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There have been 43 items by modulist (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#44576 can search results be docked?

Posted by modulist on 15 June 2023 - 08:00 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Near the search button, which looks like a pair of binoculars, a little to the right, there is a pop-up menu. If you perform a search and then click "OK," then all of the verses that were in the search result will be found in this menu, so you can easily switch between the results.


I hope this helps.

#43164 Can't install new bible modules on e-Sword X (greyed out)

Posted by modulist on 04 August 2022 - 02:15 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hello, I just installed e-Sword X (3.2(11)) on a MacBook (Sierra 10.12.3). I found some bible modules with a .bbli extension - eg, 'Complete Greek Bible with NT variants and OT alternate texts'


I download them into a folder, and then import from e-Sword X. They show up with the other bibles, but greyed out, with a line through them. What is going on?


Thanks, Andrew

Another thing to note is that if you are currently on an OT verse, for example, and a particular translation is NT only, then that bible will be greyed out, meaning that it has no OT verses.

#43542 Converting locked module with Apple Converter?

Posted by modulist on 04 October 2022 - 06:50 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Official modules, meaning, modules that you download from within e-Sword, are locked modules. None of them can be converted with the converter tool.

#44298 Copying Resources

Posted by modulist on 11 April 2023 - 05:05 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

A lot of people seem to get confused about copying resources to e-Sword for the Mac. I think the problem is that the method is different between Windows and Mac. So, I have uploaded a brief instructional PDF giving all the details. It can be found here:



#44295 Copying Resources

Posted by modulist on 11 April 2023 - 03:23 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

To import a single file into e-Sword, all you have to do is double-click the file on the Mac and it will automatically open and import into e-Sword.


However, to import multiple files, which I assume is what you want to do, with e-Sword X open, go to the menu item File>Resources>Import... A typical open file dialog will appear in which you can choose all the files you want to import. After choosing the files to import, click the "Open" button in said dialog, all of the files you have chosen will be moved into the proper location and will show up immediately in e-Sword.


Just for interest sake, the actual folder where installed e-Sword resources are kept on the Mac is: ~/Library/Containers/net.e-sword.e-Sword-X/Data/Library/Application Support. Files can be manually moved to this folder, but it is a lot easier to use the methods I have mentioned above.

#43554 Create modules without Tooltip

Posted by modulist on 07 October 2022 - 11:31 AM in Tutorials

In addition to what Katoog has said, a very important tag is:


<ref>Mat 1:1</ref>


This creates "tool tipped" scripture references. Unlike in the Windows version, these must not have an underscore in between the book and chapter:verse reference. So don't write Mat_1:1, or the reference won't work. However, it will appear underlined automatically in e-Sword for Mac/iOS/Android.


I have indeed created resources using an DB Browser for SQLite on the Mac. It takes more technical knowhow to do it, obviously, but it can be done. Katoog has given you some good advice to get you started.

#43085 Custom Personal Dictionary - Entry Limit

Posted by modulist on 21 July 2022 - 02:59 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

If you wish to share your resource I would advise that you actually compile your dictionary in both formats (dctx and dcti), because there are e-Sword users who use older versions which are not compatible to the newer format, particularly versions 10+, 11+, and I think versions 12.00 and 12.01.


Actually, e-Sword versions 11+ and 12+ are all compatible with the new format of module. Support for HTML formatted modules was one of the new features of e-Sword 11, if I'm not mistaken, and that version came out in 2016, if I remember correctly. So a person would have to have a pretty old version of e-Sword not to be able to use the newer module format. Although, if they're still one of those people clinging to Windows XP, they probably have an old version of e-Sword.


That said, using ToolTip, it's pretty easy to make both formats. It's just a matter of whether a person wants to take the trouble to make both. If somebody was only going to make only one format, then go with the .dcti format. It will be more widely compatible than the old one. I personally found that the new format works better or looks better than the old format, even though the old format is still compatible with e-Sword.

#43062 E-Sword 13 and other versions will not complete the installation (windows 10)

Posted by modulist on 16 July 2022 - 10:10 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Wouldn't an open source T4 replacement be a more useful project to invest your retirement time in?


Maybe one that could run on both Windows and macOS?

#43073 e-sword : How to add a link in a strong module to open all verses with a stro...

Posted by modulist on 19 July 2022 - 01:28 PM in Tips for Module Creation

The link seems to be function of e-Sword for Android not the Windows version of the strongs module


Yes, you're right about it not being function of the Windows version, but it does work in all other versions (macOS, iOS, and apparently Android too). The module that I was looking at with DB Browser was on the Mac, downloaded through e-Sword X, which is where I found the code above. That is why I think it's a function, not of the module, but something programmed into e-Sword itself.

#43079 e-sword : How to add a link in a strong module to open all verses with a stro...

Posted by modulist on 20 July 2022 - 09:35 AM in Tips for Module Creation

Maybe the developers of e-sword could use this hardcode feature to allow everyone to insert this line with the strong bible of their choice ?


If you would like to contact the developer of e-Sword to make this suggestion, you can do so here:



#43071 e-sword : How to add a link in a strong module to open all verses with a stro...

