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Member Since 05 May 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2021 07:54 AM

#11059 Post e-Sword Module Requests Here

Posted by ifffam on 20 July 2012 - 05:37 AM

Dear administrators,

Here is a request: I believe it would be useful to have a dictionary of greek and hebrew synonyms as that would permit more insight into the text: for example, to click on "metanoeo" would give "epistrepho", which is a synonym; then, using a lexicon, we would see that the former refers to an inner conversion, while the latter, to a more exterior one (to do what we should, but without too much conviction or a deep conversion of heart). So if the text we read displays the former but not the latter, we will know it talks not just of a conversion but of a deep conversion unlike a more formal exterior one.

Thank you. God bless,
