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There have been 171 items by APsit190 (Search limited from 12-June 23)

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#46053 Adding Bookmarks

Posted by APsit190 on 07 March 2024 - 02:10 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Is there a way to bookmark in the commentaries and other resources?


Commentaries and Dictionaries:

In short: No!

For a much longer and comprehensive answer: No!


Topic, Study, and Journal Notes:

Short answer: Yes!

For a much longer and comprehensive answer: Yes


I was thinking about doing a "How to" video on this topic, but Nah. Can't be bothered. There's a pretty decent help resource which comes with e-Sword in pdf format, "e-Sword User Guide." It just might help you.


Over and out!

Stephen (Php 1:21).

#44764 AKJV Strongs Number issues

Posted by APsit190 on 26 July 2023 - 07:52 PM in Module Content


All HTML modules of e-Sword
As a follow up of queries in this thread, answers have been received from Rick Meyers, the developer of e-Sword for the Windows operating system, and for windows for Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Android.
Are the same downloads which are available for e-Sword X for the Mac, and e-Sword HD for the iPad, and e-Sword LT for the iPhone and e-Sword for Android also available for e-Sword for Windows? In other words, are the whole range of entries for Bibles, Commentaries, Devotionals, Dictionaries, Lexicons and Reference books also available on all varieties of e-Sword?
Rick Meyers replied: Yes, .bbli, .cmti, .devi, .dcti, .lexi, and .refi files will work on every e-Sword platform. Only user files are OS-dependent.
Rick Meyers explains that e-Sword modules are loaded alphabetically. As such, a BBLI file will load before a BBLX file with the same name. e-Sword will only load one instance of a module with the same abbreviation as described in the Details table of the database.
Rick Meyers commented on the Update program by Bible Support members who are providing conversions of old file modules with .xxxx file extensions, into HTML format xxxi modules.
By the way, having everything in the .xxxi format is a really good idea since the Unicode HTML modules are the only ones I personally support. Rick Text is not portable between operating systems, and modules made for Rick Text are limited to the PC. Also, HTML modules are supported all the way back to e-Sword 10, so that probably covers 99 percent of the users still using e-Sword.

In His service,


Rick Meyers




Nice to know about all of this, but so what, it really means nothing, because when it comes to e-Sword for Windows, all resources, and I mean all resources, irrespective of what they are, the file extension ends with an x always by default. Every time when you either download a free resource using the e-Sword Download Manager, or purchase a resource from eStudySource, and download and install it on your PC, the file you get ends with an x at the end of the file extension.


Do the same on an iPad, iPhone, and/or on a Droid device, you will always get a file that ends with an i at the end of the extension.


Irrespective of the platform you are downloading an e-Sword resource for, you only get the resource for the e-Sword edition that its been made for; and that's it!


The fact that one can, e.g., use a NKJV.bbli or a NICNT.cmti file on e-Sword for PC, that is just merely a bonus. That's all it is, and nothing more than that. But then, that means nothing either, because even, e.g., the NKJV.bblx, and the NICNT.cmtx, etc., including refx files are in HTML format, and not rtf format. The only thing that is spat out in rtf format are the Topic Note, Study Note, and Journal Note files.


So, the hype over the HTML being used in iOS and Droid e-Sword resources in reality is a nothing burger because HTML is used right across all Bible, Commentary, Devotional, Dictionary/Lexicon, Reference Library etc., resources across all platforms e-Sword runs on.


So, going by what I see, the only resource files, i.e., Bible, Commentary, Devotional, and Dictionary resources that are still rtf, are those created in ToolTip Tool NT, and spat out for e-Sword PC edition.


So that's really all there is about that.



Stephen (Php 1:21).

#45644 All caps Greek modules?

Posted by APsit190 on 19 December 2023 - 03:33 PM in Module Requests

I don't want to deal with modern Greek lowercase, there is no good reason to learn it to study the Bible, where are any modules using the original all caps Greek? And does anyone know of any text files with all the Greek in caps from Codex B or some other totally or near complete NT or OT?

