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There have been 5 items by framecounter (Search limited from 03-June 23)

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#40877 Problems with e-Sword 13 and Wine on Ubuntu

Posted by framecounter on 29 April 2021 - 09:40 PM in Tutorials

WMP worked on old version of linux using wine back in 2002 era, but nobody working on anymore. As an alternative if your hardware supports it, using linux you can install windows as a virtual machine with libvirt(kvm) or virtualbox.  This way you can install and use e-sword on native windows.  For Windows license you can use free (limited) version of windows 10 (google how to free windows) or maybe you can find a license key online. Let me know if you're interested and I can provide you with more information.


The real solution IMO would be to get the online version back up.  Wish more people would get on board with that since it would help so many linux users.  Many less fortunate people around the world must use linux because Microsoft and Apple are too expensive, it's a shame such brilliant software must go un-used for so many.


#40823 E Sword online live site?

Posted by framecounter on 23 April 2021 - 05:18 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Just to let you guys know I'm serious about this!

#40801 E Sword online live site?

Posted by framecounter on 19 April 2021 - 02:58 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

The best person you can talk to about that is Rick Meyers, the author of e-Sword. Click here to contact him.


Hi APsit190, thanks so much for the reply.  I've actually already tried contacting Mr. Meyers through the link on his site a few times over the past year or so, but I imagine he gets hundreds of emails daily and must have a hard time going through them all.  I'm sure my messages are getting lost in the wayside or maybe he's just not interested, I don't know.  But yes, thanks again for the reply. 


My hope is that someone here might have a more direct line to Mr. Meyers and might pass the idea along or possibly already have access to the site archive and willing to work with me directly (with Ricks permission of course).

#40793 SSL Certificate for biblesupport.com

Posted by framecounter on 19 April 2021 - 08:48 AM in Website Feedback

Hi everyone,


Let me start by saying that I love the forums here and the people.  It's a great place and I love e-sword.  I used it all the time before switching to linux.  Recently been trying to get information about the old Live version of e-sword so I can help get that back on-line so linux users can use the software and this brought me back to your forums.


Now for the reason I'm posting this is because I noticed the site here is not secured with SSL.  I think this is a huge vulnerability for security as everyone who logs into the site is putting their passwords out there in plain text, and since many people use the same passwords for other sites, and anyone could intercept their login to biblesupport.com and easily get their passwords I would like to suggest to you admins that you add SSL support for the forums.  


Your web host should offer SSL certificates for less than $5/yr, and many hosting services offer them for free.  Also, if cost is an issue and your hosting provider does not offer free ssl certificates then you could also use letsencrypt for Free trusted SSL certificates to secure your site.


I hope that you guys will take some time and seriously consider my request to add SSL support to your site.  With everything going on today the Church is targeted more and more by online hackers.  We need to be secure and protect our community from these threats.


Thank you all and God Bless!

#40791 E Sword online live site?

Posted by framecounter on 19 April 2021 - 08:29 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I would like to offer to help get the live site back up online.  I own a hosting company and can offer free hosting for the site, also I can help with upgrades and tech support as well.  Hopefully somebody reading this might have information about how to get the site back online.