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There have been 40 items by ebulerdo (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#9355 Bible Compare Tool updated

Posted by ebulerdo on 22 May 2012 - 04:13 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Hi All

I have just uploaded an updated and much improved version of the BibleCompare (ComparaBiblias) tool, written by the Spanish International e-Sword Team:

It compares any two Bible modules and finds all the differences in missing, additional, duplicated or blank verses, as well as percentage differences in verse content. All e-Sword 8 .bbl and e-Sword 9/10 .bblx files are supported, included .bbl password-protected files (provided you know the password).

The native interface was in Spanish, but it will open in English as long as the accompanying .ini file is in the same folder as the .exe.

Most Bible modules out there contain verse numbering errors, so every module builder should use this tool before publishing their modules.



#9403 Bible Compare Tool updated

Posted by ebulerdo on 24 May 2012 - 02:34 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities


I have updated the upload including a sqlite3.dll that was missing.

Now it should work without problem.

#6489 Several bugs with Chinese translations

Posted by ebulerdo on 13 February 2012 - 07:53 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hi JunlinLiao

1) The CUV-S module have Chinese words/characters not displayed. (for reference, Acts 3:2-3)

I have installed that module and I don't see anything strange at Acts 3:2-3.

Please, check this:
- Are you using the last version of e-Sword (v10)? If not, install it.
- Did you download the official module with the built-in downloader inside e-Sword, or found it somewhere else? If not, try downloading it from there.
- Inside e-Sword, go to the Options - Fonts menu. What fonts do you have set there for Chinese? I have Simsun for Simplified Chinese and MingLiu for Traditional Chinese. Try setting those.

If none of this fixes the problem, would you please take a screenshot of those verses and send it to the forum or to me?

2) The search function does not work with Chinese words at all. When you search the Chinese versions, nothing turns up.

E-Sword has some problems seaching Chinese words, but there is a workaround: When you are in the search window, after you type the words you want to find, click on "Find all words" and replace it with "Regular expressions". It will work that way.

NOTE FOR JONATHON: Searching in non-Latin script modules has been improved a lot in the latest versions of e-Sword. I have been able to search Cyrillic and Arabic with the default setting, and Chinese with the regex option as well.

3) In the bibles window, you can select any verse in any of the English versions and the mouse pointer is accurate. However, you cannot select verses correctly with any of the Chinese versions. It's misaligned by several lines. That means several lines by the end of the chapters could never be selected and all the verse specific context menu driven functions no longer work as expected. For example, a right click of of verse Act 3:12 to paste to study notes, I get verse 7. I click on verse 10 then verse 6 is highlighted. I select text of verse 10-11 and then copy, verses 6-7 are copied.

I have tried that and it worked perfectly. I right-clicked in Acts 3:12, then "Paste in Study Notes" and it pasted the correct verse.

Definitely you have either an older versions of e-Sword or a defective module. I would recommend updating both.

Please, tell me how it went.



#6775 Finding textboxes in a Word document

Posted by ebulerdo on 24 February 2012 - 05:13 PM in Tips for Module Creation

Hi DSaw, Josh and Brad

Thank you for your answers. But...

Josh will likely have a better way but did you try revealing the formatting  shift + F1 then select show all formatting marks
or if you find one try find similar formatting on the right click menu at bottom there should be select text with similar formatting

I tried those, but it only takes the format of the text inside the textbox, not the object itself.

1) Select the whole document in Word and copy.
2) Paste into Wordpad.
3) Select the whole document in Wordpad and copy.
4) Paste back into Word.

The textboxes are gone.

That's what I do when I want to get rid of textboxes. But in this case I need to copy their content first to the document. :-/

Or you could create and run this macro.  If the document has tables in it, though, that you are wanting to keep, don't use this.

I will try that macro, but it seems it's for tables, not textboxes. I will tell you how it went.

Thank you!


#6746 Finding textboxes in a Word document

Posted by ebulerdo on 24 February 2012 - 06:34 AM in Tips for Module Creation

Hi All

I have a Word document with a bible that has been scanned and OCRed by someone. The OCR software has put some of the text in textboxes, so I need to copy their content to the main text and then remove the textboxes. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be too many of them.

However, I haven't been able to find an easy way to locate the textboxes. Do you know of any code that can be used to find them (such as ^p for paragraphs), or if not possible, some macro that would help me locate them?



#6779 Finding textboxes in a Word document

Posted by ebulerdo on 24 February 2012 - 05:45 PM in Tips for Module Creation

This works for me, when copying from Word to Wordpad and back. It retains the text from the table, but not the table itself. I'm using Word 2010.

You are right, it works. Thank you!


#15038 Bookmarks and links inside the same file

Posted by ebulerdo on 31 December 2012 - 09:25 AM in Module Creation Tools

Hi All


I am working with a topic file that contains some references to other sections of the same file, such as "See Appendix 1".


