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There have been 33 items by Mike_S (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#13771 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by Mike_S on 04 November 2012 - 12:22 AM in Module Creation Tools

I believe e-Sword sorts chapters alpha(abc) / numerically(123) so you might need a 0 (zero) on the left if you have 10 or more chapters, to keep the sort order correct...?

01.0 : Chapter 1
01.1 : Subchapter 1a
01.2 : Subchapter 1b
02.0 : Chapter 2
02.1 : Subchapter 2a
02.2 : Subchapter 2b
10.0 : Chapter 10
10.1 : subchapter 10a
10.2 : subchapter 10b

The Tooltip NT User's Guide may help, see the Topics Modules section - page 27, Intro to Topic Numbering - page 30.

You might want to experiment with the chapter creation first, get a sort order you like, one that sorts properly, then add the content. Don't forget a bit of space between the chapter number and chapter title, helps with readability.

HTH :)

#11647 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by Mike_S on 13 August 2012 - 01:15 PM in Module Creation Tools

I ran TTTNT to get the latest update, v1.32, but it's tellimg me I'm up-to-date - is v1.30 the latest?

Update: I downloaded 1.32 from here so no worries.

#11698 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by Mike_S on 14 August 2012 - 04:11 PM in Module Creation Tools

Got it, updated, thanks :)

#11522 browser problems

Posted by Mike_S on 07 August 2012 - 07:44 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Are you saying you downloaded e-sword or firefox?  In FIREFOX under the TOOLS - OPTIONS-GENERAL tab you'll see an OPTION under DOWNLOADS where you can specify WHERE to save your file to. Once you have that specified go to that location and run the e-sword exe file to install it.

Good tip!

If by chance there is no default download location and instead 'Always ask me where to save files' is ticked you can find your download (in Firefox) this way, Tools - Downloads, or Ctrl+J, when the download dialog pops up right-click the file and select 'Open Containing Folder', this should open the location of your file in Windows Explorer.

#11646 browser problems

Posted by Mike_S on 13 August 2012 - 12:46 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

+1 to clint45's suggestion

This is issue has me pulling my hair out, the symptons in many cases make little sense. A neighbor's kid could likely get e-Sword installed and setup in a matter of moments.

#11532 browser problems

Posted by Mike_S on 08 August 2012 - 12:10 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers


os? optimal server..Don't have any idea what OS is if it is not this...I have e-sword on Internet explorer and as of the moment I am having some issue with it and hopefully big paws can help me out with the problem..As far as security issues no because I got my bookmarks from internet explorer with no problems.

As far as trying to download I only get the page where it say's talks about downloading and supporting..I have no doubt it is downloading because it say's finished afterwards and the when I right click well right back to where I was and we download again and again and again and nothing happens.

No, I have no clue what so ever in how to do this sorry :(

It also mentions something about a bimary file if I want to save it and I say yes..but what it does...got me.

By OS I mean operating system, the version of Windows you're using, XP, Vista, 7 - x86, x64?

I'm not sure what you mean by "I have e-Sword on Internet Explorer"?

Your bookmarks versus the security tools, anti-virus, malware, & firewall software that could be affecting your system are different topics altogether.

My advice at this point is to get a family member or friend to sit down with you and help you thru some of this, getting the e-Sword installer is pretty straight-forward, the direct link for the file can be found here - http://www.e-sword.net/downloads.html - it's as simple as clicking the white down arrow for the full installer (50.6 MB), and allowing the download to complete. Once done, double-clicking the file (setup1010.exe) should launch the installer, read carefully the instructions, select install.

In Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) if you right-click (once) setup1010.exe you should get a popup menu, scroll down to 'Properties'. When the 'Properties' dialog pops up, on the 'General' tab you should see 'Size', it should match the info I provided in my previous post - 50.6 MB (53,158,717 bytes).

#11527 browser problems

Posted by Mike_S on 07 August 2012 - 09:03 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Both; well I should say I downloaded firefox and supposedly e-sword but it seems to be invisible or intouchable all I get and see is the following setup1010(1).exe, setup1010(2).exe, setup1010(3).exe, setup1010(4).exe, setup1010(5).exe and yet none of them work...really starting to think that fiefox does not work w/my computer and or e-sword

Hi Bobby V :)

The (1), (2,)... etc means you have downloaded the same file a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th time.

What do you mean when you say the files are untouchable, invisible? Are you saying you cannot double-click the installer to install e-Sword, you might have something blocking the installer from running, firewall, av, or malware program...? You could try disabling any security software before running setup1010.exe.

Your OS may also be preventing certain file types from running, maybe even downloading, .exe files are common file types but, they're used for malware too so an OS can be setup to block unknown (unsafe) files from running.

Do you know how to check the md5sum of files, if so, this is what I'm getting:
Name: setup1010.exe
Size: 53,158,717 bytes
MD5: 1E01797B25E45ED135672CEB650540E9

If you get the right size, you should be good to go, atleast the download is complete!


#12492 Forgive me for not knowing, but what exactly is a 'module?'

