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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Nov 28 2011 07:46 PM
  • Last Updated: Nov 23 2022 09:26 AM
  • File Size: 3.82MB
  • Views: 401370
  • Downloads: 137,876
  • Author: Josh Bond

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e-Sword Utility:
Download FOR WINDOWS PC ONLY e-Sword Module Installer 0.6

* * * * * 270 Votes
Josh Bond

The e-Sword Module Installer automatically installs your e-Sword modules! It copies your e-Sword module to your e-Sword Resources Location or User Files Location on your Windows PC. This works for e-Sword 9 onwards.

Step 1:
Download and install the Module Installer. (During or after the download, click "Open" or "Run" to install the Module Installer)

Step 2:
You can install modules from Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer, or Firefox.

Option A - Double Click the file in Windows Explorer
You can now double-click any e-Sword module you downloaded in Windows Explorer:

Posted Image

(If the Module Installer asks you for Administrator permissions, click "Yes".)

For a non-editable module, the Module Installer shows this screen (don't worry, all you have to do is click "OK").

Posted Image

For an editable module, the Module Installer shows this screen (don't worry, all you have to do is click "OK").

Posted Image

Zip files
If you downloaded a zip file: double-click the zip file (or open it while you download the file, as shown below). When the zip file opens, double-click the e-Sword module to launch the installer.

Option B - Installing directly from Internet Explorer
You can install a module without leaving Internet Explorer! After starting your download in Internet Explorer 9, click Open in the popup at the bottom of the screen. This will launch the Module Installer when the download finishes.

Posted Image

Option C - Installing directly from Firefox
You can install a module without leaving Firefox! After starting your download in FireFox, the download popup below will appear. Click the "Open with" option and click "OK". This will launch the Module Installer when the download finishes.

Posted Image

Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and maybe older versions of Windows.

Special thanks to Brent Hildebrand for help with the installation file, which was was more trouble than the application itself. And special thanks to Doctor Dave and Jon Graef for beta testing.

What's New in Version 0.6 (See full changelog)

  • September 2, 2016: No coding changes. I added a code signing certificate to both the installer exe and the tab renamer exe to avoid most virus/malware warnings. This identifies the program as being from "Bible Support".
  • July 2016:
  • Updated to work with e-Sword's HTML/Apple modules, such as commentary.refi, bible.bbli, reflibrary.refi, lexicon.lexi, etc.

Hi and Shalom. Is there an update in order to use the awesome website for ESword version 12?

Hi and Shalom. Is there an update in order to use the awesome website for ESword version 12?

BIBLESUPPORT e-Sword Module Installer works for PC running e-Sword version 9, 10, 11, AND version 12. Sorry, Josh Bond has been extremely busy, studying high-level theological problems, and his co-programmers forgot to update the initial instruction page above.  After you CLICK on DOWNLOAD, please give permission to your PC to SAVE "ModuleinstallerSetup06.exe" on your Microsoft PC, and to KEEP it and to allow it to run. Select the option to SHOW IN FOLDER. Right-click with your pointer on the filename, and either OPEN, or RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR. Follow on-screen prompts. Read these instructions very carefully, from top to bottom, reading from left to right. When prompted read "show more details". ALLOW this app to make changes to your device - respond with YES option. Read all Setup e-Sword Module Installer pop-up windows which appear. HINT: Write down notes of instructions please, so you will have these handy, in your own notebook, in future. Read each window from top-to-bottom, twice, take notes, then follow instructions. Make notes of the instructions, and what you responded with, and what then happened, please. Remember, use the slider to browse the "window" down so you can read text which continues below the open window. The default folder, as pre-loaded, is okay to use.
After this has run, please check what has been done and changed in your PC. Click on Start > Settings > enter the word "type", without double quotes; then you will see various options. Select option  "Choose a default app for each type of file". Use the slider to the extreme right of the window. Slide down to see all filetypes your PC knows about. Check that all the following e-Sword filename-extensions have been linked so that in future, if the PC encounters a file with one of these filetype name extensions, that the PC will call up "moduleinstaller.exe" which had been loaded as the following, into This PC > Windows (C:) > \Program Files\e-Sword Module Installer\moduleinstaller.exe
These are various file-name extensions for the different e-Sword modules which will help you in future to copy any of the following downloaded e-sword modules into the required relevant ...\e-Sword folder. .bbli .bblx .brpi .brpx .cmti .cmtx .dcti .dctx .devi .devx .hari .harx .jnli .jnlx .lexi .lexx .lsti .lstx .mapi .mapx .memi .memx .noti .notx .refi .refx .topi .topx 
Now, look in the download folder for files with these filetype extensions, move your pointer over one of them and left-click. This should now call up the BIBLESUPPORT e-Sword Module Installer. Follow on-screen prompts, to copy the downloaded file into the required ...\e-Sword  folder, so it will be found when you then open the "e-Sword" application. 

