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There have been 171 items by APsit190 (Search limited from 01-June 23)

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#44679 The Ethiopian Bible.

Posted by APsit190 on 06 July 2023 - 03:40 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers



What do we know about this Bible written on goat skin and to be claimed the oldest Bible. If so, is there a translation for it.

Nice day

Never heard of it. But mind you I'm not Ethiopian. My Grandson is, but I highly doubt he would know anything about it.



Stephen (Php 1:21).

#44684 The Ethiopian Bible.

Posted by APsit190 on 08 July 2023 - 02:06 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Stephen (APsit190) is from a continent that is mainly underwater, Zeelandia, with New Zealand above water in the South, where APsit190 lives, and Papua New Guinea is above water in the north. Perhaps he does not read details from the African continent.


Well, like I said:

My Grandson is, but I highly doubt he would know anything about it.

And I found out today that he even ain't heard of it. And like I said, he's Ethiopian. So, rather than running off at the mouth, a touch of humility goes a long way.


As a matter of interest. Did you know that the Ark of the Covenant apparently is in Aksum? Also my Grandson came from Mekele, Ethiopia, which both places are in the Tigray province (Northern Ethiopia, and not far from Eritrea).

#44689 HD or iPad Modules to PC

Posted by APsit190 on 11 July 2023 - 05:17 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Is it possible to convert Ipad files for esword to pc? I know how to go the other way pc to iPad but I can not figure out how to get my topic file TOPI to convert to TOPX. Is this possible?

All the newer editions of e-Sword for PC supporting more the newer apple modules than the old format modules with a X.

So if you use e-Sword edition 11 until e-Sword 13 is there no reason to convert TOPI to TOPX.

To add to Katoog's reply: Moreover, there are no exclusive resources made for e-Sword LT, HT and X, or Android


This also may help you:

If You buy a resource, i.e., for an iOS/Android device, and you own a Windows device, and have e-Sword on that; you can download that same resource and do not have to pay for that. In fact even if you own an Android device and bought a resource for that, and happen to also (God forbid) an iOS device, the same principle applies, you don't have to pay for it again.


e-Sword runs on 4 platforms:

  1. Windows: e-Sword (bblx, cmtx, devx, etc)
  2. iOS: e-Sword LT (iPhone), e-Sword HT (iPad) which the resource files end with an i.
  3. Mac: e-Sword X shares the same resource extension with e-Sword LT and HT.
  4. Android: e-Sword Android. Shares the same resource extension with e-Sword for iOS devices.


e-Sword X, LT, and HT is separate purchase for each device. Are version updates free?

e-Sword Android will run on both phone and tablet, and so is a single purchase. Version updates are free.


Trust you find this information helpful.




#44701 Help with e-Sword LT

Posted by APsit190 on 14 July 2023 - 07:42 PM in MySword

You have to double tap on the verse reference (the green underlined part at the beginning of the verse). The very first option you should see in the pop-up menu is "Bookmark."

That is pretty much how its done on the e-Sword Android edition. I did an extremely short video (a tad over a minute) on my phone (strictly on my phone, and not using the Phone Link app).

Popup menus might a tad different between e-Sword LT and the Android edition. So let us know in the comments below your thoughts on this.

#44702 Option to Remove Hebrews from Pauline Epistles Search

Posted by APsit190 on 14 July 2023 - 07:53 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Don_H, on 14 Jul 2023 - 01:48 AM, said:Is it possible for someone to create a method for removing Hebrews from the Pauline Epistles when doing a search?

No! Only one that can do it is Rick Meyers. He's the bloke that authored the program.

Below shows exactly why it can't be done


#44710 Option to Remove Hebrews from Pauline Epistles Search

Posted by APsit190 on 16 July 2023 - 07:31 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

First step was to select:
Search: Paul's letters (Rom -- Hebrews)

That would eliminate the need to search for Romans in the Range:


Second step was to cut out Hebrews from Paul's list, without having to search for Philemon:
Range: Select Philemon

Results: will not include Hebrews
As for the image; I have not been able to duplicate the original image, so I have no idea why 'Paul's letters (Rom -- Hebrews)' remained visible after I selected Philemon.

OK, looking at this, all you did is what I do: a Work Around. That's it! No problems with that whatsoever. That said, a "work around" is not a resolution to the actual issue at hand, which is:


...removing Hebrews from the Pauline Epistles when doing a search

And if my guess is correct, Don's query is if Hebrews can be removed from (for a lack of an actual name for it) the group of Paul's Epistles in that drop-down ComboBox; of which, as seen in my video, the resounding answer is "No!" For that to be resolved, only Rick Meyers can do that in the programming IDE and language he uses, which is more likely, Visual Studio Programming IDE, and the Visual BASIC programming language.


Moreover, if my guess is still holding water, I reckon that Don just doesn't want to have to keep on using a work around, and would prefer to have the group of Paul's Epistles as: Rom -- Phm, and not: Rom -- Heb. And me thinks that is what it really is all about.



