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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Aug 23 2016 07:36 PM
  • Last Updated: Sep 26 2016 04:53 PM
  • File Size: 889.23K
  • Views: 52949
  • Downloads: 6,862
  • Author: Josh Bond

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e-Sword Utility:
Download e-Sword Tab Renamer 1.5

* * * * * 16 Votes
Josh Bond

Don't like a current tab name (abbreviation) for a Bible, commentary, dictionary, devotional, etc? Something taking too much space?

This program lets you change the tab name without any technical knowledge! You can also change the tab name description visible when you hover the mouse over the tab abbreviation in e-Sword.

Technically challenged? No problem! Use this self installing application.

Works on all e-Sword PC 9-11 resources and Apple modules. Also works on official resources.

  • Click "Open module" and browse to the module (*.bblx, *.cmtx, *.dctx, *.mapx, *.harx, ...)
  • The current description and tab names will be displayed.
  • Change them to whatever you want and click "Update"
  • Close the app.
Do not use the same tab names as the official e-Sword resources. For example, you cannot name a Bible resource "NIV". e-Sword will not display your Bible resource because that tab name is reserved for official e-Sword resources.

What's New in Version 1.5 (See full changelog)

  • September 9, 2016: Minor bug fixes
  • September 2, 2016: No coding changes. I added a code signing certificate to both the installer exe and the tab renamer exe to avoid most virus/malware warnings. This identifies the program as being from "Bible Support".
  • August 2016:
  • Reset the creation date of the file listing.
  • Fixed the issue with admin/elevated rights.
  • Added support for Apple modules.
  • All 9-11/Apple modules, even official resources, can now be changed.

Now Avast recognizes it- I sent the link to them



Hi Friends,


Forgive me for my lack of computer knowledge (my PC's OS is Win7). I have downloaded Tab Renamer and its location is in Program files (x86), and the Modules are located in the Program files/e-Sword folder; however, after many failures on my part, I am still not able to figure out how or where to make changes to my tab's names in e-Sword. I trust it is so easy; but, sadly, not for me-- boohoo wah wah. Please, someone, walk me through, step-by-step. I will check back here periodically.



The Steps shown in the description with a few extra comments.


Run Tab Renamer:

  • Click "Open module" and browse to the module (*.bblx, *.cmtx, *.dctx, *.mapx, *.harx, ...). Tab Renamer opens to your e-Sword folder where you select a module. If it does not, go to where your e-sword files are (maybe c:\Program files\e-Sword ?)
  • The current description and tab names will be displayed. See graphic in file listing.
  • Change them to whatever you want and click "Update"
  • Close the Tab Renamer.

I have a Win7 pc, and a year ago I was using Ray Barone's "Library Manager" to do this same task, and discovered that not all of my e-Sword resources were IN the "c:\Program Files (X86)\e-Sword\" folder.  I finally found the one I was looking for (and a bunch of others in "c:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword\".


In a subsequent email conversation with Rick Meyers, he said:

"Windows places files in the Virtual Store when it cannot place them where they really belong (usually dues to permissions on the folder.) You are welcome to move those files from the Virtual Store folder, but until you fix the permissions issue other downloads will probably end up there as well.


Thinking about that and - I think - remembering some other old reading, I'm under the impression that those permissions settings could also prevent the "Tab Renamer" or the "Library Manager" from editing files in the "c:\Program Files (X86)\e-Sword\" folder.  It might be worth it to move the modules that you want to edit from there to the folder under "..\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword\" and see if "Tab Renamer" can make changes there when it couldn't before.

Forgive me, but I'm just not sure where you mean to click "open module," i.e., where to access this option.

Forgive me for perhaps being too technically challenged, but ...where do I find the "open module" menu option?

Forgive me for perhaps being too technically challenged, but ...where do I find the "open module" menu option?


It's on the main screen when you run the Tab Renamer. See it here on this screenshot, with a blueish box around it? http://www.biblesupp...21&record=36006

Thanks Josh.

Josh, I've downloaded this several times over the past weeks, opened and installed. I have never seen the screen you illustrated in the posted screenshot. I have tried opening the original file in my eSword directory, ...no options to "open module," and browse at all. It simply invites me to invoke the same sequence for installing the program again,
"Do you want to give permission to make changes to your device?" No opportunity to browse to any other files.
I'm tearin' my hair out.

Simple to use and does what it's supposed to do.  Also works on mysword bible modules.  Thank you Josh.

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