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Member Since 06 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2012 07:03 PM

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We had a wonderful afternoon. First we went to the Lerner Theater (the old Elco Theater, newly completely rebuilt in Elkhart) and saw the Sound of Music performed. What an absolutely beautiful venue. It is a very very classy place. The play, with (as far as I know) all local talent was wonderful. I was overcome with emotion a number of times. This day was so meaningful to me. The grandchildren have watched this movie with Jackie and I quite a number of times. . . this follows many ye...
May 06 2012 06:48 PM


I'll be on the road in a minute or so. . .
May 05 2012 06:09 AM


This new grill thermometer is so neat. I have a large pork roast on the grill, which I'll cook all night and I'm laying in bed watching the grill temp and the meat temp on the remote unit.
May 05 2012 12:03 AM


Picking up Matthew Yeater from IBC (Indiana Bible College) in the morning. On the way home from work, I bought a whole Boston butt pork roast at Gordons Food Service. I've got it soaking in the brine solution right now. Later I'll put on the dry rub, and start it on the grill with some hickory and apple wood chunks about midnight. . . It'll cook all night and all day tomorrow, and we'll have a great smoked pulled pork meal tomorrow night. . . So glad Matt's coming home for the summer. . .
May 04 2012 05:56 PM


Deuteronomy 10:20 Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God; him shalt thou serve, and to him shalt thou cleave, and swear by his name. We are to do His work. . . be as if in bonded servitude to Him, greatly respectful, and devoted servants. We are to adhere closely to Him. Join with Him. . . be one with Him. To swear by His name. . . The Hebrew word for swear, has a meaning of being complete in Him, also to 'feed to the full', literally to 'seven oneself', to repeat His name over and over. . ....
May 03 2012 07:22 AM


The unrepentant mind. . . Remembers wrongs. . . Justifies its actions. . . Blames others for its faults. . . Magnifies its virtues. . . Minifies its flaws. . . Is prideful. . . Abhors submission. . . The repentant mind. . . Forgives. . . Continually questions its motivations and actions. . . Accepts responsibility. . . Gives God the credit for successes. . . Is aware of its shortcomings. . . Strives for humility. . . Is meek. . . The dark chasm...
May 02 2012 01:04 PM


Deuteronomy 10:12 And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, Continuing my study of the fear of God. . . God desires to be loved and obeyed. He requires both respect and devotion. He will not be satisfied with one without the other. . . This verse is worthy of much meditation. . . worthy of far more attention than I can give it t...
May 02 2012 06:58 AM


Leviticus 19:32 Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD. Continuing my study of the fear of God. . . the Hebrew word here translated as 'hoary head', is feminine for 'old age'. We are to respect and honor. . . give deference to the elderly men and women among us. It speaks as to nothing of their accomplishments or status or other rank, but solely for their years. This includes ALL elderly without exception. This is the wil...
May 01 2012 06:34 AM


You know it's windy when. . . You see whitecaps on the St. Joe river. . .
Apr 23 2012 05:17 PM


We has another tremendous day of worship at Life Tabernacle. Pastor Johnson led off with an amazing Sunday School lesson on Job and our evangelist Brother Jason Pearcy taught on coming back to Gilgal. . . it was a wonderful day of teaching and preaching. . .
Apr 22 2012 07:56 PM