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  • Submitted: Jun 10 2011 06:09 AM
  • Last Updated: Oct 07 2019 09:26 AM
  • File Size: 35.49MB
  • Views: 29704
  • Downloads: 2,282
  • Author: Brent Hildebrand
  • Suggest New Tag:: verse, reference, scripture, verse lookup

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e-Sword Utility:
Download e-Sword HotKey 2019.10.07

* * * * * 10 Votes

Brent Hildebrand

Suggest New Tag::
verse, reference, scripture, verse lookup

E-Sword HotKey works in conjunction with E-Sword on Microsoft Windows. With E-Sword running, while working in any other program, such as Mozilla Firefox, IE, MS-Word, WordPad, Adobe PDF file, etc, select a section of text that contains a Bible Text Reference, press the Ctrl key and C (Ctrl+C) to copy the selected text to the Windows Clipboard, then press the F11 key, the default hot key, which HotKey is looking for. HotKey then searches for the first Bible Text Reference, formats it some, then brings E-Sword to the front and tells E-Sword to look up the text. That is all that E-Sword HotKey does. Currently it works for English Bible book names and abbreviations only. Currently, no Bible chapter and verse validation is performed by HotKey. If a Reference is invalid, E-Sword will let you know!

HotKey allows you to change the hot key that HotKey will respond to. Click the Hotkey menu, and then select which modification keys (Ctrl, Alt, Shift) that you would like your new hot key to have, and press the key on the keyboard you want to use for your hot key. Then Click the OK button on the key selection form.

E-Sword HotKey has 2 modes of operation, Simple, and Search.
-- Simple mode: HotKey only removes formating that E-Sword will not recognize, such as periods and parentheses. You must select the Bible reference fairly accurately for Simple mode to work correctly.
-- Search mode: HotKey actively searches for the first recognizable Bible reference and sends that to E-Sword. You only need to be sure to include the Bible reference in your selected text. For this mode to work, HotKey has a list of Bible book names and common abbreviations. You can edit this list to add or remove abbreviations to match your needs. USE SEARCH MODE for easy of use...

New for version 3 of e-Sword HotKey. If you have installed e-Sword Macros on your system (see http://www.e-sword.net/extras.html), then e-Sword HotKey will create a new menu item called "Macro" which will interface with e-Sword Macros. Hightlight a section of your document that contains scripture references and copy it to the clipboard. Press the Macro HotKey (default=Ctrl+')(control quote), and HotKey will search the selected text, find the scripture references, and then look them up in e-Sword in the currently selected Bible version as set by HotKey (not e-Sword) and place the references back into the Windows clipboard. You can then paste them into your current working document if it is an text editor, or email client program.

E-Sword HotKey is powered by APL+Win, http://www.apl2000.com

e-Sword® is a registered trademark of Rick Meyers.
Get your copy of E-Sword, at http://e-sword.net
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What's New in Version 2019.10.07 (See full changelog)

  • e-Sword HotKey - a utility to use in conjunction with e-Sword, http://e-sword.net.
  • e-Sword(R) is a registered trademark of Rick Meyers.
  • ========================================
  • Version 2019.1007 10/07/2019
  • ========================================
  • -- Update - Now using TX27
  • -- Update - BBCode generation
  • -- Update - Increased type of verses that can decoded
  • -- Update - Default abbreviation list
  • -- Update - Calc Function (PW)
  • -- Changed - Moved popup menu numbering scheme under style menu
  • -- Changed - Removed the OT, NT, Verse and Pericode menus
  • -- New - Allow for change for color/colorback/underlining/italic/bold when tooltipping for e-Sword
  • -- New - Tooltip color can to chosen under the Mode menu of the Popup Window
  • -- New - Allow for random tooltip color, default is not to! See the Mode Menu of the Popup Window
  • ========================================
  • Version 2019.0819 08/19/2019
  • ========================================
  • -- Update - option to have Revelation 12:18 as a valid verse. Disable this in Settings "REV1218" to 0
  • -- Update - option to have 3 John 15 as a valid verse. Settings key, IIIJO15
  • ========================================
  • Version 2019.0818 08/18/2019
  • ========================================
  • -- Update - support for e-Sword 12. This version should work with e-Sword 9-12.
  • ========================================
  • Version 2019.0401 04/01/2019
  • ========================================
  • -- New - Clipboard diagnostic tool added to Calculator

Hi BH, What version is e-Sword Hot key up to (is it 3.01 or 3.05)? I would like to know what is the latest version. Please post it.

As an e-Sword user with Microsoft Word for a number of years, I used Rick Meyers' e-Sword Macros regularly. I finally dumped Microsoft a couple of years ago and went over to Open Office and then Libre Office. I love the free office programs but I sorely missed the e-Sword Macros. I just discovered HotKey a couple of weeks ago. It replaces everything that I ever did with e-Sword Macros and gives me even more. This is a fantastic program to use in congunction with any program that uses typing. I had tried HotKey some years ago and had difficulties with it's operation. BH has corrected all the difficulties that I had and has given us a fantastic utility for accessing Bible passages and e-Sword painlessly.

Besides that, the price is right!

Absolutely necessary for any remote work outside e-Sword itself. A wonderful blessing

Is there a simple How to Guide to Macros or Hot keys?  I am having a hard time with the Hot Keys.  I am not sure I understand how to use them.   In my mind they should operate like Windows (CTRL+C) or (CTRL+V). 

  Also it seems as though things have changed with the new Windows.  I have been trying to read the different reviews and with all the different versions it is not making much sense.  For instance, above it states to use ALT F8 but when I do that it does nothing. 

I use Word and E-sword a lot.  I would really like to find a way to streamline things.  Thanks for your help.


Nathan Neff


Thank you so much for making this available, Brent.  Very helpful.

When I attempted to download e-Sword HotKey, Comodo Secure DNS gave me this warning:

Warning: Unsafe Website Blocked! dl.dropbox.com

This website has been blocked temporarily because of the following reason(s):

  • Malicious

This site contains links to viruses or other software programs that can reveal personal information stored or typed on your computer to malicious persons

Could you confirm the safety of this site?


Thank you for your help.

Hi Brent


Installed Hotkey 3.86 today on Win 10 system. When first ran it I had access to all my bibles but then it changed and only showed KJV & KJV+.  I copied in the bible.cf file you gave me and that helped but still only had a few of the bibles show.  When i tried to update the index file I got a error

I installed Hotkey on my two other systems Win 10 and Win 7 and got the same type of result, but each system has a different list of bibles, not all of them.  The two Win 10 systems have BBLX & BBLI bibles listed.


Hotkey does work fine except for the bible list.


Thank you so much for providing this tool!!!  We have had the blessing of installing it on many of my friends computers.  They love it too.  It is an awesome tool!!!   I just downloaded version 2017.1217.   If I find issues, where would you like the bug report sent?   Thanks again!!!


Thank you so much for providing this tool!!!  We have had the blessing of installing it on many of my friends computers.  They love it too.  It is an awesome tool!!!   I just downloaded version 2017.1217.   If I find issues, where would you like the bug report sent?   Thanks again!!!

Glad you like it, I find it indispensable.  Are you having issues? 


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