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There have been 40 items by ebulerdo (Search limited from 25-May 23)

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#10673 How to reduce huge files

Posted by ebulerdo on 04 July 2012 - 04:54 PM in Module Requests

Hi ifffam

I've found a couple of files that, once unzipped, occupy around 80 Mb: the first is an interlinear hebrew bible study (HBS+ I believe...), and the other, iwh+p (there used to be another, called iwh+_97 or -97, of a similar size). [...]. Does anyone know how to verify if indeed those two huge bibles, HBS+ and iwh+p, are two or three-folded, and to reduce them accordingly?

You are right, the size of those Bibles is doubled. The reason is they were old e-Sword 8 files that were converted to e-Sword 9 format using an utility that creates databases in UTF16 format, that takes exactly double amount of space than normal text. Actually, the text is normal text, but the database reserves double space because it thinks it's UTF16.

It's not difficult to export the text to a new database set up as UTF8, and it's size will be cut by half. It took me a couple minutes to convert the LXX+WH+-97.bblx module, and its size is now reduced to 33Mb.

You can download the reduced file from http://www.mediafire...22b563o6fjbsrmp
If anybody wants to create the installer and update the existing file in BibleSupport's Download area, that would be nice.

I was thinking maybe some of the programmers here could write a small utility that would read all the modules in the e-Sword folder and in case they are in an UTF16 database, convert them to UTF8. That would save a lot of space and would allow e-Sword to handle the modules faster.



#6746 Finding textboxes in a Word document

Posted by ebulerdo on 24 February 2012 - 06:34 AM in Tips for Module Creation

Hi All

I have a Word document with a bible that has been scanned and OCRed by someone. The OCR software has put some of the text in textboxes, so I need to copy their content to the main text and then remove the textboxes. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be too many of them.

However, I haven't been able to find an easy way to locate the textboxes. Do you know of any code that can be used to find them (such as ^p for paragraphs), or if not possible, some macro that would help me locate them?



#6775 Finding textboxes in a Word document

Posted by ebulerdo on 24 February 2012 - 05:13 PM in Tips for Module Creation

Hi DSaw, Josh and Brad

Thank you for your answers. But...

Josh will likely have a better way but did you try revealing the formatting shift + F1 then select show all formatting marks
or if you find one try find similar formatting on the right click menu at bottom there should be select text with similar formatting

I tried those, but it only takes the format of the text inside the textbox, not the object itself.

1) Select the whole document in Word and copy.
2) Paste into Wordpad.
3) Select the whole document in Wordpad and copy.
4) Paste back into Word.

The textboxes are gone.

That's what I do when I want to get rid of textboxes. But in this case I need to copy their content first to the document. :-/

Or you could create and run this macro. If the document has tables in it, though, that you are wanting to keep, don't use this.

I will try that macro, but it seems it's for tables, not textboxes. I will tell you how it went.

Thank you!


#6779 Finding textboxes in a Word document

Posted by ebulerdo on 24 February 2012 - 05:45 PM in Tips for Module Creation

This works for me, when copying from Word to Wordpad and back. It retains the text from the table, but not the table itself. I'm using Word 2010.

You are right, it works. Thank you!


#8108 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by ebulerdo on 15 April 2012 - 08:27 AM in Module Creation Tools

Hi Brent

When does this happen? When you first start the program? I've not heard of any others having this issue. Any other error messages before this one?

I see it's not a problem with T4, but with my system. The same happens if I install any older version, that used to work fine. So it seems I have broken something, but what could it be? What does T4 rely on? NET Framework, maybe?

Thanks for your interest.


#8105 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by ebulerdo on 15 April 2012 - 05:39 AM in Module Creation Tools

Hi Brent

I just downloaded T4 1.10 and I'm getting a realy weird error.

When I run it I get a tx4ole17 error that says "The designated text area is too small for the new format settings". When I accept that a huge error window appears. I'm sending you a screenshot attached.


Did I break something in my system as usual, or is it a bug in the new version?

I'm running XP SP3, and all previous versions worked fine until now.


