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  • Submitted: Mar 30 2012 03:53 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 01 2015 03:39 PM
  • File Size: 3.22MB
  • Views: 12501
  • Downloads: 2,775
  • Author: Raymond Barone
  • Suggest New Tag:: Regular Expression Sqlite

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e-Sword Utility:
Download SQLite RegExer 2.3

* * * * * 6 Votes

Raymond Barone

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Regular Expression Sqlite

This program can be used to perform Regular Expression find and replace on unencrypted SQLite databases including e-Sword and theWord modules (*.cmtx, *.dctx, *.twm, ...).
It can be also used to view and edit any SQLite database, and perform regular expression find, find/replace and SQLite statements.

(If you use it with theWord modules, you have to decompress the module and convert it to rtf before using this program)

1- Click "Open" and browse to the file you want to edit. The file can also be dragged into the form.
2- The "Tables" list will be populated with the names of tables in the file.
3- Select one of the tables, then the "Columns" list will be populated with the columns in that table. Select the column for which you want to perform replacement.
The selected table and number of rows will be displayed above the "Tables" list.
4- You can test your regular expression find and replace patterns using the "Test" button, and using sample text in the "Sample" textbox.
5- Then click "Replace" to perform the regular expression find and replace.
6- Finally click "Close" to close the file.
- The "Save" button saves the currently displayed find/replace pair with a given name.
To load a pair, select its name from the "Find/Replace pairs" combo box.

Other features:

1- Increase or decrease the font size in the whole module using the "RTF Text Resize" button:
Select a table and a column.
Enter a number with + or - sign (+2, -3, ...) in the text box to the left of the button and click on the button.
This finds each (\\fs\d+) and increases or decreases the font size.

2- View and edit any table in the module:
Double-click any table in the "Tables" list, or click "View Table" to view the selected table in the "Table Viewer".
In the "Table Viewer" window, double-click an item to open it in the "Item Viewer"
The rtf code can be edited and then clicking "Update" button will save the changes.

3- View and edit the content of any item in the table:
Select a Table and a Column, and enter the Row number.
Click "View Row" to open the "Item Viewer".
Edit the rtf code and click "Update" to save the changes.

4- Search for a regular expression in any column in a specific table in the file:
Select a "Table" and a "Column".
Click "Regular Expression Find"
Enter a regular expression and click "Go" or press "Enter" to begin search.
Any result can be edited in the "Item viewer" by double clicking.
For example, to find different font tags in the column, enter \\fs\d+ and check "Only show first match". This will show all font sizes used.
Two options are given: To show results in groups and to show the first match that is different than previous matches.

5- Compact the database or drop a table:
Right-click "Tables" list.

6- Execute a non-query SQLite statement:
Click "SQLite statement".
Enter a non-query SQLite statement (create, drop, insert, update, delete, replace, vacuum …)
Click "Run" or press "Enter".
The statement will be executed and the result will be displayed.

Features of the Item Viewer:
This displays the rtf code.
1- To view the formatted text (the text which will appear in e-sword or theWord), check "Show RTF" to the top right.
2- You can do any changes to the rtf code (to the left) and click "Test" to see its effect on the formatted text to the right. (This doesn't change the original file)
3- To update the original file with your changes, click "Update" (This updates it with the code in the left box)
3- You can test any regular expression find and replace using the "Replace" button. To see the effect on the formatted text, click "Test" afterwards. (This doesn't change the original file)
4- To find the first matching rtf code for a word or more in the right pane, highlight the word, right-click and select "Find first matching rtf".
5- If the rtf code doesn't contain fcharset, which makes the text not display properly non-English characters in the right pane, enter charset (161 for Greek, 177 for Hebrew, 178 for Arabic ...). Then check "Show RTF"
6- Highlight a word in the left pane, enter charset (for non-English characters, as before...), right-click and select "Get Text" to see the text.
7- Pressing (Ctrl+F) pops up a find box for both rich text boxes in the Item Viewer. It finds text in the rich text box in focus before pressing Ctrl+F.
8- When "Show RTF" is checked, any text and/or images can be pasted from MS Word and saved using "Save" in the context menu of the right pane. Note that this will update the rtf header, so don't use it if you don't want to change the header.

- Please keep a copy of the original file, in case something went wrong.
- Regular expression replacements, font size replacements and SQLite statements do not affect already open Table Viewers or Item Viewers.

Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet:

What's New in Version 2.3 (See full changelog)

  • 1.1: Added an option to preview the selected table "View Table". (Thanks Josh for the suggestion)
  • 1.2: Double-clicking an item in the "Table Previewer" opens it in the "Item Viewer".
  • "charset" can be set before checking "Show RTF" for non-English text.
  • 1.3: When you open a file, you have the option to save a copy before updating the original file. This copy will be saved in the same folder with "_Copy" suffix.
  • In the "Item Viewer", an "Update" button is added which updates the file with any changes in the rtf (left) pane.(Thanks Josh for the suggestion)
  • 1.4: Added "Regex Find" button to find any regular expression in the selected table and column.
  • A file can be dragged into the program to open it, only if no other file is open.
  • 1.4.1: Fixed bug when displaying and updating byte arrays in the Item viewer
  • 1.5: When opening theWord modules, the user is notified if the module is compressed or encrypted. (Thanks Jon for the suggestions and help)
  • If theWord module has at least one rvf topic in the column selected for find and replace, no replacements are performed, and the user is asked to convert the module to rtf.
  • Added notifications about the completion of replacements.
  • Some fixes.
  • 1.6 Pressing (Ctrl+F) pops up a find box for both rich text boxes in the Item Viewer. It finds text in the rich text box in focus before pressing Ctrl+F.
  • Context menu for both boxes in the Item Viewer is updated with Paste, Cut and Copy options.
  • Context menu added for the tables list box with options to drop a table and to compact the database.
  • 1.7 Find and Replace boxes keep history of previously used expressions (stored in .ini files)
  • Highlighting in the Item Viewer is improved.
  • Some fixes.
  • 1.7.1 Invalid expressions aren't stored in history
  • 1.7.2 Find/Replace pairs can be saved and loaded with associated names
  • 1.8 Added Help, which includes the documentation and RegEx cheat sheet.
  • Modified layout
  • Improved Drag and Drop
  • When a file is opened, you will not be asked if you want to save a copy.
  • Instead, a Backup button is added which can backup the file at any time. Backups are saved with "_Copy" suffix, in the same path as the original file. Every time it is clicked a new backup will be created with a number after "_Copy".
  • 1.9 Double-clicking a table name in the Tables list opens it in the Table Viewer.
  • Added "Save" option (experimental) to the context menu of the right pane in the Item Viewer (when "Show RTF" is checked). This updates the file with the formatted text from the right pane. Text and images can be pasted from MS Word. Note: This will update the rtf header.
  • 1.10 Fixed: "Test" button will not remove leading and trailing spaces from input strings
  • 2 Non-query SQLite statements can be executed.
  • Number of Regex replacements is displayed in the message box.
  • Number of Regex search results is displayed.
  • File box keeps history of previously opened files.
  • Memory usage is improved.
  • MS RichEdit control v5 is used instead of v4.
  • Help file is updated.
  • 2.1 Status and progress bar added for regex replace and rtf resize

This is a great utility for module makers who need to edit the raw RTF of a database without exporting the database manually.

I need this all the time when editing e-Sword and other Bible software modules. It's such a hassle to dump the sqlite and edit. And it supports regular expressions. This will be a huge time saver for me. I thank you very much! Now I can change all font sizes relative to one another, or I can target /fs22 and change it to /fs20, so that font size 11 is font size 10. I can also more easily correct T4's Greek output directly with this utility. Very nice!
This looks very useful. I have a question (and hoping that Ray made the program, and not just uploaded it here): could you make it so that the output is automatically into a new file, instead of automatically changing the old file? I promise this would save headaches (and heartaches) down the road.

This looks very useful. I have a question (and hoping that Ray made the program, and not just uploaded it here): could you make it so that the output is automatically into a new file, instead of automatically changing the old file? I promise this would save headaches (and heartaches) down the road.


This looks very useful. I have a question (and hoping that Ray made the program, and not just uploaded it here): could you make it so that the output is automatically into a new file, instead of automatically changing the old file? I promise this would save headaches (and heartaches) down the road.

Please check the second file uploaded:

Sqlite Regexer 1b (Saves into a new file).zip

And thanks for your suggestion.

This utility is much welcomed.

Thank You.
Just downloaded the new version. Love the CTRL-F find in the item viewer! Pinned to my taskbar for daily use.
Hi, I need Help, I need delete all REGEX, because, I use the SQLite Books for making Androids Free Software, please, can you help me???

Could someone explain "(If you use it with theWord modules, you have to decompress the module and convert it to rtf before using this program)." I've created a module in theWord. How do I decompress it and convert it?

Thank you.

In theWord, right mouse click on the tab of your module and select "Module Properties". 

Select the Settings/Actions tab

In the general section of that tab uncheck the two mentions of "Module compression". Usually they are not checked if this is a module you just made.

In the "Actions section" at the bottom there is a selector "Select an action to perform and click Execute. Select "Convert module content to rtf" and press the Execute selected action. Follow the prompts to agree with carrying out the action.


A point to remember if you have done any changes using SQLiteRegexer, to change any data that has modified content, is that you will have to drop the "content_search and topics_wordindex", in SQLite Regexer. To do this right mouse click on each one (if they exist. I say if they exist because they are created at launch of theWord and when you first perform a search of the content) If you don't perform this step then searches will fail. 

If your changes were just to the formatting markup then such steps are not needed.

Always make a backup copy of the file before using SQLiteRegexer, because once you have made a search and replace on the file it cannot be undone.

Thank you, JPG. I found the drop table items also. I run linux primarily and was able to start SQLite RegExer, but it won't open the module "Invalid File Format", but works fine in Windows, which is what it claims :)

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