I am trying to make those references clickable. So I made a bookmark of every section and then put some internal links to those bookmarks. I think the links are correctly done, since they appear in blue and underlined, and when I hover the mouse over them there's a tooltip that says Control-Click to go to the reference. However, clicking doesn't do anything.


I guess that's a limitation of e-Sword, that bookmarks work only inside the same topic, not in differente topics of the same file. Am I right? Is there a way to link to other sections of the same file?






#15061 Bookmarks and links inside the same file

Posted by ebulerdo on 01 January 2013 - 07:12 AM in Module Creation Tools

Thanks, that is an interesting idea: building the appendices as a dictionary so that references can be clicked.


I have to evaluate whether the format swift has more advantages or disadvantages, butI will keep the idea for other projects.


Ebed Doulos, I will contact you privately. :-)


Thank you!



#15040 Bookmarks and links inside the same file

Posted by ebulerdo on 31 December 2012 - 09:58 AM in Module Creation Tools

Thank you, Dave.


I had the impression that was the problem, so I guess I have finished my module. :-)





#13675 BIBLE Modules

Posted by ebulerdo on 31 October 2012 - 05:09 PM in Modules In Progress

Hi David Psalms

    Versión Moderna
1929 por Enrique Pratt

This version is already available at the Spanish Library:

It doesn't contain the cross-references, though.



#11328 New Tooltip NT

Posted by ebulerdo on 01 August 2012 - 07:58 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Hi Larry

One of my first projects was to create a lemma-based Hebrew dictionary where the topics are in consonantal Hebrew and the article is mostly English mixed in with Hebrew. The articles worked out fine, but the topics ended up all question marks. I'm guessing this is some text encoding issue, but as noted the articles all displayed OK.

Unfortunately, e-Sword doesn't support Greek or Hebrew characters in dictionary topics. That's why Strong numbers are used instead. Do you have a way to replace the lemmas with their Strong numbers?

Let's hope a better unicode support in topics will be implemented in a future version.

When you say "the articles worked out fine", what are "articles"? Dictionary entries? And how are you defining "topics". Actual topx files?

Josh: I understand "topics" as entries, the words to explain in the dictionary, and "articles" as the definitions. E-Sword itself uses the expression "topic list" to refer to the list of words in the dictionary. Any Hebrew characters in the words in that list will be shown as ?? signs by e-Sword.



#9624 Bold text in bible module

Posted by ebulerdo on 30 May 2012 - 04:37 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers


I have a verse that ends with bold text. When the verse ends with a bold letter, the subsequent verses all are shown in bold, until there is another bold word or character. At which point the bold will be switched back off and continue as normal.
The results across a parallel view of multiple bible translations yeilds interesting results as well.

That is not a problem with e-Sword, but with the text itself.

E-Sword modules use RTF codes to describe format. In RTF, there are two ways to display some text in bold:

\b This is bold text \b0
{\b This is bold text}

In that text you mention, the closing tag (either \b0 or }) is missing, so the program interprets that all the text that follows that is bold too, until it finds some tag that resets the text to non-bold.

That's the reason why any format in the text (bold, italics, blue, red, or whatever) must be closed in the same verse, even if the next verse has the same format. I mean, if you have, for example, several verses in italics, every one of them must begin with the italics tag and close the italics at the end of the verse, not of the whole passage.



#10799 Burmese BBLX

Posted by ebulerdo on 10 July 2012 - 05:45 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hi Worshipper

At the Options - Fonts menu, the first box says "Default font". That's where you need to select the Padauk font.



#8562 Importing Bible with Special Formatting

Posted by ebulerdo on 27 April 2012 - 01:36 AM in Module Creation Tools

Hi Searcher

Probably will have to change the color of the text.

I have tried \scaps sometimes for Bibles that use "LORD" (in small capitals) instead of "Jehovah", but e-Sword doesn't support them, so I have ended up using regular capitals.

Since Jon mentioned that a request have been made that small capitals be included, so they might be supported in a future version, I'd suggest you use a different color but keep the \scaps tag. That way, when that feature is added, your module will work without need of any changes. Or you could just use regular capitals if that is possible.



#8116 Latvian E Sword Bible

Posted by ebulerdo on 15 April 2012 - 06:02 PM in Module Requests

Hi Brenten

I have finished building your Latvian Bible, and it seems it works fine in e-Sword 10.

Please, tell me what do you think the title, abbreviation and description should be. I think the title could be something like:
Latviešu Bībeles 1965 / Latvian Bible 1965

The comments should include the complete title, date, publisher, copyright, web source and any other useful information. And we need to choose an abbreviation like "Latvian" or "LB1965" or whatever is best.

On the other hand, it's important to know the copyright status of this translation. Please, could you contact the publisher and ask for permission to distribute it or at least for your personal use? The publisher is the Latvian Bible Society, and their email is lbb@apollo.lv

