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Kamau Mweru

Member Since 16 May 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2023 02:41 PM

#36579 Font preference not working

Posted by Kamau Mweru on 31 August 2019 - 11:32 AM

Just want to report my findings and actions.

When I logged in as another user the fontsetting worked so obviously something happened to my user profile.

Searched long but could not find what it was so I deleted my user profile including all data. Restarted the computer and made a new user profile.

In this new profile the font setting works.

It is a drastic measure and a lot of settings etc. have to be made again. But at least e-Sword has a good font again.

Strange that no other programs were affected.

/Kjell aka Kamau

#36555 Font preference not working

Posted by Kamau Mweru on 30 August 2019 - 07:13 AM



I updated to Version 12.0.1 and it seems that I can not select font any more.


The font displayed seems to be a small size courier, not at all convenient.


I have tried Options -> Font settings but no effect.


Any suggestions?


My preference would be Arial 12pt.




/Kjell aka Kamau





#36383 Which coding or cryption?

Posted by Kamau Mweru on 16 August 2019 - 11:40 AM

In the database Matt. 1:1 which reads: "Detta är boken om Jesu Kristi, Davids sons, Abrahams sons, släkttavla."; Looks like this:


What kind of cryption or coding is used?

How can I crypt/decrypt or code/decode?

(The text is in Swedish language.)

/Kjell aka Kamau


#21097 Using e-Sword ToolTip Tool

Posted by Kamau Mweru on 17 May 2014 - 02:57 PM

Hi, I am new to this forum. Rick recommended it to me in an email.

I have text to a few bible versions that are not available in the public domain. So, I wanted to make a bible-module type *.bblx in order to use them in the program.

I downloaded the ToolTip Tool and made myself a file of one of the versions.

#define description=Dutch NBG 1951
#define abbreviation=NBG51
#define comments=Will fill in later
#define version=1

#define strong=0
#define right2left=0
#define ot=1
#define nt=1
#define font=DEFAULT
#define apocrypha=0

÷[Gen]/1:1 In den beginne schiep God de hemel en de aarde.
[Gen]/1:2 De aarde nu was woest en ledig, en duisternis lag op de vloed, en de Geest Gods zweefde over de wateren.
[Gen]/1:3 En God zeide: Er zij licht; en er was licht.
[Gen]/1:4 En God zag, dat het licht goed was, en God maakte scheiding tussen het licht en de duisternis.
[Gen]/1:5 En God noemde het licht dag, en de duisternis noemde Hij nacht. Toen was het avond geweest en het was morgen geweest: de eerste dag.
[Rev]/22:17 En de Geest en de bruid zeggen: Kom! En wie het hoort, zegge: Kom! En wie dorst heeft, kome, en wie wil, neme het water des levens om niet.
[Rev]/22:18 Ik betuig aan een ieder, die de woorden der profetie van dit boek hoort: Indien iemand hieraan toevoegt, God zal hem toevoegen de plagen, die in dit boek beschreven zijn;
[Rev]/22:19 en indien iemand afneemt van de woorden van het boek dezer profetie, God zal zijn deel afnemen van het geboomte des levens en van de heilige stad, welke in dit boek beschreven zijn.
[Rev]/22:20 Hij, die deze dingen getuigt, zegt: Ja, Ik kom spoedig. Amen, kom, Here Jezus!
[Rev]/22:21 De genade van de Here Jezus zij met allen.

But when I try to generate the bblx-file I get no bible text included. The structure of the SQLite file is okay and the Details table is filled in properly from the hashed header above.

Also the Bible table is created but it is empty.

I tried both Save Bible File [book]/chap:verse -- plain text, and Save Bible File [book]/chap:verse -- RTF

When using the RTF option I can see in the status bar that the program runs through all 66 books.

When using the plain text option the message that the file has been generated comes rather quickly.

In both cases the result is the same, no text data in the bblx-file.

What am I missing here?

