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#10997 Version field in the Details table and direction of Hebrew text

Posted by ebulerdo on 17 July 2012 - 01:12 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Hi Jonathon

Are you using "2", or "2.2" for Hebrew?

I changed to 2.2 because I still thought it was a version number, and it works. I think e-Sword ignores anything you have written there unless it's a "3".



#10970 Version field in the Details table and direction of Hebrew text

Posted by ebulerdo on 16 July 2012 - 02:57 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

More information.

I wrote to Rick Meyers regarding this and his answer was:

Version should only be 3 if images are embedded, otherwise leave it empty or set it to 2.

So Version contains some internal RTF specifications versions, rather than a module version.

That implies that, unless corrected, you cannot have a dictionary with images and Hebrew text at the same time.



#10918 Version field in the Details table and direction of Hebrew text

Posted by ebulerdo on 14 July 2012 - 03:07 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Hi All

I'd like to share something that I found. Maybe it's useful for someone, and maybe someone else can throw more light on it.

Recently I noticed some of my Hebrew dictionaries (I made them myself, not from this forum) show the Hebrew text in the wrong direction, that is, left to right.

When I tried an older version of those same dictionaries, the Hebrew letters were ok, right to left. But when I compared the text from the older and newer versions, they were the same codes in the same order. I used this kind of format:
{\f2 \'e0\'c8\'e1}

All the settings in the old and the new file were exactly the same, but if I copied the text from the old version and pasted it in the newer module, the Hebrew text was inverted.

Then I realized the difference: in the Details table, the value of the Version field in the old files was "2", while in the newer files I had put "3". I always thought this field contained just a module version, for updating purposes. But it seems it's something entirely different. I tried replacing "3" with "2.2", and now all the Hebrew text is displaying correctly.

Can somebody explain what the Version settings really is for?


#6717 Trim RTF in Tooltip NT

Posted by ebulerdo on 23 February 2012 - 08:10 AM in Module Creation Tools

Thank you, Josh and Brent

I understand now.



#6705 Trim RTF in Tooltip NT

Posted by ebulerdo on 22 February 2012 - 08:09 AM in Module Creation Tools

Hi Josh

I have read your Tooltip NT Guide and find it extremely useful. While most of the options in Tooltip NT are easy to understand, you mention many interesting points that save a lot of time.

I didn't find, however, any explanation about the "Trim RTF" feature in the Tools menu. I have tried that with different texts, but I don't see what it does. Could you or Brent please explain?



#5738 T3 and backspace

Posted by ebulerdo on 18 January 2012 - 05:41 PM in Module Creation Tools

Hi Brent

Please, can you help with two questions?

1. Whenever T3 is open, no matter in which program I am, if I press the backspace (that is, that key that deletes the last character) an attention window will appear saying "RTF Not Available in the Clipboard". That's really annoying. Right now I'm using v3.46. I'm not sure with what version it began to happen, but certainly it was recently, it never happened with the previous versions.

2. I hadn't installed T4 until today. I won't bother you with a lot of questions, since I will have to read all the documentation and the threads about it first, but I do have one question: is there a way to copy the list of references from the right panel, as can be done in T3?

Thank you!

#5743 T3 and backspace

Posted by ebulerdo on 18 January 2012 - 06:34 PM in Module Creation Tools

Thank you, Brent!

That fixed it.

#6489 Several bugs with Chinese translations

Posted by ebulerdo on 13 February 2012 - 07:53 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hi JunlinLiao

1) The CUV-S module have Chinese words/characters not displayed. (for reference, Acts 3:2-3)

I have installed that module and I don't see anything strange at Acts 3:2-3.

Please, check this:
- Are you using the last version of e-Sword (v10)? If not, install it.
- Did you download the official module with the built-in downloader inside e-Sword, or found it somewhere else? If not, try downloading it from there.
- Inside e-Sword, go to the Options - Fonts menu. What fonts do you have set there for Chinese? I have Simsun for Simplified Chinese and MingLiu for Traditional Chinese. Try setting those.

If none of this fixes the problem, would you please take a screenshot of those verses and send it to the forum or to me?

2) The search function does not work with Chinese words at all. When you search the Chinese versions, nothing turns up.

E-Sword has some problems seaching Chinese words, but there is a workaround: When you are in the search window, after you type the words you want to find, click on "Find all words" and replace it with "Regular expressions". It will work that way.

NOTE FOR JONATHON: Searching in non-Latin script modules has been improved a lot in the latest versions of e-Sword. I have been able to search Cyrillic and Arabic with the default setting, and Chinese with the regex option as well.

3) In the bibles window, you can select any verse in any of the English versions and the mouse pointer is accurate. However, you cannot select verses correctly with any of the Chinese versions. It's misaligned by several lines. That means several lines by the end of the chapters could never be selected and all the verse specific context menu driven functions no longer work as expected. For example, a right click of of verse Act 3:12 to paste to study notes, I get verse 7. I click on verse 10 then verse 6 is highlighted. I select text of verse 10-11 and then copy, verses 6-7 are copied.

