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There have been 171 items by APsit190 (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#46319 Mysword journals

Posted by APsit190 on 02 June 2024 - 11:36 AM in MySword

I still have problems with mysword regarding right to left languages. It is even harder in the tablet of the phone. 


Is there a windows software that allows me to open and edit MySword journals *jor.mybible ?


Can ToolTip Tool NT do that?



No it can't. As to what you can use, the only thing I can think of is SQLite. However you need some knowledge of HTML code for any text formating you wish to do.


Any responces and replies I make from the 7 - 25 of June will be from 10 different countries in the Bolkan region in 16 days.

#46280 How to get e-sword files from my andoid phone into Windows 10

Posted by APsit190 on 25 May 2024 - 12:58 AM in Tutorials

Hi, I purchased a commentary resource from E-study source and used the downloader on my phone into e-sword because the downloader in e-sword on my windows 10 machine does not seem to download resources from e-study source. Is there a way for me to copy the files from my android into e-sword on my windows 10 system. Can someone please help!



There's no need to. If you made a purchase of any resource for your phone, that is a one off payment. All other subsequent downloads on any other device you're running e-Sword on is free. So just use the download manager, click on the resource you want to download, and enter in the licence code and then hit the OK button, and you should be OK.




#46264 Are there strong tool tips on e sword x on Mac OS somona

Posted by APsit190 on 17 May 2024 - 10:55 AM in e-Sword 8.x

Good evening.

I am wondering if there is a way I can view strong tool tips just as in e sword for windows.
I have e sword x but they don't seem to show when I hover a strong number and when I click it, it doesn't show in the lexicons.

I have attached to screenshots one showing the tool tip in windows and another not showing the tool tip on mac


I am using e sword x 9.2

Thank you so much

The probable cause for tootips not showing on e-Sword X is that you don't have a Strong's numbered Greek/Hebrew Lexicon (lexi) installed on your machine. Another possibility is that you haven't selected the Strong's Lexicon. So, it might pay to either check to see if you have it installed and/or selected.




#46256 Bibles missing verses

Posted by APsit190 on 13 May 2024 - 09:41 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

When it comes to OT Translations, my thoughts the best one's to go for are those translated from the Jewish Tanakh. The reason is that these have not been changed by Jewish scribes and are always have been consistently accurate since year dot.

#46253 Bibles missing verses

Posted by APsit190 on 13 May 2024 - 01:29 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hey Guys,


I have come across two bibles that are missing 1 Samuel 13:1 


The Bible in Basic English and The Good News Bible


I was doing a compare of 1 Samuel 13:1 and I noticed that those two bibles that are in E-sword were not in the compare list, so I went to each one individually and both bibles start at verse 2, with verse 1 just not there.


is there any rhyme or reason for this, and are there other translations that are also missing verse 1?


As always thanks.


It's not so much as Bibles are missing verses; rather it's the way the verses have been arranged.


Some translations have combined verses into another verse, or have even simply cut out a verse and added the text into another verse.


You must remember that Chapter and Verse divisions are relatively a "modern" invention. Here is an article from Got Questions on the historicity of Chapter and Verse divisions:


The chapter divisions commonly used today were developed by Stephen Langton, an Archbishop of Canterbury. Langton put the modern chapter divisions into place in around A.D. 1227. The Wycliffe English Bible of 1382 was the first Bible to use this chapter pattern. Since the Wycliffe Bible, nearly all Bible translations have followed Langton’s chapter divisions.

The Hebrew Old Testament was divided into verses by a Jewish rabbi by the name of Nathan in A.D. 1448. Robert Estienne, who was also known as Stephanus, was the first to divide the New Testament into standard numbered verses, in 1555. Stephanus essentially used Nathan’s verse divisions for the Old Testament. Since that time, beginning with the Geneva Bible, the chapter and verse divisions employed by Stephanus have been accepted into nearly all the Bible versions.


Note that there is not an actual official agreed set standard as to how many chapters and verses there should be in the Bible. The Roman Catholic Bible and the Tanakh (Jewish OT) has 1 extra chapter (psalm) in the Book of Psalms. It can be as many as whatever you may want to have, or not have if that's the way you want to go. And that I find amazing.


Trust you find this information helpful to you.




#46236 Modules for Tonga bible

Posted by APsit190 on 05 May 2024 - 10:36 AM in Module Requests

Xitsonga 1989 complete Bible.

Hi Olaf,

Thanks for giving the correct name of that Bible, as at least everyone will know what the correct spelling is for that that Bible.


Bottom line is that one can see there's a huge difference between Tsonga/Xitsonga  and Tonga. Just not the same, hey mate.




#46229 MyBible has failed to retrieve the registry

Posted by APsit190 on 02 May 2024 - 04:35 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

My device is Android 4.4.4 KitKat; it needs to upgrade to v5 Lollipop.

However, it does give me an idea to see if v5 is available for download. on micro disk; even Samsung Kies does not help.

Online Bible app does provide search functions that meets the basic needs on KitKat; I can live with that.

Hey! I never thought of that at all


I've (still) got a Samsung Note Pro (12.2" screen), which has Lollipop on it, and was originally KitKat. So, yeah. I reckon that will and should work.


Let us how you get on with that upgrade.





#46224 MyBible has failed to retrieve the registry

Posted by APsit190 on 01 May 2024 - 02:52 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I picked up a Samsung Tablet at a garage sale for $2.00. It comes with Android 4.4.4.


The only MyBible app I was able to install was MyBible 4.8.9; other versions failed due to parsing error.


