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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Dec 10 2014 05:02 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 01 2018 08:44 PM
  • File Size: 25.11MB
  • Views: 23503
  • Downloads: 9,085
  • Author: MLV Editors
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: MLVDC+G
  • Suggest New Tag:: MLV Concordance, Dictionary, Greek Dictionary, Greek Concordance, Majority text 2005/2010, Word Studies, Tense Voice Mood, Strong's Numbers, Exegesis

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Modern Literal Version 2019 Plus + Greek 2018.11.25

* * * * - 10 Votes
Copyrighted Word Study Greek Literal New Testament Theology Biblical Studies Exegesis
MLV Editors

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Suggest New Tag::
MLV Concordance, Dictionary, Greek Dictionary, Greek Concordance, Majority text 2005/2010, Word Studies, Tense Voice Mood, Strong's Numbers, Exegesis

This is the 11.25.2018 update to a combination e-Sword dictionary file that contains the Modern Literal Version 2019 Concordance with links to the Greek Dictionary, the Greek Dictionary with addition dictionary like supplements to help better explain the English or underlying Greek word, and a Greek concordance to the Majority Text (“The New Testament in the Original Greek Byzantine Textform 2018 Compiled and Arranged by Maurice A. Robinson and William Pierpont”). Classic Greek synonyms discussions from Strong, Thayer and Berry are also included and linked from the Greek word in the Greek Dictionary section. Robinson's Morphological Analysis Codes (previously RMAC.dict) was edited to add all forms currently used in other e-Sword or similar modules. Even though this caters to the MLV & the Byzantine Textform, minority text wording is included.

Why it is described as a "Plus version" is that you can click on about 98% of the words in the Modern Literal Version 2017, and then in this dictionary window, you will have access to all of the above in a matter of seconds and a lot more, 4222 pages worth. We like to call this Plus +. Here you can study exactly what God said on any subject if you can narrow it down to a word like: grace, immersion, faith in the N.T.

The Greek sections, dictionary, concordance, TVM, synonyms can be used as a standalone but the English Concordance is ONLY for the Modern Literal Version. This one more resource available to make sure the Modern Literal Version is always "Thus saith the Greek." This is the most comprehensive Dictionary at biblesupport now at 3,400+ pages.

You will first need the "Modern Literal Version 2019 Update" located here:

(Both files are actually one zip file.)

(This module contains both O.T. & N.T; this dictionary is only for the New Testament at present.)

(You do not need the MLVDC.dict file there and you should delete it if on your computer already; just the MLV2017.bblx file).

Robinson's Tense Voice Mood Dictionary Section (V-2AAI-1P) is now updated to reflect every tense of every parsed electronic text we could locate.

New feature, do you know the Greek word, but do not remember Strong's Number? In the Dictionary Search window at the right type in:
(transliterated Aaron, G2, according to the Window Standard Font "Symbol", one note to remember ending Sigma is a capital V.)
and you will have Strong's G-number link.
Ctrl + left mouse click, will take you there.

The directions.zip is directions with pretty picture on how to set this all up.

The Greek Addons is the 2017 unofficial Byzantine Majority Textform (GNT-BYZ+.bblx) and a "New New Testament Greek Interlinear" (TRi.bblx) one from a link from here and one from David Cox's website. They are to help any student of Greek to compare the MLV to the Greek or to find wording not listed in the Dictionary / Concordance. We will be updating to the 2018 version soon God willing.

Two Options for installing on a PC.

1. Using the biblesupport module installer.
A. Download and install the following Module installer from biblbesupport.com

B. Double click the program & run it; (not a lot really happens).

Then whenever you download any "Modern Literal Version" or any of its modules just double click the file and the "Module Installer" will do the rest.

2. The Windows way; installation on Windows PC:
A. Download the files in onto the Desktop or wherever you can locate them. Right click the files and left click copy.
B. Double click "My Computer (XP), Computer (Vista, Win 7, Win 8), This PC (Win 8.1, Win 10)" icon from the desktop or Start menu.
(If your Win 8 has not been redone by a professional to be XP look & feel. Press Windows Key + R to get to the RUN command, type in "explorer" press enter.)
C. Browse to your C Drive (C:) and then to: C:\Program Files\e-Sword OR C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword
In the e-Sword folder Right Click and Left Click "Paste". Overwrite if asked. IF you have MLV(2014) or other versions you will need to Left Click ONCE then hit delete on the keyboard to remove them or else the new MLV 2015 file will not work. (In e-Sword it will be labeled "MLV 2019" in the Bibles Tab. If you have MLVDC.dict file you can delete it, no longer needed too. This Dictionary is labeled
MLVDC+G on the Tab .

