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New User Reccomendation for a Premium Ver Study Bible

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#1 VKije


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Posted 25 March 2018 - 03:44 PM



I have a general question about eSword and various bible translations:


I think that eSword is great and there is one feature I am looking for and suspect that it might be in premium version of a bible translation.  I very much appreciate being able to back reference scripture for instance Gal3:13 references Deuteronomy 21:23.  Many electronic bible have a superscript that can be clicked on and that will take you to referenced verses or parallel sections of scripture.  I have the ESV, ESV+, the KJV, and KJV+, ABP+, and the Parallel Greek APB+. I have  not been able to find a referencing feature in these translations.  I have looked at the various premium bibles but can not tell which one might have this.  Does anyone have recommendations? 


Thanks for the help.  - Vlad

#2 APsit190


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Posted 25 March 2018 - 05:07 PM

 I have  not been able to find a referencing feature in these translations.

When it comes to referencing features, can you expand on what you actually wish to have? For example, do you wish to have Strong's numbers for Greek and Hebrew Lexicons, translation notes, Robinson's Morphological Analysis Codes, and etc?


Now, with that said, when it comes to referencing, and depending on the kind of referencing you would like to see, due to the nature/types of some particular translations, some types referencing system are incompatible to them. In other words, they do not work. So, for instance, the Strong's numbering system may not work in an ESV, or an NLT translation of the Bible. And its here one has to take these kinds of issues into consideration when selection a particular Bible for doing a Bible Study.




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#3 Tim Butterfield

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Posted 25 March 2018 - 08:02 PM

The Treasure of Scriptural Knowledge module found in the built-in Download of the e-Sword Commentary section offers at least a rudimentary "center line concordance" capability.  Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge

by Canne, Browne, Blayney, Scott, and others, with introduction by R. A. Torrey.



The Holman Standard Bible (also in the downloader, but in the Premium Bible section USED to have a very thorough cross-reference module included, but that was back when it was called the Holman Study Bible many moons ago. I see no reference to the cross-reference module or the Bible Dictionary modules in the estudysource site.  

Thus says the LORD, "Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, (Jeremiah 9:23-24a)

"Defenders of the faith are inclined to be bitter until they learn to walk in the light of the Lord. When you have learned to walk in the light of the Lord, bitterness and contention are impossible." --Oswald Chambers, in Biblical Psychology from The Quotable Oswald Chambers.




#4 VKije


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Posted 26 March 2018 - 05:31 AM

Thank you both,


I am looking for cross references, often superscripts in a printed bible that at the bottom of the page list the scriptural references to a particular passage.  Preferably in an etool these superscripts are hyperlinked to the referenced scripture passages. I probably don't know the correct words for such referencing so I apologize.  I will look at the Holman bible and see if it is there.  Any other recommendations are welcome.


Thanks - Vlad

#5 Tim Butterfield

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 07:58 AM

One of the advantages of having used e-Sword practically since it came out, is that I have a lot of modules, some of which have been withdrawn for one reason or another, often because they were replaced by an "improved" version, though sometimes because of copyright issues, or the expiration of  a copyright agreement. 


There used to be an ESV module ESV+ that had link like that   (Job 5:8)
“As for me, I would seek God, and to God would I commit my cause,
(Job 5:9)
who R1does great things and R2unsearchable, R3marvelous things without number:
(Job 5:10)
he gives R4rain on the earth and sends waters on the fields;
(Job 5:11)
he R5sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety.
(Job 5:12)
He R6frustrates the devices of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success.


English Standard Version w/ Notes
©2001 Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.


I haven't seen that  module for some time (one difficulty with having many modules collected over a decade of so is you sometimes don't remember where you got them).


Here are some modules currently available from Bible Support that might have the embedded information you are looking for.


