Please email me if so too in case ai forget to come back here email cheetalynx at gmail com

There aren't any. All academic Greek resources for both at Seminary/University and Bible College study don't go down that road, and haven't done so in donkey ages. So for you to be able to get a hold of something like that, you'd be scratching the bottom of the metaphorical barrel.


As to your reply to Katoog:


I am well a
You think I asked in ignorance so need to tell me what I have asked for has no spaces? Do I sound new? Don't be ChatGPT. But thanks, KATOGGPT.

Modern Greek sucks for Bible study, and the spaces are for newbies.

Tends to show both arrogance and snobbery on your part. You assume and expect that he should or ought to know what your qualifications and etc are; when in reality he or anyone doesn't know you from a bar of soap. My sincere suggestion is for you to get off your high horse and act in a more contrite manner, and with humility. It just might endear you more toward others. Showing a bit of a friendly attitude goes a long way.


I recommend you get a hold of Dale Carnegie's Book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People."




#46087 All caps Koine Greek

Posted by APsit190 on 22 March 2024 - 12:37 AM in Module Requests

Simply use a Koine Greek font that uses all caps.

Or alternatively, get a Greek font that is totally upper case, and not lower case.


That's what I like to call, "A real hard case." ROFL.gif

#46019 Amplified Bible NIV version for mysword

Posted by APsit190 on 28 February 2024 - 01:14 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

If you have the e-Sword versions either of those they can be converted for MySword using Simple Bible Reader


The NIV and Amplified Bibles are locked resources, and cannot be converted using Simple Bible Reader. Moreover, when you give advice like this (as much as I hate saying this), you're, ummm, condoning a criminal activity :ph34r: :lol:. Naughty boy!!!




#45948 Any way to change text and highlighting colors that appear upon selecting a t...

Posted by APsit190 on 18 February 2024 - 06:13 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

It is not an O/S problem.  The developer just does not want to do it. 

And that is where it actually lies whether one likes it or not. If one doesn't like it, too bad!


That said, remember that the developer/programmer/author of the program is in total control, and has the right to make it according to his taste and liking. And also to what he thinks works best. But more importantly, the developer has to make the program efficient to be able to work in its environment effectively without using or gobbling up the computers resources to where it will cause a crash.


However, from what I'm seeing, its the highlighted color when Selecting text as a result of dragging the cursor over it. That is caused by the Text Control, and not on the programmer's choice, and that cannot be changed—At all. Period! Totally outside of the developer's purview.


Maybe I should do a video about this, and plonk it up here. (Tomorrow or whenever).



Stephen (Php 1:21).

#45883 Arabic bibles and viewing the text right to left

Posted by APsit190 on 08 February 2024 - 04:35 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers


I can't be bothered answering your irrelevant questions which have nothing to do with the topic.


If you want the kind of information then I suggest you take the time to learn how to use a DBMS such as SQLite.


I've uploaded documentation about how e-Sword reads Database files, which covers some of the question you ask

#45875 Arabic bibles and viewing the text right to left

Posted by APsit190 on 07 February 2024 - 05:39 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Good day to you, Stephen (also known as APsit190), is your audio "on" for this video? Please view it from this website and check that you can hear your reply. 


#45869 Arabic bibles and viewing the text right to left

Posted by APsit190 on 06 February 2024 - 04:39 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hello everyone.
Using Simple Bible Reader, I converted an Arabic dialect bible into e-Sword format. It imports correctly, but it displays the bible text in an incorrect manner. The problem that I see is that e-Sword is treating it as a left-to-right language but it should be displayed right-to-left. The Arabic SVD bible I downloaded from the built in repository works correctly, so I am wondering how I can modify the bible file I created to tell e-Sword to display it right-to-left. I looked through every part of options/settings and don't see a way to do it from the application itself.
Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?

See video below for the fix.



Trust you find this video helpful.


Notice that this is Take #2 of the original video, which I have taken down and deleted. I've also taken the care to explain and show what the cause was for the lack audio in the 1st video.




#46264 Are there strong tool tips on e sword x on Mac OS somona

Posted by APsit190 on 17 May 2024 - 10:55 AM in e-Sword 8.x

Good evening.

