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Member Since 19 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 20 2022 12:54 PM

About Me

Born and raised north of the Mason Dixon, I am now a transplanted Southerner and I love it!

I'm somewhat of a theological mutt as well. If you've read any of my blog entries you would probably assume I was a Calvinist. You'd be wrong. While I do believe and write much about election and sovereignty, I'm not a student of John Calvin himself. I believe in election and sovereignty because they are biblical, not because of a man named John Calvin.

My personal opinion is that his view of eschatology - the Millennium in particular - is what impacted his other views with which I disagree. He and other early Reformers were busy trying to blend politics and theology in an effort to establish the millennium by their own efforts. This is what, I believe, led to infant baptisms, burnings at the stake, etc.

I love the Reformed doctrine of Justification (soteriology), but that's as far as I go down the Reformed path. As a Premillennial Dispensationalist, I'm certainly no fan of Covenant Theology, nor preterism. Some of my favorite preachers are: John Piper, James MacDonald, John MacArthur, James White, and Chuck Swindoll (Semper Fi).

The main pillar of my theological perspective is the "supremacy of God in all things." I am constantly striving within my own heart to remain God-centered. Most people who object to sovereignty and election are stuck in a constant "what about me" loop. They desperately want some small part of redemption to be about them; and consequently, they end up riding a roller coaster of spiritual ups and downs and can't seem to figure out why.

It's not about you, that's why.

It's about Christ! Only Christ!


Soli Deo Gloria

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