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There have been 49 items by PeanutGallery (Search limited from 29-April 23)

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#46125 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by PeanutGallery on 30 March 2024 - 12:57 AM in Module Creation Tools

I don't need the apocrypha just haven't seen any modules with it.

I'm curious what I need to have in each line.

Is there a list of abbreviations I need to use for the different books ?

I have a Bible txt file and want to make a module from it.


Sample: You could also use Tooltip NT to import/read a completed Bible to see how it is formatted. And read user guide.

It's been awhile since I used Tooltip, I use DB Browser for editing.


÷Gen 1:1 Au commencement Dieu créa le ciel et la terre.
Gen 1:2 Et la terre était sans forme, et vide, et les ténèbres étaient sur la face de l'abîme; et l'Esprit de Dieu se mouvait sur le dessus des eaux.
Gen 1:3 Et Dieu dit: Que la lumière soit; et la lumière fut.
Gen 1:4 Et Dieu vit que la lumière était bonne; et Dieu sépara la lumière des ténèbres.
Exo 1:1 [Or ce sont] ici les noms des enfants d'Israël, qui entrèrent en Egypte, chacun desquels y entra avec Jacob, et leur famille.
Exo 1:2 Ruben, Siméon, Lévi, et Juda,
Exo 1:3 Issachar, Zabulon, et Benjamin,
Exo 1:4 Dan, et Nephtali, Gad, et Aser.
Exo 1:5 Toutes les personnes issues de la hanche de Jacob, étaient soixante et dix, avec Joseph qui était en Egypte.
3Jo 1:1 L'ancien à Gaïus le bien-aimé, lequel j'aime en vérité.
3Jo 1:2 Bien-aimé, je souhaite que tu prospères en toutes choses, et que tu sois en santé, comme ton âme est en prospérité.
3Jo 1:3 Car je me suis fort réjoui quand les frères sont venus, et ont rendu témoignage de ta sincérité, et comment tu marches dans la vérité.
3Jo 1:4 Je n'ai point de plus grande joie que celle-ci, qui est d'entendre que mes enfants marchent dans la vérité.
Jud 1:1 Jude, serviteur de Jésus-Christ et frère de Jacques, à ceux qui sont sanctifiés par Dieu le Père et préservés en Jésus-Christ, et appelés: Jude 1:2 Que la miséricorde, la paix, et l'amour vous soient multipliés.
Jud 1:3 Mes bien-aimés, comme j'ai mis toute la diligence à vous écrire du salut qui nous est commun, il m'a été nécessaire de vous écrire pour vous exhorter à soutenir le combat pour la foi qui a été une fois délivrée aux saints.
Jud 1:4 Car quelques-uns se sont glissés parmi vous, qui dès longtemps auparavant ont été écrits pour une telle condamnation; gens sans piété, qui transforme la grâce de notre Dieu en dissolution, et qui renoncent le seul Seigneur Dieu, et notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ.
Jud 1:5 Or je veux vous faire souvenir d'une chose que vous savez déjà, c'est que le Seigneur ayant délivré le peuple du pays d'Egypte, il détruisit ensuite ceux qui n'avaient point cru;
Rev 1:1 La Révélation de Jésus-Christ, que Dieu lui a donnée pour découvrir à ses serviteurs les choses qui doivent arriver bientôt, et qui les a fait connaître en les envoyant par son ange à Jean son serviteur;
Rev 1:2 Qui a annoncé la parole de Dieu, et le témoignage de Jésus-Christ, et toutes les choses qu'il a vues.
Rev 1:3 Bienheureux est celui qui lit, et ceux qui écoutent les paroles de cette prophétie, et qui gardent les choses qui y sont écrites: car le temps est à la main.
Rev 22:21 Que la grâce de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ soit avec vous tous, Amen!

#46115 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by PeanutGallery on 29 March 2024 - 09:24 AM in Module Creation Tools

    ToolTipTool NT 20190819.exe ; I find to be most stable; complete removal of current installation of ToolTip NT is needed to avoid .dll conflicts.



#46074 Linux Mint 20: E-Sword 12 search not linking to verse results

Posted by PeanutGallery on 15 March 2024 - 10:02 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

There is an alternative to using Wine on Linux and that is a program called Crossover Linux from Codeweavers that might help e-Sword function better


 I use e-Sword 11 and 12 on MXLinux 19 and 21. I have not run into any problems.


