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#13336 Reply to MySword

Posted by jonathon on 20 October 2012 - 04:58 PM in MySword

So the question is, how does any of that relate to MySword?

Does MySword support the systems, methods, and tools that one uses for one's normal and usual Bible Study?

MySword also offers many more translations than just the KJV.  I do not see how this applies to the discussion.

I was using that as a generic example.  

If you insist, I'll point out that MySword does not support the authorized version of the KJV, as appointed to be read for the Lessons of the Day.

And, to reiterate, using the claim that those texts can be found as a book, is akin to saying that MySword is the optimal choice for those who study the 道藏 or स्मृति.


#13335 NKJV Audio

Posted by jonathon on 20 October 2012 - 04:45 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I have a friend who has recently gone blind.

Try bard.loc.gov
The files won't be in mp3 format, but rather DAISY format.

If they don't have it, then probably the only legal option is to purchase the CDs/mp3 from CBD.  Other Christian, or even secular bookstores might have them, but since more than one person I know has gone broke saving money by purchasing their Christian material from CBD ....  

FWIW, my favorite audio Bible is Inspired By .... The Bible Experience.  The voice actors are African Americans, such as Denzel Washington, Blaire Underwood, Ertha Kitt, Monique, Natalie Cole, Angela Bassett, etc.


It might be easier to obtain a gratis copy of the NIV in Braille, than in mp3 format.


#13333 Reply to MySword

Posted by jonathon on 20 October 2012 - 04:32 PM in MySword

Please explain what you mean by that.

I'll try, by rephrasing it, albeit that rephrase is going to be more complex, obscure, and less understandable.

For those whose Bible study consists of tearing apart the  NA-28, BHS, WLC, MS, Byzantine Text, Majority Text, Clementine Vulgate, Peshita, Siddhic text,  etc, then Biblical Software that only provides the KJV does not provide the texts one uses for one's Bible study, and hence is utterly useless, for such purpose, because it fails to provide the required support for the type of Bible study that one does.

Rephrased differently.  

If your typical Bible study consists of studying the inflections of the Hebrew middle weak verb, with the entire range of possible variations for each conjunction (perfect, imperative, etc), person, number, gender, and stem, then Biblical software that provides the functionality is mandatory.  If one's Biblical software does not provide grammar and syntax search functionality, then one's Biblical software hinders the individual, by not providing the tools for studying the Bible in their usual, standard, and accustomed manner.

An explanation for this would be nice to.

Biblical software is useful, only to the extent that it supports the systems and methods of Bible Study that one uses.  If it fails to support those systems and methods, then it fails to enable one to study the Bible.


#13318 Reply to MySword

Posted by jonathon on 20 October 2012 - 07:25 AM in MySword

I was wondering (to the people who have MySword), what is the pros and cons of having MySword?

describe what I look at, in selecting Biblical software.

Granted, it isn't a comparison of MySword to e-Sword4ipad, or any other Biblical Software.

What I haven't yet discussed in that series, is how your current Bible Study Methods can be utilized on the Biblical Software that one is looking at.

By way of example.  If your Bible Study consists of tearing apart the Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Aramaic, Coptic, and Syriac text, then software that provides the KJV, and only the KJV is woefully inadequate for that task.   OTOH, if your Bible Study consists of resolving Scoffield References, than that KJV only Biblical software would be adequate, if it also provides Scoffield References,


#13317 Search function not working

Posted by jonathon on 20 October 2012 - 04:27 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

e-Sword is a wonderful tool but I'm having some trouble with my copy. The search function across the software (including Extended Search) does not work, returning 0 responses immediately. Only RegEx functions seem to work. The SermonAudio feature also does nothing after clicking the button.

Are you really running Windows XP?

( Excuse my skepticism, but your description is of the major/only functionality that CrossOver/WINE users experience, that Windows users do not experiance.)
  • Which version of Windows XP are you running?
  • Which edition of Windows XP are you running?
  • Are you using the 32 bit, or 64 bit version of Windows XP.
  • What version of .NET is installed
  • What version of MIE is installed;
  • How much RAM does your system have?
  • How much RAM is e-Sword using?

#13280 e-Sword HD for the iPad

Posted by jonathon on 18 October 2012 - 04:06 PM in Announcements

]You can still read the Catholic books in MySword, they just aren't apart of the "Bible" in the software,.

By that criteria, MySword is the optimal choice for those who study the 道藏 or स्मृति.


#13265 e-Sword HD for the iPad

Posted by jonathon on 18 October 2012 - 01:17 AM in Announcements

The basic version has more features than pocket e sword ever did.

Pocket e-Sword supports the Catholic Canon.
MySword does not support the Catholic Canon.


#13253 Esword update

Posted by jonathon on 17 October 2012 - 09:18 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I suspect that the next new product will be for the iPhone, because the coding is quite similar to the iPad. 

iPad, then iPhone, the Mac OS X.  (The same code base can be used for all three.)

