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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Aug 23 2016 07:36 PM
  • Last Updated: Sep 26 2016 04:53 PM
  • File Size: 889.23K
  • Views: 52944
  • Downloads: 6,862
  • Author: Josh Bond

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e-Sword Utility:
Download e-Sword Tab Renamer 1.5

* * * * * 16 Votes
Josh Bond

Don't like a current tab name (abbreviation) for a Bible, commentary, dictionary, devotional, etc? Something taking too much space?

This program lets you change the tab name without any technical knowledge! You can also change the tab name description visible when you hover the mouse over the tab abbreviation in e-Sword.

Technically challenged? No problem! Use this self installing application.

Works on all e-Sword PC 9-11 resources and Apple modules. Also works on official resources.

  • Click "Open module" and browse to the module (*.bblx, *.cmtx, *.dctx, *.mapx, *.harx, ...)
  • The current description and tab names will be displayed.
  • Change them to whatever you want and click "Update"
  • Close the app.
Do not use the same tab names as the official e-Sword resources. For example, you cannot name a Bible resource "NIV". e-Sword will not display your Bible resource because that tab name is reserved for official e-Sword resources.

What's New in Version 1.5 (See full changelog)

  • September 9, 2016: Minor bug fixes
  • September 2, 2016: No coding changes. I added a code signing certificate to both the installer exe and the tab renamer exe to avoid most virus/malware warnings. This identifies the program as being from "Bible Support".
  • August 2016:
  • Reset the creation date of the file listing.
  • Fixed the issue with admin/elevated rights.
  • Added support for Apple modules.
  • All 9-11/Apple modules, even official resources, can now be changed.

hi all,

This program is very easy to use. Please use this if you need to change your tab name.

Thanks Josh for requesting this program and Thank you Raymond for making it (so easy).
Amen! Strike while the iron's hot, so to speak. When you have a programmer ready to program, let's get all of our requests in! He develops these apps so fast. I really appreciate it.
I updated this download to add a self installing version of the application. I believe technically challenged people will use this application and as such, it should be self installing (to avoid all kinds of questions about what to do with the .dll file, etc). Thanks again, Raymond, this will be a big help to those upgrading from e-Sword 7-8 to e-Sword 10.
I am simply and totally.....stunned ! Thank you Raymond Barone ! Thank You from me and everyone @ biblesupport.com
who will benefit from this much needed module.

Thanks so much. Now I my tabs are clearly labeled, making everything much easier to use.

I applaud your efforts! Would it be possible to have the ability to also change the modules file name added to your program? The modules are alphabetized by module name; not tab name; so that would be a nice addition to this program.

Raymond,I applaud your efforts! Would it be possible to have the ability to also change the modules file name added to your program? The modules are alphabetized by module name; not tab name; so that would be a nice addition to this program.

If you mean renaming the file, when you click "Open Module", and select a file, you could simply click F2 and rename it before clicking "Open"
I've so far changed the "Tab Names" of 8 modules....this thing has worked - Flawlessly !!

I've found this to be very handy. The only thing I'd like to see added, which I've wanted for years, is the ability to assign colors to tabs. Still, it's WELL worth the download. I've used it on 9 or 10 modules and it's worked perfectly in every case but one.

I've found this to be very handy. The only thing I'd like to see added, which I've wanted for years, is the ability to assign colors to tabs. Still, it's WELL worth the download. I've used it on 9 or 10 modules and it's worked perfectly in every case but one.

Thanks for your review.
Would you please tell me which case didn't work?
You might want to try "e-sword library manger" which also renames tabs in a much easier way.
For assigning colors, I don't think it's possible in esword.

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