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#15105 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by ebulerdo on 03 January 2013 - 03:22 AM

Hi Patchworkid


what Hebrew font does e-Sword use?  I know it is something like Titus Cyberbit basic, but what I am asking is name of font like HebraicaII or another Hebrew or Greek font 


Josh has explained what a legacy font is. The good news is you will easily find converters from most legacy fonts to unicode. Just search Google for "convert hebrew legacy unicode". I found this one online that supports several different formats, but there are many more, as well as downloadable converters:



On the other hand, Titus Cyberbit, which is the default font for Hebrew and Greek in e-Sword, has a problem with pointed Hebrew text. Vowel points appear displaced to the left, in many occasions they seem to be under the next letter. A free font that I like a lot and fixes this problem is Ezra SIL. It contains all the Hebrew characters you may ever need, and it looks great. :-)





#15063 Combining all notes into a single rtf file.

Posted by ebulerdo on 01 January 2013 - 07:40 AM

Oh, I didn't realize I was answering to an old message! O:-)

#15062 Combining all notes into a single rtf file.

Posted by ebulerdo on 01 January 2013 - 07:33 AM

Hi Ken


Thanks Patch, I downloaded the tool and it is very cool. A fantastic tool for topics, commentaries, bibles, devotionals and such. What I was hoping to do was to extract all of my study notes out of the underlying sqllite database.


Tooltip Tool is not just for building new modules. You can use it to open an existing module, and it will show all your notes as a single RTF document. You can print that or export it to any word proccesor. I think that's exactly what you are asking for.


You have that options at Modules - Notes - Read notes file.


Have a look at it.





#15038 Bookmarks and links inside the same file

Posted by ebulerdo on 31 December 2012 - 09:25 AM

Hi All


I am working with a topic file that contains some references to other sections of the same file, such as "See Appendix 1".


I am trying to make those references clickable. So I made a bookmark of every section and then put some internal links to those bookmarks. I think the links are correctly done, since they appear in blue and underlined, and when I hover the mouse over them there's a tooltip that says Control-Click to go to the reference. However, clicking doesn't do anything.


I guess that's a limitation of e-Sword, that bookmarks work only inside the same topic, not in differente topics of the same file. Am I right? Is there a way to link to other sections of the same file?






#11328 New Tooltip NT

Posted by ebulerdo on 01 August 2012 - 07:58 AM

Hi Larry

One of my first projects was to create a lemma-based Hebrew dictionary where the topics are in consonantal Hebrew and the article is mostly English mixed in with Hebrew. The articles worked out fine, but the topics ended up all question marks. I'm guessing this is some text encoding issue, but as noted the articles all displayed OK.

Unfortunately, e-Sword doesn't support Greek or Hebrew characters in dictionary topics. That's why Strong numbers are used instead. Do you have a way to replace the lemmas with their Strong numbers?

Let's hope a better unicode support in topics will be implemented in a future version.

When you say "the articles worked out fine", what are "articles"? Dictionary entries? And how are you defining "topics". Actual topx files?

Josh: I understand "topics" as entries, the words to explain in the dictionary, and "articles" as the definitions. E-Sword itself uses the expression "topic list" to refer to the list of words in the dictionary. Any Hebrew characters in the words in that list will be shown as ?? signs by e-Sword.



#10799 Burmese BBLX

Posted by ebulerdo on 10 July 2012 - 05:45 AM

Hi Worshipper

At the Options - Fonts menu, the first box says "Default font". That's where you need to select the Padauk font.



#10704 e-Sword Documentation - Hebrew Chart.pdf

Posted by ebulerdo on 06 July 2012 - 04:21 AM

Hi Stephen

Thank you, this is useful.

Just a small detail: the UTF codes can be used in RTF too, but they need to be converted to decimal (they are hexadecimal in your list). I mean, aleph can be represented as \'e0 or as \u1280 (which is the decimal value of 0500).

The RTF notation will only work if you specify the text is Hebrew. The UTF text will work anyway, but if you use the search function it will not find anything.



#10673 How to reduce huge files

Posted by ebulerdo on 04 July 2012 - 04:54 PM

Hi ifffam

I've found a couple of files that, once unzipped, occupy around 80 Mb: the first is an interlinear hebrew bible study (HBS+ I believe...), and the other, iwh+p (there used to be another, called iwh+_97 or -97, of a similar size). [...]. Does anyone know how to verify if indeed those two huge bibles, HBS+ and iwh+p, are two or three-folded, and to reduce them accordingly?

You are right, the size of those Bibles is doubled. The reason is they were old e-Sword 8 files that were converted to e-Sword 9 format using an utility that creates databases in UTF16 format, that takes exactly double amount of space than normal text. Actually, the text is normal text, but the database reserves double space because it thinks it's UTF16.

It's not difficult to export the text to a new database set up as UTF8, and it's size will be cut by half. It took me a couple minutes to convert the LXX+WH+-97.bblx module, and its size is now reduced to 33Mb.

You can download the reduced file from http://www.mediafire...22b563o6fjbsrmp
If anybody wants to create the installer and update the existing file in BibleSupport's Download area, that would be nice.

I was thinking maybe some of the programmers here could write a small utility that would read all the modules in the e-Sword folder and in case they are in an UTF16 database, convert them to UTF8. That would save a lot of space and would allow e-Sword to handle the modules faster.