There are two or three IDEs for iOS and Mac OS X, that will generate workable code for Android. If Rick is using one of them, then e-Sword for Android is not out of the question.

The Android developer's nightmare is support. The only way to ensure that a program runs on a specific device properly, is to test it on that device. (It is not uncommon for the updates to the installed apps I have, to be not supported, and, as often as not, uninstallable on my Xoom.) Simply to keep up with released Android devices, requires a monthly budget in the neighbourhood of US$10K. By way of contrast, all of the iOS devices that have been publicly released, can be purchased, in working condition, used, for under US$10K.

Depending on how Windows 8 is received/accepted over the next year or so, then maybe a new Windows based product.

Windows 9: If:
* Microsoft lasts until it is released;
* is released on schedule;
* contains all currently announced features;
* contains all currently announced components;
* works as currently advertised;
Then e-Sword on your desktop, laptop, game console, and mobile device is extremly probably. The kicker being whether or not it will be allowed in the Windows 9 application store.

However, Microsoft has never:
* released an OS on schedule;
* included all announced features in the OS release;
* included all announced components in the OS releas;


e-Sword Live! is getting long of tooth. A makeover here is long overdue, if it is to remain competitative in the web based Biblical software market.

Revamping includes:
* Rename existing "Topics" to "Cross-references";
* Add "Daily Devotions";
* Add "Prayer List";
* Allow for user created notes;
* Incorporate maps of places, and trips;
* Redoing the site using HTML 5.0, and related technologies;


Much as I would like to see e-Sword as a native Linux program, I doubt Rick will do that, unless it is as a "personal cloud" program. Something that one runs on one's private cloud. A migration, so to speak, of e-Sword Live!, from a corporate LAMP server to personal LAMP servers.


#13224 Topic with all verses Jesus speaks

Posted by jonathon on 16 October 2012 - 12:11 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

I thought about that, but I don't think it would really lend itself to an easy read, having to mouse from verse to verse and only being able to see one verse at a time. I am going to use that strategy on my next module, though.

Create two resources:
  • A chronological verse list;
  • A topical file/refx/whatever, that consists entirely of tool tip links;

#13223 CrossOver/Mac downloads/Newbie

Posted by jonathon on 16 October 2012 - 12:09 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

I just downloaded the new e sword for Mac.

If e-Sword is available for the Mac, Rick has done an excellent job in not telling anybody.

What you describe sounds like downloaded e-Sword HD, for the iPad. That program won't run on Mac OS X Mountain Lion.

If you tried to install e-Sword 10.1.x on a Mac Pro, then you need to first install either CrossOver, or other emulation software.
Then install the DLLs and other things that e-Sword needs.
Then install e-Sword.

Once you've done that, fire up e-Sword, and it should work.
Then test out downloading the resources, internally.


#13221 e-Sword's internal Module Downloader doesn't work for me

Posted by jonathon on 16 October 2012 - 12:04 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I'm on a home wireless network without a proxy. All my other programs connect to the web just fine.

Not a proxy you configured, but one that your Internet Service Provided configured.

What is MIE? I'm not aware of running it.

MIE: Microsoft Internet Explorer.
If you have removed it from your system, then that is your problem.
Fixable by reinstalling it.

If you have installed and run it, then there might be a version issue.


#13220 Afrikaans Bible

Posted by jonathon on 16 October 2012 - 12:01 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

as well as an e-Sword package (with Afrikaans- and KJV Bibles) for my tablet running on Android.

e-Sword has not been ported to Android, and won't run on that platform.

And Bible (part of The Sword Project / The Crosswire Bible Society) does offer the 1953 Afrikaanse Bybel.
IMNSHO, that is one of the best gratis/low cost biblical software programs for the Android, that is currently available. That isn't as much of recommendation as it sounds like, because none of the 6,000+ apps that claim to be Biblical Software, are adequate.


#13194 e-Sword on iPad

Posted by jonathon on 15 October 2012 - 09:33 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Can somebody who has used e-Sword HD update the e-Sword page on Wikipedia?


#13167 e-Sword's internal Module Downloader doesn't work for me

Posted by jonathon on 15 October 2012 - 07:00 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

My home network is a simple wireless network for several home devices.

You might be running into a proxy issue.
">Download >Bibles >Options >Proxy"

Fixing it, depends upon what the proxy expects.

ut the Module Downloader did not show any modules in the window to download for any of the 6 tabs

The only other cause of the Internal Module Downloader not working, that I am aware of, is a missing DL. AFAIK, thta only happens when using a Windows emulator, such as WINE, or CrossOver.


What version of MIE is installed?


#13166 English translation of septuigant w/ strongs #s

Posted by jonathon on 15 October 2012 - 06:18 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Does anyone know of an english translation of the septuigant, with gk. strongs #'s?

One was created back in the days of e-Sword 7.5. It required a special version of Strong's. (Back then, e-Sword assumed that OT Strong Numbers were Hebrew, and NT Strong Numbers were Greek. Too bad if your topical file used Strong Numbers.)

I've seen that