Now click on MLVDC+G tab and click on the DIRECTIONS in the right column to have a more in depth explanation of how to do the ultimate "Word study" of the wording in God's word.

Note: the Greek Lexicon contained here can be a replacement for Strong's dictionary in the N.T. The Greek Concordance will work for any majority text or translation.

Hope you find this as helpful as we have.

(This is all part of The New Koine Greek Textbook Series Vol. I-III available in book form at amazon.com. Please excuse the mess... this is a 'continued work in progress'. In 2018 this will grow about 1000+ pages once the US Library of Congress copyright is secured.) IF the Modern Literal Version and its dictionary was an Official e-Sword module then we would include the New Koine Greek Textbook IV & V; another 1800 pages available as the "Analytical Lexicon with Concordance" on Amazon.

Other non-e-Sword formats are available from www.ModernLiteralVersion.org website for your phones (HTML & PDF).

What's New in Version 2018.11.25 (See full changelog)

  • The beginning 11.20.14 of this Open Project
  • Current compile 12.10.14
  • There is a delay on the Feb. update with the extra 800 pages.
  • 2.7.15 Update. Now the dictionary & concordance + Greek Lexicon & Greek concordance is up to 3200+
  • pages. Lots of problems in conversion were fixed. Word studies are now have more info than before.
  • 2.18.15 Added another download to help the student of Greek. Or for any to compare the MLV to the Greek.
  • 9.21.15 Release of the 2016 Beta
  • 11.15.2015 New upload of the dictionary to reflect better sync with the 2016 Beta Modern Literal Version and with expanded entries.
  • 2.4.16 Upload of newer version more inline with the Modern Literal Version 2016. This file is 100 pages larger than the last update, about 3300 pages total.
  • 2.8.16 Still having problems with the compile of 3300 pages. Please excuse any mess or funny non-Greek characters you see. They were not in the original RTF file.
  • 2.13.16 Minor fixes again due to compiling issues.
  • 11.13.16 Alpha version to Beta Version and in line with Modern Literal Version 2017 Update, 3300 pages.
  • 8.18.2017 Upload, now 3,453 pages.
  • Robinson's Tense Voice Mood Dictionary Section (V-2AAI-1P) is now updated to reflex every tense of every parsed electronic text we could locate.
  • New feature, do you know the Greek word, but do not remember Strong's Number? In the Dictionary Search window at the right type in:
  • #Aaron
  • and you will have Strong's G-number link. Ctrl + left mouse click, will take you there.
  • 11.25.2018
  • The Modern Literal Version Dictionary has grown to 4222 pages from the previous 3400. More accurate and more precise for the true Bible student.


Screenshots Screenshots Screenshots Screenshots

I tried to download but have to buy WinZip. So I decided not to.


Ken Moore

If your looking to open the zip file, a free programs such as 7-zip should work.



Peazip too.

I tried to download but have to buy WinZip. So I decided not to.


Ken Moore



If your looking to open the zip file, a free programs such as 7-zip should work.





Peazip too.


OK, here's the best part of it, and I'm going to assume that none of you guys are using Windows XP; instead you're using Windows 7 and/or above.


Now, when it comes to zip files, Windows Explorer (File Explorer) handles zip files as folders. Let me say that again: Windows Explorer (File Explorer) handles zip files as folders. Now this is important because it means you no longer require a compression program such as those you guys have mentioned to access those resource files. You can do it just from Windows file managing system, and then open the archive in the Tree View, and then simply either copy and paste, or drag and drop those files to where you want them.


I only use Zip type programs to compress the files, and then from there to create them  as a self executing archive. I do not use any zip (compression) program to access files from a zip file, but just drag and drop them to where I want them from Windows File Explorer (as it is known in Windows 8, 8.1, and 10).





OK, here's the best part of it, and I'm going to assume that none of you guys are using Windows XP; instead you're using Windows 7 and/or above.


That should have been "...aren't using Windows XP." Sorry about the typo.

Win XP upward has a standard unzipping program they just call is "compressed folders".  Double click any zipped file it will open like a folder does.  Copy the contents inside the folder and paste into c:\program files\e-Sword folder.

Win XP 64 or any other Windows 64 bit folders:


c:\program files (x86)\e-Sword


overwrite any files there.


delete out any older MLV????.bblx files or the new MLV will not show up as current version.  There is dates added to all the modules not in the "information" sections.

I was trying to download MLV 2019  for E-Sword but no bible file is downloaded.

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