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There have been 15 items by wilde (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#4341 Editing font in Resource (.topx) files

Posted by wilde on 06 December 2011 - 04:49 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hello and thanks for the great site!

I tried searching for this topic, but couldn't find a simple answer so: Is it possible to edit .topx files that come with e-Sword? I'm reading Philip Schaff's History of the Christian Church, but the font is a bit too small for me and I'd like to change it into Segoe UI.

It seems like you cannot zoom the text of Resource files in e-Sword nor can you alter the font. I also tried loading the topic file into Tool tip tool, but it didn't seem to load up :-(

Thank you!

#4350 Editing font in Resource (.topx) files

Posted by wilde on 06 December 2011 - 01:13 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Thanks! Kind of secret feature. :-) Now I see a magnifying glass there. It propably was there before, but I didn't see it.

What about changing the font?

#4362 Editing font in Resource (.topx) files

Posted by wilde on 06 December 2011 - 03:52 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

This is propably a stupid question, but what is this Topic Editor and how do you open a file in it?

Thank you for your patience :-)

#6967 Lange's Commentary for e-Sword

Posted by wilde on 08 March 2012 - 10:06 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

HI I just tried to make the NT into a cmt but it failed.  I can try to put it into a topic format.  

Sorry but I will not be able to do this, but I uploaded the work I have done.  Here it is:http://www.biblesupp...s-cmt-of-ot-nt/


Hello, I'm very interested in this project.

It seems that currently there are no html-version of the text available online anywhere, but the resource you provided seems to be very well formatted! I'd like to host it on my site (uskojaelama.net in Finnish). Can I do this? Or is there any place these files could be uploaded to be available for the public?

#7399 Lange's Commentary for e-Sword

Posted by wilde on 24 March 2012 - 07:04 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Now that the biblestudyaids.net is down (for good?) I ask: what is the copyright of the html conversion of this commentary? Is it public domain, so I can host it on my site if I want to?

Seems like the files are not available anywhere anymore, except for the zip download at this site.

#7429 Lange's Commentary for e-Sword

Posted by wilde on 24 March 2012 - 01:27 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Lange's Commentary is now hosted here: http://uskojaelama.net/lange/

This is based on the files uploaded here: http://www.biblesupp...s-cmt-of-ot-nt/

1 Thessalonians and Job are missing. Are they available somewhere?

Also, some images mentioned in the html files seem to be missing.

(There are btw. extensive portions of Lenski's Commentary on Google Books for those who are interested.)

#7512 Lange's Commentary for e-Sword

Posted by wilde on 27 March 2012 - 05:57 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Lange's Commentary is now hosted here: http://uskojaelama.net/lange/

1 Thessalonians and Job are missing. Are they available somewhere?

Any idea on where to find these two books?

#7516 Lange's Commentary for e-Sword

Posted by wilde on 27 March 2012 - 08:48 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

hi try this http://www.biblesupp...s-cmt-of-ot-nt/

Unfortunately those books are missing from this package.

#8005 Lange's Commentary for e-Sword

Posted by wilde on 10 April 2012 - 06:03 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Is Lange's NT ready? It would be great to take a look.

#8228 Lange's Commentary for e-Sword

Posted by wilde on 19 April 2012 - 01:58 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Checking this site everyday to see if the commentary's been finished. :)

#9286 English translation of Targum Onkelos

Posted by wilde on 20 May 2012 - 07:20 AM in Module Requests

Here are English translations of Targum Onkelos, Targum Jonathan plus a few other rabbinic texts. The translation is from 1860's so these texts should be Public Domain now. Anyone interested in turning them into an e-Sword module? The Targum modules already found on this site are in Aramaic and it takes a real professional to read them, but these English translations are interesting for anyone.


#9316 English translation of Targum Onkelos

Posted by wilde on 21 May 2012 - 03:22 AM in Module Requests

Hi Wilde,
Both Targums are already available here as bblx files. Also both Targums are available at http://www.forananswer.org as topic note files in both Hebrew and English editions.

Thanks for the info.

I found these: http://www.biblesupp...onathanbblxexe/

But they're in Aramaic, not English. The files I found at www.foranswer.org seem to be outdated .top files which are not compatible with the newest e-sword :-(

#9364 English translation of Targum Onkelos

Posted by wilde on 22 May 2012 - 08:29 AM in Module Requests

Below is the list of the Targums and other works under the Aramaic list, and you will notice what is available for both versions 8 and 9. With what is only available in version 8 can be opened in the 10x series of e-Sword, and will automatically convert to a topx file. So you shouldn't have a problem with that (I've tried that and it works).

Targum Pseudo-Jonathan English Translation by JW Etheridge (formatted as a Topic File) Can be opened in 10x
Targum Onkelos English Translation by JW Etheridge (formatted as a Topic File) Can be opened in 10x

I tried these two files and copied the extracted .top files to my e-Sword directory. These topic files however don't appear in Reference library or the topic notes list. Should they or how can they be converted?

#9545 Lange's Commentary for e-Sword

Posted by wilde on 28 May 2012 - 06:31 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

hi all,

So what do you think about Langes cmt?

It is an excellent work.
please write what ya'll think?


This version is a huge improvement to the html version I have hosted.

#10707 Post e-Sword Module Requests Here

Posted by wilde on 06 July 2012 - 04:51 AM in Module Requests

http://www.kretzmannproject.org/ ?

"The Popular Commentary is in the public domain. The original volumes were not copyrighted. Our online edition of Popular Commentary constitutes a new edition of the work in at least this regard: we have edited the spelling for consistency (actually this is still an ongoing process), and have, of course, added many spelling errors of our own, since this is an unpaid public effort.

We do claim the copyright on the electronic edition, but only to assure that it is not tampered with. We give full permission to replicate and distribute the text in any form whatsoever, printed or electronic, so long as the content itself is not altered, other than to correct scanning errors, fix formatting, change fonts, etc."