As for dll's, winehq.org once had a listing for e-Sword and suggested the following dll's:

mfc42.dll , msls31 , msxml3 . msxml6 , vbrun6 , vcrun6 , wsh57 , corefonts

#46025 Windows 7 problem? Downloads won't even start

Posted by PeanutGallery on 29 February 2024 - 02:48 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Had the same problem with e-Sword 12; tried all suggestions, but could not access modules from Downloads menu.  Turns out, CMOS battery was dead on laptop; date and time way out of range. Set up correct date and time and I was able to access modules from the Download menu.

#46022 What's Still Broken As Of e-Sword 11.06?

Posted by PeanutGallery on 29 February 2024 - 07:13 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hi Jim,
Below is a video which will help you to upload a resource on this site.

... icon

While watching video I was waiting for the [Attach] button to be pressed to see what would happen; in my case, when I press the [Attach] button no action is visible, no progress bar, no spinning wheel. I wait until the [Browse] turns into an icon; only then do I know the file has been successfully attached, after that can I press the [Submit] button.

#46010 There appears to be an error with the database

Posted by PeanutGallery on 25 February 2024 - 08:56 AM in Website Feedback

Seems to be fixed; thanks


Msg: There appears to be an error with the database.

#45840 Creating Bible Modules with Strong's Numbers

Posted by PeanutGallery on 25 January 2024 - 06:05 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

There 8674 Strong's Number for Hebrew words and 5624 Strong's Numbers for Greek words in order to add all of the Strong's number to a bible text will require using the Find and Replace method 14298 times. 


More than that; what about words like 'love' that use different Strong Numbers. A global search/replace would complicate things.

#45818 e-sword do not start anymore

Posted by PeanutGallery on 19 January 2024 - 11:54 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers



The message I recieve is: 


“The feature you are trying to use is on a network that is unavailable....

Sounds like you are using e-Sword installed on a network, instead of a standalone e-Sword.

#45729 My E-Sword is crashing shortly after opening the program.

Posted by PeanutGallery on 02 January 2024 - 09:05 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Yep, that's what happens then you remove default resources that Uncle Rick deemed necessary for e-Sword to run, such as the KJV etc.

Site: https://www.e-sword.net/downloads.html


Removal of any modules from the starter pack would not be advised.

You need this to get started. This basic installation includes the King James Bible and the King James with Strong's numbers study Bible, the Strong's Lexicon, Smith's Bible dictionary, Meyer's devotional commentary, and the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge cross references.


#45536 e-sword for Linux?

Posted by PeanutGallery on 02 December 2023 - 02:28 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers


I don't know what's changed, but this has been the smoothest install of e-Sword on Linux that I've experienced.  


I hope this helps.

Are you able to access modules from e_Sword v.12 Download menu? That's where I ran into problems, and had to stick with v.11

#45458 Is there a place to download e-Sword 8x or older?

Posted by PeanutGallery on 21 November 2023 - 06:02 AM in e-Sword 8.x

A web source of older versions of e-Sword.exe is found at https://e-sword.informer.com/versions/


e-Sword v.11 not listed; however it can be found at:



#45438 Easy Install and Run e-sword on linux using Crossover, wine.

Posted by PeanutGallery on 16 November 2023 - 06:30 AM in Tutorials

... As noted I use PlayOnLinux, but development has stopped and so now it is broken on the latest versions of various Linuxes....


Oh, that's what happened? I just upgraded to a new version of Debian based Linux and POL received multiple errors, so I had to use Wine, winecfg,and winetricks to install e-Sword v.11

#45368 Jewish Encyclopedia update 11/06/2023

Posted by PeanutGallery on 14 November 2023 - 08:04 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Any method this is shared is greatly appreciated but a single module would be nice if not a huge inconvenience. I'm also hopeful there will be mysword compatibility.

500MB module would definitely slow down processing, especially if it is indexed.

Simple Bible Reader can  convert to mysword.

#45355 Jewish Encyclopedia update 11/06/2023

Posted by PeanutGallery on 13 November 2023 - 11:06 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Cyclopedia in the Downloads is broken into parts; one could follow that pattern.

#45343 e-Sword 11.10 installed into Linux

Posted by PeanutGallery on 11 November 2023 - 09:24 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I am one of those who would very much like to use Linux exclusively, but I am completely inept at writing programming script for Linux or any other operating system.  Someone please create a simple installer for e-sword on Linux.

One needs Wine, Winetricks, Winecfg; the closest to GUI free version is PlayOnLinux. Depending on Linux version, debugging is more likely than scripting to accomplish self-install.


Download e-Sword v.11 not v.13; v.12 may work but it does have issues with Wine.