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Bible verses with space after : (colon) doesn't work

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#1 wise_mike


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Posted 01 May 2023 - 05:05 PM

I have some resources in another language with spaces after the colon : in verses, like (Ezra 8: 17).


But when I paste the reference in the e-Sword search box, it assumes that whatever after the : (space) is the chapter, so instead of opening "Ezra 8:17", it opens on "Ezra 17".


Is there a way to allow the software to understand such issue?

#2 Olaf Bacon

Olaf Bacon

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Posted 02 May 2023 - 03:28 AM

Suggestion to @wise_mike. The best method is to manually change the format of the reference, that you want the database to find, to the format that has been used in the coding of e-Sword.

E-Sword works on a SQLite database, and the content of each of the books of the bible has been provided in numbered order in the database. The chapters have been provided in numbered order, and are expected to follow one another in strictly numeric order. The verses have been provided in numbered order. So the program does not expect chapter or verse numbers to follow totally unexpected numerical formats, which are not according to the specifications. 
I have noticed that programmers have made allowances, between the evolution of e-Sword over many versions, for additional chapters and additional verses, which differed from the number of books in the King James Version, in English, which was originally used, for the books of the Old Testament, and New Testament. The books of the Apocrypha can be found, as used in most KJV and Catholic Bibles, but using the names of the books as they were known from the KJV. Various usual formats of abbreviations of the names of the books can also be input and found.


Rick Meyers, the designer of e-Sword, does not have a method to correlate different methods of providing the contents, in certain Bibles, with differently numbered verses, when these are compared together. The assumption is that the references in Bibles, and Dictionaries, and Commentaries, will use the standard order and numbering of the book and chapter and verse.


So if you expect Ezra 8 to correlate with Ezra 17, that has to be done manually. A computer will usually read information, either from left to right, or from right to left. So if it looks, and sees Ezra with a space, it takes that as a book it must find. Then from the right, it sees the number 17, without being followed immediately by a colon and another number, so assumes this must be chapter 17. Your instruction was to open Ezra 8, then you over-rode that by saying chapter 17. That would be why 17 is found.


For more details, please send such queries directly to Rick Meyers. Let him know which languages you read from, and which device you are using, and which versions of e-Sword, you have loaded, in which specific language. E-Sword provides 29 languages to be displayed at present from "Options", "App Language", which is user selectable. This is in addition to the language you used when you installed e-Sword, whether English, Spanish, Portuguese or another language. Rick Meyers's email address is rick@e-sword.net

#3 APsit190


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Posted 02 May 2023 - 05:41 PM

I have some resources in another language with spaces after the colon : in verses, like (Ezra 8: 17).

But when I paste the reference in the e-Sword search box, it assumes that whatever after the : (space) is the chapter, so instead of opening "Ezra 8:17", it opens on "Ezra 17".


Is there a way to allow the software to understand such issue?

The fix is relatively simple.


If the resource is 3rd party (not an e-Sword official) one, then all you need to do is open the file in ToolTip Tool NT (T4) or SQLite DB Browser, and edit those offending :D references. But if the resource is 1st party (as in an official one), then you will need to let Rick Myers know so that it can be fixed. e-Sword official resources are secured.


Trust that you find this helpful, and if so smash the Like This button, and let us know how it all went for you.




Edited by APsit190, 02 May 2023 - 05:43 PM.

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