#9624 Bold text in bible module

Posted by ebulerdo on 30 May 2012 - 04:37 AM


I have a verse that ends with bold text. When the verse ends with a bold letter, the subsequent verses all are shown in bold, until there is another bold word or character. At which point the bold will be switched back off and continue as normal.
The results across a parallel view of multiple bible translations yeilds interesting results as well.

That is not a problem with e-Sword, but with the text itself.

E-Sword modules use RTF codes to describe format. In RTF, there are two ways to display some text in bold:

\b This is bold text \b0
{\b This is bold text}

In that text you mention, the closing tag (either \b0 or }) is missing, so the program interprets that all the text that follows that is bold too, until it finds some tag that resets the text to non-bold.

That's the reason why any format in the text (bold, italics, blue, red, or whatever) must be closed in the same verse, even if the next verse has the same format. I mean, if you have, for example, several verses in italics, every one of them must begin with the italics tag and close the italics at the end of the verse, not of the whole passage.



#9355 Bible Compare Tool updated

Posted by ebulerdo on 22 May 2012 - 04:13 AM

Hi All

I have just uploaded an updated and much improved version of the BibleCompare (ComparaBiblias) tool, written by the Spanish International e-Sword Team:

It compares any two Bible modules and finds all the differences in missing, additional, duplicated or blank verses, as well as percentage differences in verse content. All e-Sword 8 .bbl and e-Sword 9/10 .bblx files are supported, included .bbl password-protected files (provided you know the password).

The native interface was in Spanish, but it will open in English as long as the accompanying .ini file is in the same folder as the .exe.

Most Bible modules out there contain verse numbering errors, so every module builder should use this tool before publishing their modules.



#6489 Several bugs with Chinese translations

Posted by ebulerdo on 13 February 2012 - 07:53 PM

Hi JunlinLiao

1) The CUV-S module have Chinese words/characters not displayed. (for reference, Acts 3:2-3)

I have installed that module and I don't see anything strange at Acts 3:2-3.

Please, check this:
- Are you using the last version of e-Sword (v10)? If not, install it.
- Did you download the official module with the built-in downloader inside e-Sword, or found it somewhere else? If not, try downloading it from there.
- Inside e-Sword, go to the Options - Fonts menu. What fonts do you have set there for Chinese? I have Simsun for Simplified Chinese and MingLiu for Traditional Chinese. Try setting those.

If none of this fixes the problem, would you please take a screenshot of those verses and send it to the forum or to me?

2) The search function does not work with Chinese words at all. When you search the Chinese versions, nothing turns up.

E-Sword has some problems seaching Chinese words, but there is a workaround: When you are in the search window, after you type the words you want to find, click on "Find all words" and replace it with "Regular expressions". It will work that way.

NOTE FOR JONATHON: Searching in non-Latin script modules has been improved a lot in the latest versions of e-Sword. I have been able to search Cyrillic and Arabic with the default setting, and Chinese with the regex option as well.

3) In the bibles window, you can select any verse in any of the English versions and the mouse pointer is accurate. However, you cannot select verses correctly with any of the Chinese versions. It's misaligned by several lines. That means several lines by the end of the chapters could never be selected and all the verse specific context menu driven functions no longer work as expected. For example, a right click of of verse Act 3:12 to paste to study notes, I get verse 7. I click on verse 10 then verse 6 is highlighted. I select text of verse 10-11 and then copy, verses 6-7 are copied.

I have tried that and it worked perfectly. I right-clicked in Acts 3:12, then "Paste in Study Notes" and it pasted the correct verse.

Definitely you have either an older versions of e-Sword or a defective module. I would recommend updating both.

Please, tell me how it went.



#6212 e-Sword Tooltip Tool - Updated

Posted by ebulerdo on 05 February 2012 - 01:36 PM

It happens whether I open up the document with T3 or paste in the data.

I also get an "RTF not available in clip board" pop up every time I try to hit the backspace key on my Windows 7 machine.  This only happens when I have T3 open.

I may be the only one with this issue, as I have not heard that anyone else has it.

Hi Peter

I had the same problem recently with the backspace, and posted it here. Brent answered this, which fixed the problem:

"In T3 - click Options+T3 Clipboard HotKey. Set it to some obscure combination. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12 or some such. The problem should go away. Some how it must have been set to backspace on your system."



#5215 External hyperlinks in commentaries?

Posted by ebulerdo on 02 January 2012 - 02:56 AM

Hi David

I think I know what your problem is.

Normal straight quotation marks ("David") are required for the links to work in T3 and e-Sword. But Word automatically replaces straight quotation marks by curly quotation marks (“David”). Those are different symbols and e-Sword won't recognize them in hyperlinks.

That conversion is set by default in Word, but you can disable it in Tools - Autocorrect.

More information here:



#4361 Copyright on Greek Bibles

Posted by ebulerdo on 06 December 2011 - 03:24 PM


I think that argument is very powerful: the more quality job they have done, the more similar is their text to the autographs, ergo the less rights they have above it.

If they had done a really bad job, and their text were very different from the original, then they might claim copyrights. :-D


#4226 Tooltip Tool Support

Posted by ebulerdo on 01 December 2011 - 04:47 PM

Hi BCobb

Does this mean that if I wanted to delete all hyperlinks in T3 (they would show up as <http://www.blahblahblah.blah/etc.>) that all I would have had to do was replace "\<*\>" with wildcards on, and replace it with nothing?  If so, I wasted a lot of time....

Yes, you can do that in Word.

If you work with texts, you will save a lot of time and effort if you learn how to use regular expressions, that is, wildcard search and replace in Word.