PS Just as a matter of interest, here in New Zealand we celebrate 3 (yep, you heard it right) 3 - New Years, and here they are:
  1. The usual one, January 1st
  2. Chinese New Year
  3. The Maori New Year, called Matariki (July 14th); which is a public holiday, and this year, a long weekend.

So, officially, we have two New Years over here. Fantastic! A day off work and get paid for it. Pity is the Chinese New Year isn't official, and ain't a public holiday.


So, again, Blessings to of you, and have a great day rejoicing in the Lord kind of thingy.

#44732 Typo in Gen.1:11 KJV?

Posted by APsit190 on 21 July 2023 - 01:10 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

NKJV uses 'its kind'; maybe that is what you are using? I checked my various hard copies of KJB, they all have 'his kind'.

My go to translation I overwhelmingly use is the NKJV, and has been like that for about a half of a million years. :lol: Well, not quite that long. But anyway, I've been using it for a very long time. Prior to the NKJV, I use to predominantly use the KJV, and for the life of me I've never seen the his kind bit in Gen 1:11. Just goes to show how much attention I paid to such "errors" like this. None!


That said, what we see as incorrect grammar in the KJV, my guess is that for that period of time (17th and 18th century), the "his kind" thingy would have been quite correct. But that's just a guess.


By the way, there was a major revision done to the KJV in the mid 19th century (around 1860 I think), but I don't know if that one is still running around.




#44733 Arranging window panes within E-Sword

Posted by APsit190 on 21 July 2023 - 01:38 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Post like 7 years old, but for any new visitors here looking for an answer like I did ... check this tutorial, I reckon this is what you are looking for & works like a charm ... https://www.e-sword..../workspace.html

And there's this video I did a tad over a year ago on this very topic.



Trust this will also prove helpful.




#44736 HD or iPad Modules to PC

Posted by APsit190 on 22 July 2023 - 08:03 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

With regard to the user Note file types used in e-Sword PC; whether they are:

  • Topic Notes
  • Study Notes
  • Journal Notes

The default file format is rtf, and not HTML.


As to the Note Editors being able to read topi, noti, jnli file types, I'm not certain. But, and I mean, But any editing done in in either Note Editors will be in rtf code. See Screenshot below.


e-Sword 13.00 Topic Note File Open in SQLite Database Browser

SQLite Browser.jpg


Note that in the Record (Cell) Editor the RTF code shown in the entry. When using any of the Note Editors, the RTF code is by default "automatically" entered, or embedded into the topx, notx, and jnlx file types.



All third party, i.e., user created resource files, can be edited in SQLite (spoken like, "Seek You Lite") Browser. First Party, i.e., those created by Rick Meyers and his gang (official resources) have been secured (blobbed out), and cannot be edited.


Trust you find this Helpful and informative.




#44741 Jewish Encyclopedia update 03/26/23

Posted by APsit190 on 24 July 2023 - 09:48 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

The project is on hold until I can get my other computer fixed and recover the project files

Hey Higgsy, what happened to your machine?


On a side note: whenever I create a new program, and test the code for errors, I duck under the desk in event that my computer explodes from all the errors.


Nuke Emoji.gif

That kind of explosion




#44744 Jewish Encyclopedia update 03/26/23

Posted by APsit190 on 24 July 2023 - 06:36 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

I believe it suffered a mother board failure

Oh, OK! So it was one of those


incidents that you experienced.


I hope you made it safely under your desk.




#44745 Typo in Gen.1:11 KJV?

Posted by APsit190 on 24 July 2023 - 07:28 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

From the BibleGateway, you can see details about the Authorized Version. https://www.biblegat...ion-AKJV-Bible/




Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Copyright Information

The Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible (‘the KJV’), the rights in which are vested in the Crown in the United Kingdom, is reproduced here by permission of the Crown’s patentee, Cambridge University Press.

The Cambridge KJV text including paragraphing, is reproduced here by permission of Cambridge University Press.


I was confused about the AKJV; apparently, there are two AKJV Bibles:

1) Cambridge Authorized version used on biblegateway.com ; used by e-Sword

2) American King James version used on StudyBible.info




Just two things:

  1. The A in the acronym, AKJV does not mean "Authorized." It Means, "American." Therefore whenever you see the acronym "AKJV," is always commonly known and referred to as the "American King James Version."
  2. The basic differences between the authorized or the pure KJV and the AKJV is the Americanized spelling, e.g. Brit (Pommy) spelling: Colour. Americanized spelling: Color, etc. Another one for the Americanized spelling of words, is the replacement of "S" for "Z," e.g. Brit: "Baptise." US: Baptize, etc. Another one is the switching of _re to _er. Brit: "Centre." US: "Center", and etc.

I prefer the Americanized spelling rather than the Brit spelling, mostly because it makes more sense, despite the fact that here in Kiwi-Land we use Brit spelling  as our default method.


I like bucking the system.




#44753 Reference Books (refx) - Jovanovic, Stephen - We Are His Body.refx

Posted by APsit190 on 25 July 2023 - 05:58 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Jovanovic, Stephen - We Are His Body.refx

File Submitter: APsit190

File Submitted: 25 Jul 2023

File Category: Reference Books (refx)

Author: Stephen Jovanovic
Suggest New Tag:: Theology, Ecclesiology

This resource deals with the topic the personal relationship with God. And in this essay/thesis, I take a very in-depth look at this topic to show that kind of relationship actually do have with God.

