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Member Since 15 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2013 11:06 AM

#7933 e-Sword 10.1 Released

Posted by Live4Jesus on 07 April 2012 - 03:00 PM

There is big privacy problems here. esword is obviously "phoning home" to show ad information. Some people don't want their computer and ip address being recorded at e-sword.net anytime they are connected to the internet. What if you live in a country where you could get in trouble for that? What if you downloaded and installed e-sword before you arrived in a country to avoid connections with a Christian website? What if you installed from a cd to avoid an internet connection with a Christian website? This is very bad. esword phones home every time you start it? And we have to build firewalls to stop it?

Economic times are tough and I'm sure donations are really down but over commercializing esword to make more money is going to result in a backlash.

#6694 Poll: e-sword open source?

Posted by Live4Jesus on 21 February 2012 - 11:11 PM

What makes anyone think they can take a vote on giving away someone else's property?? Off the wall. Makes the case for restricting polls from general users.

#5234 Module Makers (Guild ?)

Posted by Live4Jesus on 02 January 2012 - 02:27 PM

The Ball just stoped and appears to have sprung a leak and is rapidly deflating

No josh wont let this degenerate into the old esword users site. He has already proven the "failed experiment" was just run wrong.

#3771 Cost of running a site like this

Posted by Live4Jesus on 15 November 2011 - 01:18 PM

I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds here by asking a nosy question. On the old site, they said it would cost $1500 a month for the right kind of storage / bandwidth and server "power". That was one of the excuses for letting the old site go away.

I just wondered if it really costs that much to run a site like this?  I guess it might this is a huge site.

#3317 e-Sword 10.0.4 Released (Test Drive Version)

Posted by Live4Jesus on 03 November 2011 - 10:54 AM

The concept of the Cetus Software's "Smart Starter" utility could be expanded here to create "collections" or categories for topics. Someone else would have to code it, though.

Since Rick reads the forums, I will try once more on this one, lol. If I went to a library and they told me I could filter by book title but could not browse by category or subject... how useful would the library be?

#1409 New modules for The Word?

Posted by Live4Jesus on 15 August 2011 - 04:51 PM

What are the chances you could offer new modules in both e-Sword and the Word format? I don't know if I'm the only one who downloads and converts from this website but but it would be cool to just download them directly. You would not have to make any installer or anything. The person could download and then run the module which automatically installs it for the Word. Don't get me wrong, I like e-Sword and it has its place. I recommend it to people who are overwhelmed by too many options and I use your manual when helping new people who aren't very computer savy.