I am wondering if there is a way I can view strong tool tips just as in e sword for windows.
I have e sword x but they don't seem to show when I hover a strong number and when I click it, it doesn't show in the lexicons.

I have attached to screenshots one showing the tool tip in windows and another not showing the tool tip on mac


I am using e sword x 9.2

Thank you so much

The probable cause for tootips not showing on e-Sword X is that you don't have a Strong's numbered Greek/Hebrew Lexicon (lexi) installed on your machine. Another possibility is that you haven't selected the Strong's Lexicon. So, it might pay to either check to see if you have it installed and/or selected.




#44733 Arranging window panes within E-Sword

Posted by APsit190 on 21 July 2023 - 01:38 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Post like 7 years old, but for any new visitors here looking for an answer like I did ... check this tutorial, I reckon this is what you are looking for & works like a charm ... https://www.e-sword..../workspace.html

And there's this video I did a tad over a year ago on this very topic.



Trust this will also prove helpful.




#45314 Audio Sermon not working after up-grade from 10.3 to 10.4

Posted by APsit190 on 08 November 2023 - 05:03 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

e-Sword has two built in audio functions, one is for select bible translations and the other is for audio sermons.

The audio bible feature is for the following translations:

KJV, KJV-BRG, ESV, CEV, WEB, NRSV and Spanish PDT Bibles.

All audio Bibles are generously provided by Bible.is, a ministry of Faith Comes By Hearing.

The audio sermon feature can be accessed by clicking Tools from the e-Sword Tools menu which will open the Tools drop down menu. From this menu select Sermon Audio to access a vast library of audio sermons 

Hmmm, as in Hmmm, me thinks that the NKJV should be added to that list. 'Nother thingy; me also thinks that this list can, and maybe should be expanded to about another half a dozen Bibles (that is 6 if you don't know what that is). So, what do ya reckon? Good idea?! :D




#44820 BeST 2

Posted by APsit190 on 05 August 2023 - 05:12 PM in Module Creation Tools

Search -

Thanks for the post. Many moons ago I tried to use Ben's eSword Tool; but was never able to get it to work for me. Ben was quite nice (I think he's still here, somewhere, by the way), but for the way I was building modules, it was simply easier to cut and paste right into eSword.


When T2 (eventually becoming T4 - the swiss army knife of eSword module building) was made available, I started using it, and helping Brent do some trouble shooting and Beta testing. It worked like I did; so it was easy for me to use.


My great thanks to Ben for his BeST tool, even though I was never able to utilize it. BeST was a forerunner of what made this site what it is today.

Hi Dave,

I've used BeST back in the day, and although it worked fine for me, I did find it somewhat complex to use.


If memory serves me correctly, I think initially BeST was developed to convert earlier versions of e-Sword files to be compatible with e-Sword version 8x. And then when version 9x came along BeST was updated to convert 8x to 9x specification.


With that said, when it came to converting e-Sword 8x resources to 9x specifications, the tool I used was "eSword9Converter" (created by Clint Branham) which is available on here and can be downloaded from here.





. And although that tool is able to convert top to topx and not to notx files, I just do that in e-Sword (which "converts automatically).

#44815 BeST 2

Posted by APsit190 on 05 August 2023 - 02:56 AM in Module Creation Tools

@ Searcher,

11 years ago was when the last comment was made. That's a long haul.



Stephen (Php 1:21)

#45315 BIBi Morphology not working in iPhone

Posted by APsit190 on 08 November 2023 - 05:24 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

BIBi morphology not working in iphone. I have the dictionary installed and Bibi installed. I am able to click on the strong's number and get a lookup because it is linked but the verbs, nouns, conj reference is not hyperlinked and I am not able to click on those to get a look. Am I missing a file?

What is the bbli translation or language you are referring to where the morphy thingy isn't working?


Another thing, Tod, its bbli for iOS, Mac, and Android devices. Not bibi.


Just had a thought: If you changed the file extension from bbli to bibi, that just might be the reason why the morphy isn't working. Just don't ask me why I had a thought like that, as I haven't got a clue.