Posted by modulist on 19 July 2022 - 11:21 AM in Tips for Module Creation

All I can see when I look at the module using DB Browser for SQLite is the following:


<p><b>Total KJV occurrences: 12</b></p>


In other words, there is no special link (the "p" tag just marks a paragraph, and the "b" tag marks bold text), which leads me to conclude that the search function is programmed right into e-Sword (by the way, I didn't know that that was a link that performed a search, so thanks for the tip! It works on the Mac as well as on the iPhone).


The only suggestion I can think of would be to add this same or similar text to the end of each entry in your lexicon module. e-Sword may automatically make it a link that will work in the same way as the Strong's module. Try it on an entry or two and see if it works.


Best of luck.


P. S. — I would also mention another way you can see all instances of a particular Greek or Hebrew word in the Bible, and that is to use the KJC (King James Concordance) lexicon which can be downloaded right within e-Sword. If, say, you have looked up G1689, then if you go to this lexicon, it will show you a list of every verse which contains that word. And if you are using the popup (which I think you are) you can have this lexicon show up right under Strong's or before it or whatever you like. You might find this approach useful as well.

#44297 e-Sword Documentation - How To Import Resources into e-Sword X

Posted by modulist on 11 April 2023 - 05:02 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: How To Import Resources into e-Sword X

File Submitter: modulist

File Submitted: 11 Apr 2023

File Category: e-Sword Documentation

Author: modulist
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: macOS

A PDF giving the details of how to install resources into e-Sword X on the Mac, complete with pictures. Spoiler alert: it's very simple.

Click here to download this file

#43606 e-Sword Lt and e-Sword HD

Posted by modulist on 18 October 2022 - 08:28 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

They most certainly can, but you must choose the right format, which is those files that end with an "i." That is, files that end with .bbli, .cmti, .dcti, .lexi, .refi, etc. When you download one of these, it should either automatically open in e-Sword, or else iOS will ask you if want to open it in e-Sword. If the file is zipped, you will have to unzip it first.

#43320 e-sword LT URL SCHEME

Posted by modulist on 30 August 2022 - 05:57 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

e-Sword for iOS and Mac users are pretty much lazy, or that its beneath their dignity when it comes to creating tutorials and/or user guides (plus a heap of other content), and have an unrealistic expectation that us Windows users should do their work for them.


I must say that I am getting quite sick and tired of your rants against Mac users. How many do you know personally? How do you know that they are "pretty much lazy," or that it is "beneath their dignity when it comes to creating tutorials and/or user guides (plus a heap of other content)"?


How many Windows users have created tutorials for e-Sword that are available on this website? Basically one, Josh Bond. Moreover, that user guide hasn't been updated for many years. Why? Because Josh Bond is "lazy"? No. Probably because he's too busy to do so.


How many Windows users have created utilities for creating or else editing e-Sword modules? Very few (one might agree only one: Brent Hildebrand). You'd think with the much larger pool of Windows users there should be more. Maybe they're all just "lazy."


Or maybe only very few are programmers who would be capable of such a complicated enterprise. Someone recently suggested on another thread that you should create a utility for creating e-Sword modules. You declined to do so. Are you "lazy"? I don't think so. I think it is a fairly large undertaking that would take a lot of time, energy, and effort. I'm certainly not going to jump to such a conclusion about your "laziness," not knowing you personally.


Anyway, you're wrong about nobody creating tutorials for iOS or Mac, because Olaf Bacon linked to a tutorial video about e-Sword LT on YouTube.


I'm a Mac user and I've tried to help people on this site as and when I'm able. Many times I don't answer a question that somebody has because I don't know the answer. But if I know the answer, or at least have a suggestion that I think is reasonable, I try to help. So I find your accusations against Mac users kind of offensive.


As per wanting Windows users to do all the work for them, I think you should consider that the e-Sword PC to Apple conversion utility is for Windows only. Rick Meyers never made a Mac version. Hence, a Mac user can't use that application. You have to have Windows to use it. Not every Mac user is going to have a spare PC around to be able to convert modules. And not every user is computer-savvy enough to set up a virtual machine, etc. In fact, I think that a great many users of e-Sword on all platforms are not very computer savvy. Does that make them bad people? Of course not.


I think your first suggestion is more probable: that there just aren't a lot of users of e-Sword on Mac or iOS who frequent these forums. There will be a ton of Windows users who never contribute either. That doesn't make them bad people. Also, e-Sword for Windows has been around a lot longer than e-Sword for the Mac or iOS, so naturally the Windows e-Sword community would be well-established.


I don't mean to be offensive myself, and maybe I'm coming on too strong here. I certainly don't mean to create any hard feelings. But I would say that you should consider Matthew 7:1, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Sorry for going on so long, but I just had to get it off my chest. Thus endeth my own rant.

#43840 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by modulist on 30 December 2022 - 11:13 AM in Module Creation Tools

Hey, Tj,


OK - i are dum.


I went looking for the Sep and Oct 2019 versions, and couldn't find those either. Again - I only found the most recent release. So sorry to be so obtuse - but where are the older versions located?

Hi Dave,


There are three options available for download on this site. The first two are the Sep and Oct versions, respectively. The September version is named "ToolTipTool NT 20190819.exe" and the October version is named "ToolTipTool NT 20191007.exe."