Posted by Mike_S on 20 September 2012 - 12:52 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

If you have e-Sword 10 installed and running, open the User's Guide, select Help - Contents or F1 - Download Page Here. Searching for the term module will bring up numerous explanations, all dealing with e-Sword resources aka modules :)

Even better is the explanation given in the Tooltip NT User's Guide - see page 7. This guide is for e-Sword users who want to create content aka modules for e-Sword. This is still a useful read regardless if you want to create modules or not, if for no other reason than to see what goes into the creation of a Bible, Commentary, Dictionary, or Devotional to use as a study aid in e-Sword.


#13743 help for using topx files

Posted by Mike_S on 03 November 2012 - 05:27 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hi timothyng :)

I think (IMO) one of the biggest issues with e-Sword is the resource location limitations, the inability to make use of multiple folders, or select specific folders, ... e-Sword essentially expects to find certain resources in a single location, this puts hundreds of files in a single directory. Once you make a change, this is the new 'default' location until you change again.

One option if viewing the .topx files in the e-Sword Reference Library is to use the Filter Titles feature. You can find the entry box to the right of the Titles drop down. Depending on how the .topx files are named you may get files in your list that you weren't after, they simply had the same keyword, narrowing the search may help. To get all your files back in the list - clear the box and hit 'Filter Titles' (filter icon) again.

I hope one day I can move the resources to specific folders (of my choice) and have e-Sword detect them either by closing snd restarting e-Sword or simply hitting a 'ReScan' button to apply my new resources. I (personally) would like to have each 'type' or 'author' in single folders:


HTH :)

#13749 help for using topx files

Posted by Mike_S on 03 November 2012 - 05:55 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers


Agreed, tabs are nice Too! I think both could be easily implemented, the code (depending on the tool used) is likely at a forum, most languages have reusable sections of code for common features, VS, Python, a few tweaks specific to e-Sword... I might be over-simplifying it but e-Sword does have some strange limitations, especially for v10.x, again, JMO :)

#13779 Matthew Poole Commentary

Posted by Mike_S on 04 November 2012 - 07:27 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Updated for proper spelling after I found it. :)

Speaking of which, did someone mention that this module would be updated (I am aware of many dead verse links)?


Apparently Josh did :)

If you have the older version, I would uninstall it, install the updated Poole commentary, verify any remaining issues - then provide specific details of the problems so they can get fixed when someone has a chance - that would be my suggestion seeing that you are aware of them.

=> Matthew Poole Commentary (cmtx)

#13773 Module Announcements

Posted by Mike_S on 04 November 2012 - 01:23 AM in Website Feedback

@Ryan G

The filtering does work but for what you're after - it's a bit of a pain, not sure, you may only have to do this once.

When you're at New Content, select Filter by forum under Other - check only the forums you want new content listed, in this case you might uncheck any New XYZ Downloads forum - click Save. The page will reload minus posts with new downloads listed.

To list all forums once again, select Filter by forum - check Show results from all forums at top - click Save. The page will reload with results from all forums.

HTH :)

#10254 F1 not showing help

Posted by Mike_S on 21 June 2012 - 01:45 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

As far as I can tell, with e-Sword 10.1, if you have anything other than e-sword_guide_1006.pdf, when you start e-Sword it will reinstall a new guide. I just renamed e-sword_guide_1006.pdf to e-sword_guide_1005.pdf, when e-Sword started it extracted a new guide. I don't know why there is a hard coded version (or hash match) rather than simply e-sword_guide.pdf, this way if the guide should get updated before e-Sword you could overwrite the old guide with a new one, as it stands now, at least at my end, you alter the name of the guide, that would include updating it, e-Sword will overwrite the change.

OK, I renmaed the existing guide, dropped a random pdf in e-Sword, renamed to e-sword_guide_1006.pdf - worked. So the guide for 10.1 is hardcoded and as long as you rename any new guide to e-sword_guide_1006.pdf, F1 works, loads the new pdf.

#9709 Need Help Transfering to New Computer

Posted by Mike_S on 01 June 2012 - 08:00 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Can anyone help with tranfering e-Sword notes and translations, commentaries, etc to a new computer?  I copied the files to the new computer and run the e-sword setup but it is still not loading any of the translations or other info I have collected since I have been using e-Sword.

This is an important detail (should be provided in opening post), what version are you upgrading from, 7x, 8x, 9x, or simply installing 10x on a second computer?

Page 55 from e-Sword 10x guide 1006 - assuming you're using compatible resources:

Raw e-Sword Resources

Copy the following resource types to your “c:\program files\e-sword” folder

Bible (.bblx), Commentary (.cmtx), Dictionary (.dctx), Topics File (.topx),
Reference Library (.refx), Harmonies (.harx), Devotionals (.devx)

*64-bit versions of Windows use a slightly different e-Sword program files folder:
“c:\program files (x86)\e-sword”.

Copy the following resource types to your “my documents\e-sword” folder.

Bible Reading Plan (.brpx), Memory Verse List (.memx), Verse List (.lstx)

#13745 Module Announcements

Posted by Mike_S on 03 November 2012 - 05:45 AM in Website Feedback

I agree with Ryan's sentiment essentially, it's a flood of multiple posts that could be easily solved if (like Josh has done) a collection was created when posting files by the same author.

A single file as the collection or individual files can be downloaded, here's an example: - http://www.biblesupp...ction-32-files/

You'll need to click Download => Agree & Download => Can You Walk & Chew Gum => Don't Eat With Your Mouth Full, once you've clicked your way to the files you'll see the single exe (first file) and then the list of individual files for download.