Now run e-Sword. While e-Sword is running, use the keyboard shortcut "F1" function key, as "help", to read the e-Sword User's Manual. If you use a laptop, you may need to also press the "Fn" key to access the Function key options. Please read those Manual notes. They should answer most of your questions. Use Control+F to "search" for words in the manual. That means, press the Ctrl key, and while holding that down, also tap the F key on the keyboard, then release both keys. The e-Sword User's Manual has been written, like the Bible, with a little here, and a little there, and everything is to be read in its own context. Exactly like when you read the Bible, read the Table of Contents, to find out where the various sections are to be found. And please, read page 1 and page 2, before you start reading further. 
(Olaf Bacon)

I have the barclay Daily Bible Study downloaded in my computer.  Comes over as a CMTX file which when I open 

does not make sense.  symbols and the like with no english.  What am I doing wrong.  Or what do I need to do


I have the barclay Daily Bible Study downloaded in my computer.  Comes over as a CMTX file which when I open 

does not make sense.  symbols and the like with no english.  What am I doing wrong.  Or what do I need to do


The file


I have the barclay Daily Bible Study downloaded in my computer.  Comes over as a CMTX file which when I open 

does not make sense.  symbols and the like with no english.  What am I doing wrong.  Or what do I need to do


 needs to be moved after it was downloaded, into the C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword\ folder if you are on a Windows 10 (640bit) PC, or into the C:\Program Files\e-Sword folder if you are using a 32-bit operating system. On my PC it is named "Barclay Daily Study Bible.cmtx"


The Module installer may have had a problem to make a copy into the relevant folder if the filetype was ALL CAPITALS. To change that, browse to the file, and change the filename so that CMTX after the period, becomes cmtx after the period. Then  re-download the Module Installer, and re-run the Module Installer. Then when you click on the downloaded module, the Module Installer should know how to make a copy to the correct folder.


You use e-Sword to read this file. It will be found in the Commentary page (Maximize Commentary page with Ctrl+F3). A Commentary is associated with a book, chapter, and verse. So select a Bible on the list of Bibles,(Bible page maximized (Ctrl+F2) . Then in the "Lookup Scripture Reference (Ctrl+L)" text box at the top left of the ribbon of options, enter a book and chapter and verse. For example Mt 1:1 for Matthew chapter 1 verse 1. Then look in the Commentary page. If Daily Study Bible has a suitable commentary, in the tab "DSB", you will see the "i" inside a circle, indicating there is information.  Click on SDB, and there you will see what Barclay wrote. Other Commentaries with information will also have the "i" highlighted, so you can quickly compare those authors, with what Barclay wrote.


Help is available. Click on the tab with the name "Help", and the first option shows that quick keyboard shortcut provides access to the e-Sword User's Guide when you press function key "F1". If you are using a laptop, press Fn together with the F1 because the manufacturer uses the number keys for other functions as well. .Select Ctrl+F (Find option), and in the search text box type "commentary". You will find options in Chapter 7:

HINT: After you have downloaded a module or file from BIBLESUPPORT.COM, and have unzipped the contents, and moved the contents to the folder where e-Sword finds its resources, such as in This PC > Windows (C:) > C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword\ folder, then exit e-Sword. Re-run e-Sword. Your new module will then be visible in the appropriate window options.

Praise Yahweh Elohim through His Son Yahshua the Messiah!


...this is my name forever and my memorial unto all generations.  Exo 3:15 


Let them praise the name of Yahweh for His name alone is excellent; 

His glory is above the earth and heaven.  Psa 148:13


...she shall bring forth a son... his name shall be called Yahshua for HE WILL SAVE



 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my Elohim, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my El and the name of the city of my El, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my El:  and I will write upon him my new name. Rev 3:12


These words spake Yahshua, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:

As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true El, and Yahshua the Messiah, whom thou hast sent


John 17:1-3

Why cant we download e-Sword files direct to an ipad. If you produce the product for ipad why not make your downloads direct to ipad. Many of us have no longer got laptops preferring to use an ipad.

