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  • Submitted: Jan 07 2012 02:52 AM
  • Last Updated: Dec 23 2021 09:32 AM
  • File Size: 16.35MB
  • Views: 11866
  • Downloads: 1,937
  • Author: Emery Szasz
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: AS

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Download The Awful Scroll Translation - Bible 1.0

* * * * - 6 Votes
Scripture New Testament Pentateuch (Gen-Deu) OT History (Joshua-Esther) OT Wisdom (Poetry) Literal

Emery Szasz

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

The Awful Scroll - Straight Old Testament and New Testament is a unique translation which seeks to express the words and phrases as literally as possible, expressing Hebrew and Greek idioms exactly as they appear. The verb tenses in Hebrew, especially, are used differently than in normal English; so when sometimes past tense is translated in English in most versions, in Hebrew (and in this translation) it may be present tense. Also, this translation gives the translations of most OT names in place of the names themselves. For example: Jehovah and Abraham are both in the following passage from Genesis:

18:18 (")Father-of-populousness is to be a great and overshadowing nation, and in him, the nations of the solid grounds are to be approved!
18:19 (")I am to have known him, that he was to give charge to his sons, and his house after him, that they are to have observed, the manner of Sustains To Become, to do righteousness and justice, that Sustains To Become is to bring on Father-of-populousness, that having been declared."

At this point, Genesis through Song of Solomon is completed in the OT, as well as the entire NT.

From the author's website:

translation by:
Emery Szasz
Email: sz1_emery@yahoo.com
(with an underscore: sz1_emery@yahoo.com)


This "Awful Scroll, Straight Old & New Testaments" translation was made by me, Emery Szasz, a brother in the Lord, for the purpose of having a version available that is sincerely and accurately literal. The King James version is reasonably well translated, but it is both old in language (Needing to be translated itself!), and some verses are wanting to be translated better. I purpose in my Old & New Testaments version to keep the original figure of speeches. Also to maintain, as much as feasible, the verb tenses & moods. Greek and Hebrew was the language used, to write the most of the two Testaments, to which I reason them to be God's chosen and prepared languages, of that time, to best express the Old & New Covenants to the world of people. Therefore, I would not that anything is to be lost in the translations. I indeed also intended to know what actually was stated by God, through His writers, and not what anyone presupposes it to mean in the not literal versions. A sincere literal version is to be brought closer to the Word of God, as to what was actually said. Not to be taking a stance, but working on what the Word says and to put His ways to our lives. No one is exempt from searching the Word to receive that Unconcealed. We need to filter out any preconceived views and come up to know His Word, so that we can accustom to all of His likeness.

The Greek language has no big words, so words are made by combining words together to form other words. I distinguish these words by putting a hyphen between them "-" as in "bringing-out-of-suppression". Sometimes, (however few,) it becomes too difficult to make a translation, therefore I place before the word a tilde "~", indicating the word was not translated exactly literal, but I hope to have these more literally translated in future.

Also in this translation there are distinctions made to the word 'you': so that the singular 'you' remains to be 'you', but if what accompanies it is the word 'are' - it is changed to 'is', 'were' to 'was', and 'have' to 'has'; and now the plural word 'you' becomes 'yous' (yooz). The word 'yourself' or 'yourselves' needs not to be clarified, but the plural of the words 'your' and 'yours' becomes "you all's".


What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

...now the plural word 'you' becomes 'yous' (yooz). The word 'yourself' or 'yourselves' needs not to be clarified, but the plural of the words 'your' and 'yours' becomes "you all's".

When I read this, and compared it to the NIV 2011 bad grammar, I'm now forced to toss a coin as to see which of the two is the worst. I know that the NIV's excuse for bad grammar is to show how much more gender neuteral they are above all other translations to where they have taken it to rediculous extremes, but here I can't/don't see a reason for such crass grammar.

... for the purpose of having a version available that is sincerely and accurately literal.

So, when I look at it in this view, I think this would have to be a failure of his intended objecitve.

here I can't/don't see a reason for such crass grammar.

NT Greek distinguishes between second person singular and second person plural; modern English does not. While there aren't many verses where the difference between the two matters, there are a few where this can blur the original meaning. Thus, translators have typically chosen among the following options: use the same word for both (at the cost of having readers misunderstand the verse); noting the difference in a footnote (which the reader might not read and usually would not show up when the verse is quoted); and, using an outdated (thee/thine) or substandard (such as y'all or yous for second person plural) word to make the difference clear.
So, when I look at it in this view, I think this would have to be a failure of his intended objecitve.

While this does not technically fall under the category of "literal", it does make the distinction made in Greek between second person singular and plural clearer.
here I can't/don't see a reason for such crass grammar.


Honestly, I was willing to give this novelty a whirl right up until all these strange new  and crass conventions were discussed, and I have to agree with APsit190's review.  The Greek...distinctions...blah, blah, blah, yeah, I took Greek, it consumed the better part of two years of college, and nothing in that time convinced me that "yous/yooz" was a solution--nor did we do any such nonsense in Spanish class with their plural inflections.  In other words, I liked the overall concept, including the tongue-in-cheek name of the proposed "translation," and probably could've put up with "you all," but the "yous" is not something I will put up with any more than I will put up with the "yens" used in parts of NC and PA.  Sorry, Emery, but it's not going to fly with me, hope you(s) understand.

Just for clarification's sake, I don't always LIKE the Bible modules I upload, but I figure the more variety, the better.  At least it was an easy module to make.  :)

I have enjoyed the Awful Scroll. Th Holy Spirit has given me revelation through it. Blessings

So, you's all don't seems to likes it?

I enjoy this translation along with the ABP+, JMNT and CLV. We need more like these that are willing to actually translate the Greek rather than give you a readible fluff version missing key prepositions and continuing action of verbs.

I enjoy this translation along with the ABP+, JMNT and CLV. We need more like these that are willing to actually translate the Greek rather than give you a readible fluff version missing key prepositions and continuing action of verbs.

Persoanlly, I proabably would have used "you 'all".

But in all seriousness, I do see the lack of a plural you as a minor flaw in modern English.

I suppose if your are from California then it's "you guys".

Just for clarification's sake, I don't always LIKE the Bible modules I upload, but I figure the more variety, the better.  At least it was an easy module to make.  :)

Bradley, thanks for finding this module. I actually use it all the time along with a couple of interlinears.

Bradley, thanks for finding this module. I actually use it all the time along with a couple of interlinears.


I'm glad you found it useful.


Persoanlly, I proabably would have used "you 'all".

But in all seriousness, I do see the lack of a plural you as a minor flaw in modern English.

I suppose if your are from California then it's "you guys".


I just returned from visiting Canada, and up there, they do say "yous" for the plural.  I'm from the midwest, and I always say "you guys."  My wife is from the south and says "y'all." 

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