However, every time I start MyBible I get following error:

"MyBible has failed to retrieve the registry of downloadable modules"


My guess, Android 4.4.4 no longer supported by MyBible; not really a big deal, the only advantage is the good search capabilities.


Any Bible apps with good search capabilities that would work on an old Android 4.4.4?

Try this out, and see how it goes:

 Click here to download KitKat (version 4.4) on a USB drive, and then manually install it on your $2.00 device.


I dunno how old that device is (you bought), and can't tell you if its compatible for it. That said, you can give it a go and see how well it will work out for you.


That said, if your device is either Honeycomb or a couple versions below that, then my guess is you shouldn't have any hassles installing KitKat on it.


That also said, the only way you're going to know is by giving it a go.




#46210 Modules for Tonga bible

Posted by APsit190 on 24 April 2024 - 02:29 PM in Module Requests

The Tongan Bible that is available in the e-Sword Download Manager, is in the Tongan language (which is somewhat similar to Te Reo Maori). So, as to how helpful that would be to Allen in his Zimbabwean and Zambian studies is anyone's guess due to the fact that Tonga is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean and Zimbabwe and Zambia are countries in the African Continent.

#46206 Cannot Download Anything

Posted by APsit190 on 23 April 2024 - 02:20 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Need a little please.  Not sure what happened but I can no longer download any thing from this site.  When I click on a download link I gret a "Download securely" note and then I am unable to download.  This has never been an issue before today.  Any help would be appreciated.
What Browser are you using?

It could have recently been updated to not play well with insecure (not https) connected sites such as http://www.biblesupport.com

I am using chrome, and always have to go to the download icon and select "Keep" for that download.

I use Firefox, and never had an issue with that in relation to this site (or any other site). At all!


That said, I reckon that Josh is going to have to or forced to go with the HTTPS due to HTTP will eventually become no longer be available.



So if you're the Windows default Browser, Edge and experiencing difficulties with it. Give it the boot, and use either Google Chrome or Firefox.




#46202 Some Pocket e-Sword Birthdays

Posted by APsit190 on 22 April 2024 - 04:07 PM in Pocket e-Sword

I still have and use my Windows Pocket PC. I would love to know how can convert some of my current modules to the Pocket eSword version.

Now, if my understanding/guess is correct, Pocket e-Sword resources were same as the old top, bbl etc (Microsoft's Access DB) used on pre e-Sword 9x days. So, as to whether or not the Simple Bible Reader can revert a e.g., a bbli or bblx file to a bbl one, I have extreme doubts about that. I could be wrong about that, and would be more than willing to admit it if it was actually shown or demonstrated to me. However, reading the documentation, you can only convert from the old format to the newer format. So, as the old saying goes, "There's no going back."




#46184 Perl scripts to convert e-Sword 9 bblx and cmtx modules to mysword

Posted by APsit190 on 19 April 2024 - 11:56 AM in MySword

You don't need the Perl scripts there is a conversion tool available called Simple Bible Reader, which can do the conversions. The program can convert between many different bible programs with ease. 

You can download the program here: 


Hi Higgsy,

May I suggest that you do a screen recording (video) or a series of screenshots of doing a conversion using Simple Bible Reader, and post it (the screen recording) or them (the screenshots) up on here.



Stephen (Php 1 21).

#46176 e-Sword X Not Remembering Views

Posted by APsit190 on 17 April 2024 - 12:08 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I'm a long time user of e-Sword and e-Sword X, and enjoy it immensely. On Windows or MacOS Sonoma I have no issue. I have one older Mac running MacOS Monterey 12.7.4 that has one annoying issue. It will not open to my preferred window layout. It opens with all panes open, all blank, except the commentary which is populated with my last used pages.  I have to select 'Bible, Commentary' pane preference every time, and then reselect a Bible chapter and verse. It's not terrible, just a little annoyance, and I was hoping maybe someone knew a way to fix it.



John LaPierre

Like you, I've noticed that my preferred view doesn't always "stick" in e-Sword X.


The other thing I've noticed is that the KJV+ Strongs refs panel has a habit of disappearing. If I toggle back and forth to the cross refs view it springs back to life.


As both are related to the "stickiness" of the view, perhaps related?

My suggestion is to contact Rick Meyers, giving him the information about your issues.


Just as a matter of interest, has the issues you guys are experiencing has been:

  1. Recent; as in just started to happen due to
    1. Recent update/upgrade or
    2. Recent new/fresh installation or
    3. It just began sort of like on its own accord
  2. On going since you first installed e-Sword X on you device?

By the way, the more information you can give to Rick Meyers (he's the bloke you authored e-Sword) as to what caused the issues you guys are experiencing, the better are the chances you have for a fix to the problem.


Another By the Way thingy. @ Glenn1611. Your "stickiness" thingy could be hardware related, i.e. lack of RAM or your Monitor is on its way out (getting ready to die), and needs to be replaced.

#46173 Seeking Expository Commentary by James Montgomery Boice

Posted by APsit190 on 16 April 2024 - 10:51 AM in Module Requests

Is there somewhere to read them online?

Google it up, and I'm sure you might find a website to read it online. :D



Stephen (Php 1:21).

#46162 How to open The book of Enoch

Posted by APsit190 on 08 April 2024 - 06:20 AM in Tutorials

Is there a “book of Enoch” for e-Sword. If so, where can I find ie and how do I install it. I would also like to have the Commentaries and other “reference” sections to go along with it just like there are for the “regular” books of the Bible. 

Thank You


Yes there is. Click here to either or both download it/them.