There are three "Chapters," or "Sections" to this essay/thesis, which are:

1. Issues with Interpretation and Finding a Biblical Concept

A. The Issue of What Jews Believe

B. The Problem With Adam and Life (And How the Turkey Got in The Way)

C. The Thing Adam Needed But Never Got For A Relationship With God

D. The Thing About Jesus and the Kingdom of God

2. What Does This Communal Relationship with God Look Like

A. Come Dance With Me, and Getting The Right Moves

B. Body Language

3. Its All About Church and Being Church

This essay/thesis contains about 50 endnotes. So there are oodles of references that one could go and check them out.

When it came to creating Footnotes, I seriously gave up on it. Neither e-Sword or T4 has the capability to create Footnotes, so I felt really stuck, and not knowing what to do. I even did it in a word processor, and exported it as an rtf file, and guess what?! I lost all the footnotes, and so that was a waste of time. So, in order to have reference notes, I did them as endnotes. All of them manually done. So, that was good fun. Not.

I've created a discussion page in the Theology Discussion section where one can share his/her thoughts on this essay/thesis. Keep it clean, and no blood letting allowed.

At some later stage I'll upload an refi, a topi, and a topx versions of this resource.

Finally, this resource is a installer file, which means you have to install it on your machine after downloading it.

Click here to download this file

#44754 Disable change language on verse click

Posted by APsit190 on 25 July 2023 - 06:03 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hello wise_mike, you want to be able to Manage the input and display language settings in Windows. I have sent a query to Rick Meyers, as to whether this is built into e-Sword, or is rather something that you need to arrange between you and your browser, and the PC. Meanwhile, here is some information from Microsoft. 

This link provides options for both Windows 11, and Windows 10, as last published 2022-12-13. You need to be able to change the touch keyboard display on screen, and also the display keyboard, according to the language that you want them to display.  Then you can write in the language in which the document occurs, even though you may have copied some text from another language into your document.

I suggest that before you copy the quote, you first make some blank paragraphs, with the "Enter" key, then back up to an enpty paragraph, and paste your quote there. Then you can easily browse your pointer down to the later blank paragraph, [after the quoted other language paragraph], which you had previously set up in the original language format in which yu were previously writing.


 Please let us know if this suggestion helps you get over the problem.

That one won't



Right click on the language tray icon (if you have it displayed), and unselect "Auto Adjust"

This one will.




#44755 Typo in Gen.1:11 KJV?

Posted by APsit190 on 25 July 2023 - 06:55 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers


Dear APsit190, in response to your review, posted 2023-07-25 03:28 AM, 
Just because Stone Engelbrite used the abbreviation AKJV for his home-made American KJV, which is NOT copyrighted, this does not means that "AKJV" is the way that the abbreviation is used by Bible Gateway and the publishers in England. 
If you select [click on] the links I provided, and read their content, 
then you will see the details of the copyright details, as used by Bible Gateway, for their Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV) from the Publisher: Cambridge University Press
If you hover your pointer over the AKJV you loaded into your PC from Bible Support, you ought to see that this refers to an American KJV, and not to the Authorized KJV. The American version you have was probably loaded from one of the following entries at Bible Support:
[1] American King James Version (AKJV) (1999) 1.0 
with options [1] American King James Version (AKJV) (1999).bblx and [2] american_king_james_version_akjv_1999.bbli
[2] American King James Version - Red Letter Edition - AKJV 2.01
with options [1] AKJV-Red Letter.exe and [2] iPad AKJV.zip
[3] American King James Version with Strong's Numbers 2.00
with options [1] AJKV-Red Letter SN2 Source RTF File.zip and [2] AKJV+ BBLX-2.zip and [3] akjv+BBLI-2.zip
[NOTE: This used Josh Bond's King James with Strong's Numbers 1.0 based on the 1769 King James (AV) Text tagged with Strong's numbers. 
which provided option [1] kjvplus.bbli and [2] KJVplus.bblx ]

Kind regards, Olaf Bacon. 2023-07-25.


Well Olaf, here's the thing. When it comes to the KJV Bible itself, as in a hard copy, guess what?! You will never in all your life find an AKJV Bible. Seriously, you won't. At all! Never at all. Why, well mate, its because there's none of them floating around.


Now, the official, as in the official publisher of the KJV, is Cambridge University, and one thing I do know, they don't have what is termed as the "Authorized King James Version." It just the King James Version, and that's it.


So, where the Authorized bit came into it, I have no idea. That said, the KJV is also referred to as the AV, but that's not official. And so it would seem to be true with the purported AKJV. Not only that, but also with the Oxford University Press publication of the the KJV, you just won't find an Authorized King James Version thingy. Therefore the A in the KJV is a bit of a nothing burger, when all is said and done. I reckon that some half baked dribbler thought it would be neat to have an A added to the KJV acronym just to confuse everyone, and make them believe that there is such a thing, when there isn't.



Stephen (Php I:21).