#8111 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by ebulerdo on 15 April 2012 - 08:55 AM in Module Creation Tools

Hi Brent

Try this first - delete the file: "C:\ProgramData\Tools4eSword\ToolTipTool.ini"
Then restart the program.

It's fixed. It seems Windows needed a restart. I should have tried that before bothering you.

It's working fine now.



#15105 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by ebulerdo on 03 January 2013 - 03:22 AM in Module Creation Tools

Hi Patchworkid


what Hebrew font does e-Sword use?  I know it is something like Titus Cyberbit basic, but what I am asking is name of font like HebraicaII or another Hebrew or Greek font 


Josh has explained what a legacy font is. The good news is you will easily find converters from most legacy fonts to unicode. Just search Google for "convert hebrew legacy unicode". I found this one online that supports several different formats, but there are many more, as well as downloadable converters:



On the other hand, Titus Cyberbit, which is the default font for Hebrew and Greek in e-Sword, has a problem with pointed Hebrew text. Vowel points appear displaced to the left, in many occasions they seem to be under the next letter. A free font that I like a lot and fixes this problem is Ezra SIL. It contains all the Hebrew characters you may ever need, and it looks great. :-)





#5769 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by ebulerdo on 19 January 2012 - 05:41 PM in Module Creation Tools

-- New - Copy and Paste work on Verse List pane.


#6212 e-Sword Tooltip Tool - Updated

Posted by ebulerdo on 05 February 2012 - 01:36 PM in Module Creation Tools

It happens whether I open up the document with T3 or paste in the data.

I also get an "RTF not available in clip board" pop up every time I try to hit the backspace key on my Windows 7 machine. This only happens when I have T3 open.

I may be the only one with this issue, as I have not heard that anyone else has it.

Hi Peter

I had the same problem recently with the backspace, and posted it here. Brent answered this, which fixed the problem:

"In T3 - click Options+T3 Clipboard HotKey. Set it to some obscure combination. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12 or some such. The problem should go away. Some how it must have been set to backspace on your system."



#10704 e-Sword Documentation - Hebrew Chart.pdf

Posted by ebulerdo on 06 July 2012 - 04:21 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

Hi Stephen

Thank you, this is useful.

Just a small detail: the UTF codes can be used in RTF too, but they need to be converted to decimal (they are hexadecimal in your list). I mean, aleph can be represented as \'e0 or as \u1280 (which is the decimal value of 0500).

The RTF notation will only work if you specify the text is Hebrew. The UTF text will work anyway, but if you use the search function it will not find anything.



#15063 Combining all notes into a single rtf file.

Posted by ebulerdo on 01 January 2013 - 07:40 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Oh, I didn't realize I was answering to an old message! O:-)

#15062 Combining all notes into a single rtf file.

Posted by ebulerdo on 01 January 2013 - 07:33 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Hi Ken


Thanks Patch, I downloaded the tool and it is very cool. A fantastic tool for topics, commentaries, bibles, devotionals and such. What I was hoping to do was to extract all of my study notes out of the underlying sqllite database.


Tooltip Tool is not just for building new modules. You can use it to open an existing module, and it will show all your notes as a single RTF document. You can print that or export it to any word proccesor. I think that's exactly what you are asking for.


You have that options at Modules - Notes - Read notes file.


Have a look at it.





#10799 Burmese BBLX

Posted by ebulerdo on 10 July 2012 - 05:45 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hi Worshipper

At the Options - Fonts menu, the first box says "Default font". That's where you need to select the Padauk font.



#15038 Bookmarks and links inside the same file

Posted by ebulerdo on 31 December 2012 - 09:25 AM in Module Creation Tools

Hi All


I am working with a topic file that contains some references to other sections of the same file, such as "See Appendix 1".


I am trying to make those references clickable. So I made a bookmark of every section and then put some internal links to those bookmarks. I think the links are correctly done, since they appear in blue and underlined, and when I hover the mouse over them there's a tooltip that says Control-Click to go to the reference. However, clicking doesn't do anything.


I guess that's a limitation of e-Sword, that bookmarks work only inside the same topic, not in differente topics of the same file. Am I right? Is there a way to link to other sections of the same file?