You might notice curtain similarities in the names of the modules with notes or  footnotes, concordance,


A Concordance, by the way is " A dictionary in which the principal words used in the scriptures are arranged alphabetically, and the book, chapter and verse in which each word occurs are noted; designed to assist an inquirer in finding any passage of scripture, by means of any leading word in a verse which he can recollect"   Webster's Dictionary of American English (1828)


​In dead tree editions of scripture it is often (traditionally) found in a column centered between two columns of scripture (or  at the bottom of the page).  Hence "Centerline Concordance"


Stephen mentioned/suggested  King James Concordance, 


There is/as a BTSCTVM Module that "This Strongs module combines the following works:OT: Brown-Driver-Briggs -> Hebrew word definitionsNT: Thayer -> Greek word definitionsStrong's definitions.KJC - King James Concordance TVM: Strong -> OT H8675-H8853 / NT G5625-G5944


But as with so many highly useful compilations, I fear it has been withdrawn from distribution for some reason.


Nave's Topical Bible is a dictionary module that lists where in scripture certain words can be found (allowing you to do searches in reverse.


Torrey's New Topical Textbook is another that offers the location in scripture by word.


R.C. Trench's "Synonyms of the New Testament"  and Trench Synonyms Enhanced also allow search by word.


The NASB Study Set (back when I bought it had an NASB with Strongs included) and  concordance as well.


Hope this helps.



Thus says the LORD, "Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, (Jeremiah 9:23-24a)

"Defenders of the faith are inclined to be bitter until they learn to walk in the light of the Lord. When you have learned to walk in the light of the Lord, bitterness and contention are impossible." --Oswald Chambers, in Biblical Psychology from The Quotable Oswald Chambers.




#6 LarryG


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Posted 28 March 2018 - 03:21 AM



I have a general question about eSword and various bible translations:


I think that eSword is great and there is one feature I am looking for and suspect that it might be in premium version of a bible translation.  I very much appreciate being able to back reference scripture for instance Gal3:13 references Deuteronomy 21:23.  Many electronic bible have a superscript that can be clicked on and that will take you to referenced verses or parallel sections of scripture.  I have the ESV, ESV+, the KJV, and KJV+, ABP+, and the Parallel Greek APB+. I have  not been able to find a referencing feature in these translations.  I have looked at the various premium bibles but can not tell which one might have this.  Does anyone have recommendations? 


Thanks for the help.  - Vlad



One of the best available cross-referencing tools for eSword I have found is "The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury, by Jerome H. Smith"  It is like The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, but on steroids.  This reference tool is not as good as "The New Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge" which is out of print but can be found in the Logos software line-up.  Regardless, this paid module for eSword can be found on the eStudySword.com site for a small cost. (http://estudysource....page/index.aspx)


The main module loads into the Commentary window of eSword, which I have place on the right side of eSword when the eSword program is running. with the Bible module on the left.  The scripture links are a ready source of cross-references with the tool tip function: easy-peasy!


I have found it to be a real help to me.


Blessings, LarryG

Edited by LarryG, 28 March 2018 - 03:25 AM.

#7 Tj Higgins

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Posted 28 March 2018 - 10:11 AM

"The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury" is in fact based on "The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge" based on the information provided within the module from it's author. 

There is also another module called The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Enhanced which is an expansion of the original TSK module.

Here is the explanation of the enhancements by the author/creator of the enhanced module:

"The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Enhanced and Expanded


This edition of Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (TSKe) is a newly enhanced and expanded edition of this valuable resource. Of all the commentaries, notes, outlines, etc. that have been printed as aids to Bible study and research, this resource is arguably the most valuable; it allows the Bible to explain and interpret itself. The Bible is its own best interpreter, and the Bible Analyzer TSKe module reveals the most relevant cross-references of any verse with a single mouse-click.


The Lord allowed us at BibleAnalyzer.com to greatly expanded the standard TSK primarily by,


Making Essentially All Cross-References Reciprocal

Adding Reference Headings to Reciprocal References

Adding References to Verses that Previously had None

Correcting Malformed and Orphaned References

and More.


By reciprocal references we mean references that mutually refer to each other.


Here are a few details of the changes:


                                    TSK                TSKe

Total References           381,775          670,558          288,783 More References!

Verses with References  29,648           30,593            945 More Verses !

Reference Headings       66,291           356,007          289,716 More (w/Reciprocals)!

Verses with Reciprocals 1675              28,963            27,288 More Verses!"

While the TSKe is not as extensive as the 
"The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury" It still a very good tool that can be used along side both the original "Treasury of Scripture Knowledge" and "The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury"

The TSKe module can be downloaded from this site:


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