I have tried that and it worked perfectly. I right-clicked in Acts 3:12, then "Paste in Study Notes" and it pasted the correct verse.

Definitely you have either an older versions of e-Sword or a defective module. I would recommend updating both.

Please, tell me how it went.



#6373 Other changes in e-Sword 10.0.x

Posted by ebulerdo on 10 February 2012 - 05:44 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hi Jonathon

Every time Rick releases a new version of e-Sword, it contains several things that he doesn't mention.
I started this thread, to document things I notice, that I don't remember being in earlier versions of e-Sword.

One new "feature" in v10.0.7 is that it blocks some resources by abbreviation. For instance, if you have a dictionary titled WordStudy, it won't appear in your list of dictionaries, unless you change the abbreviation to something else. I guess this doesn't happen if the file is the premium module.



#11328 New Tooltip NT

Posted by ebulerdo on 01 August 2012 - 07:58 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Hi Larry

One of my first projects was to create a lemma-based Hebrew dictionary where the topics are in consonantal Hebrew and the article is mostly English mixed in with Hebrew. The articles worked out fine, but the topics ended up all question marks. I'm guessing this is some text encoding issue, but as noted the articles all displayed OK.

Unfortunately, e-Sword doesn't support Greek or Hebrew characters in dictionary topics. That's why Strong numbers are used instead. Do you have a way to replace the lemmas with their Strong numbers?

Let's hope a better unicode support in topics will be implemented in a future version.

When you say "the articles worked out fine", what are "articles"? Dictionary entries? And how are you defining "topics". Actual topx files?

Josh: I understand "topics" as entries, the words to explain in the dictionary, and "articles" as the definitions. E-Sword itself uses the expression "topic list" to refer to the list of words in the dictionary. Any Hebrew characters in the words in that list will be shown as ?? signs by e-Sword.



#8104 Latvian E Sword Bible

Posted by ebulerdo on 15 April 2012 - 05:04 AM in Module Requests

Hi Brenten

Both OT and NT can be found at http://www.bibelesbi...le/default.htm.
We would greatly appreciate if you could build a Latvian Bible for e-sword since we are missionaries in Latvia and we recommend e-sword often.

I will give it a try today and get back to you.



#8164 Latvian E Sword Bible

Posted by ebulerdo on 17 April 2012 - 04:07 AM in Module Requests


To anyone interested in the Latvian Bible module, I need the help of someone who has a printed edition of this bible.

Verse numbers in this version differ in many passages from the e-Sword standard, so I've had to fix those, leaving the original numbering colored gray and between parentheses. I have doubts, however, in three passages:

- One verse is missing at the end of Exodus 1. Verse 21 actually is verse 22 in the KJV, and verse 21 is missing ("And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made them houses.")

- Acts 24:7 and 28:29 are missing too. Those verses are thought by many to be spurious, and they are omitted in most modern versions, but usually that's marked somehow (usually with -- or a footnote, or something like that) to show the omission is intentional. In the HTML text of this Bible those verses are simply missing. Can you have a look at the printed edition and see what do they look like?



#8116 Latvian E Sword Bible

Posted by ebulerdo on 15 April 2012 - 06:02 PM in Module Requests

Hi Brenten

I have finished building your Latvian Bible, and it seems it works fine in e-Sword 10.

Please, tell me what do you think the title, abbreviation and description should be. I think the title could be something like:
Latviešu Bībeles 1965 / Latvian Bible 1965

The comments should include the complete title, date, publisher, copyright, web source and any other useful information. And we need to choose an abbreviation like "Latvian" or "LB1965" or whatever is best.

On the other hand, it's important to know the copyright status of this translation. Please, could you contact the publisher and ask for permission to distribute it or at least for your personal use? The publisher is the Latvian Bible Society, and their email is lbb@apollo.lv



#14354 Latvian E Sword Bible

Posted by ebulerdo on 27 November 2012 - 06:31 PM in Module Requests

Hi Don

I prepared the Latvian Bible a long time ago, and it looks great.

However, this version is copyrighted by the Latvian Bible Society. I have asked several people to talk to them and ask for permission to distribute it free of charge, but so far I haven't got any answers. Until that is solved, that module can not be distributed here.

Maybe you could contact the Latvian Bible Society and tell them about it?



Oh, I forgot: The text for that module was taken from http://www.bibelesbi...ele/default.htm
Acts of the Apostles is included.

#8562 Importing Bible with Special Formatting

Posted by ebulerdo on 27 April 2012 - 01:36 AM in Module Creation Tools

Hi Searcher

Probably will have to change the color of the text.

I have tried \scaps sometimes for Bibles that use "LORD" (in small capitals) instead of "Jehovah", but e-Sword doesn't support them, so I have ended up using regular capitals.

Since Jon mentioned that a request have been made that small capitals be included, so they might be supported in a future version, I'd suggest you use a different color but keep the \scaps tag. That way, when that feature is added, your module will work without need of any changes. Or you could just use regular capitals if that is possible.

