles of faith of an Assembly of God" appears to be the basis of the AOG.

I have read the translation from cover to cover and recommend it to any student of the word.
I tried downloading it on my kindle, but it didn't work. Am trying to download on my iPad now, but it won't let me. I guess because I had done it once. Will be glad to make a donation if I can download it. If you can help me my email address is jerriekelly@hotmail.com. I heard this was a good translation. Thank you!

This module only works on e-Sword for the PC

This would be great if I could open the download or bring it into E-Sword but I can't do either. I have the download and e-Sword on my PC but they are not connected and I cannot open it so it is no help to me.

The Worrell New Testament for e-Sword has been provided by Bible Support at the following link:


This was submitted by BaptizedBeliever Jan 11 2012, and was last updated Dec 24 2021, with the upload of the module that had been converted to run on the Mac and on e-Sword version 11 version for Windows.


There are two download files provided. Please notice that there is a space before the period that identified the file type “.bblx” in the filename. I recommend that you remove the space before the period in the filename before you download the file.


[1] Worrell New Testament (1904) by Adolphus S. Worrell (1831-1908) .bblx          2.53MB

[2] worrell_new_testament_1904_by_adolphus_s_worrell_1831-1908_.bbli            2.57MB


The Bible Tab is “WAS” and this is listed just before the entry for the Wycliffe Bible. The WAS Information identifies this as:
Worrell New Testament (1904)

by Adolphus S. Worrell (1831-1908)

Louisville, Kentucky: A.S. Worrell, 1904.

Reprinted by the American Baptist Publication Society (Philadelphia, 1907).


Download options:
The first option is applicable to users using older versions of e-Sword for Windows.
The second option is applicable to users of e-Sword for all recent versions of e-Sword. This includes e-Sword for Windows (e-Sword versions 11, 12, 13), e-Sword X for Mac, e-Sword HD for iPad, e-Sword LT for iPhone, and e-Sword for Android.

I recommend that you remove the space before the period in the file name which shows the file type. Please do this before you arrange to move the file to the folder where your device processes e-Sword modules. For the *.bbli option, please remove the underscore before the period before the "bbli" letters in the filename, because programmers recommend that the program filenames not end in the underscore character.

It is necessary to copy or move the downloaded module file into the Resources Location folder where e-Sword has been set up to read its files.

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