Why cant we download e-Sword files direct to an ipad. If you produce the product for ipad why not make your downloads direct to ipad. Many of us have no longer got laptops preferring to use an ipad.


This is a third-party site, and has no integration with any version of e-Sword

BIBLESUPPORT e-Sword Module Installer works for PC running e-Sword version 9, 10, 11, AND version 12. Sorry, Josh Bond has been extremely busy, studying high-level theological problems, and his co-programmers forgot to update the initial instruction page above.  After you CLICK on DOWNLOAD, please give permission to your PC to SAVE "ModuleinstallerSetup06.exe" on your Microsoft PC, and to KEEP it and to allow it to run. Select the option to SHOW IN FOLDER. Right-click with your pointer on the filename, and either OPEN, or RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR. Follow on-screen prompts. Read these instructions very carefully, from top to bottom, reading from left to right. When prompted read "show more details". ALLOW this app to make changes to your device - respond with YES option. Read all Setup e-Sword Module Installer pop-up windows which appear. HINT: Write down notes of instructions please, so you will have these handy, in your own notebook, in future. Read each window from top-to-bottom, twice, take notes, then follow instructions. Make notes of the instructions, and what you responded with, and what then happened, please. Remember, use the slider to browse the "window" down so you can read text which continues below the open window. The default folder, as pre-loaded, is okay to use.
After this has run, please check what has been done and changed in your PC. Click on Start > Settings > enter the word "type", without double quotes; then you will see various options. Select option  "Choose a default app for each type of file". Use the slider to the extreme right of the window. Slide down to see all filetypes your PC knows about. Check that all the following e-Sword filename-extensions have been linked so that in future, if the PC encounters a file with one of these filetype name extensions, that the PC will call up "moduleinstaller.exe" which had been loaded as the following, into This PC > Windows (C:) > \Program Files\e-Sword Module Installer\moduleinstaller.exe
These are various file-name extensions for the different e-Sword modules which will help you in future to copy any of the following downloaded e-sword modules into the required relevant ...\e-Sword folder. .bbli .bblx .brpi .brpx .cmti .cmtx .dcti .dctx .devi .devx .hari .harx .jnli .jnlx .lexi .lexx .lsti .lstx .mapi .mapx .memi .memx .noti .notx .refi .refx .topi .topx 
Now, look in the download folder for files with these filetype extensions, move your pointer over one of them and left-click. This should now call up the BIBLESUPPORT e-Sword Module Installer. Follow on-screen prompts, to copy the downloaded file into the required ...\e-Sword  folder, so it will be found when you then open the "e-Sword" application. 

Now run e-Sword. While e-Sword is running, use the keyboard shortcut "F1" function key, as "help", to read the e-Sword User's Manual. If you use a laptop, you may need to also press the "Fn" key to access the Function key options. Please read those Manual notes. They should answer most of your questions. Use Control+F to "search" for words in the manual. That means, press the Ctrl key, and while holding that down, also tap the F key on the keyboard, then release both keys. The e-Sword User's Manual has been written, like the Bible, with a little here, and a little there, and everything is to be read in its own context. Exactly like when you read the Bible, read the Table of Contents, to find out where the various sections are to be found. And please, read page 1 and page 2, before you start reading further. 
(Olaf Bacon)

Thank you for this. In my default apps list, I have all the extensions but .lexx. Is this going to be a problem for me?

The .lexx filetypes can be moved using File Explorer, and the Copy option, and then browse to the Resource Destination Location, such as to C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword and use the Paste option. Then check that the file was moved.

When you download a module from e-Sword "Download" option to your PC, it will usually download directly into This PC > C: drive > Program Files (x86) > e-Sword  folder.
If your PC has not been set to allow https://www.e-sword.net to load directly into C:\Program Files (x86)/e-Sword folder, then the file may be downloaded to C:\\Users\[filename]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword folder.
NOTE: The [filename] will be how the PC identifies your login, and may be "user" or something else. Use the name for the relevant folder.
Using File Explorer, browse to C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword
Move the pointer to thayer.lexx for example. Right click. Select "Copy" option.
Browse to This PC > C: drive > Program Files (x86) > e-Sword folder and right click, and move your pointer to the "Paste" option, and left-click. The file ought to be copied to the destination folder. Then open that folder and check that the file was actually loaded into the folder.

If there are other files in the same file, use the option to select the file, and left-click, and it ought to bring up C:\Program Files\e-Sword Module Installer\InstallerModule.exe and that ought to allow you to get the file to be copied into C:\Program File (x86)\e-Sword folder correctly.


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