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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Aug 28 2018 09:14 AM
  • Last Updated: Feb 12 2024 09:58 AM
  • File Size: 10.33MB
  • Views: 4662
  • Downloads: 258
  • Author: unfoldingWord.org and door43.org teams
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: ULB
  • Suggest New Tag:: Literal, Literal Bible, Conservative Bible, Conservative

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Unlocked Literal Bible Apple

- - - - -

unfoldingWord.org and door43.org teams

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Suggest New Tag::
Literal, Literal Bible, Conservative Bible, Conservative

E-SWORD UPDATE: Rick Meyers recently published e-Sword on Android. It is now available on the Google Play Store. It uses the standard e-Sword module format .bbli. If you want to add your personal e-Sword module library to your Android phone, convert your module files using e-Sword's PC to Apple converter program to convert to the .bbli format, which now works on PC, Android, and Apple devices.

Unlocked Literal Bible, Version 9, published 2-21-2017. This work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

A summary of the license can be viewed at: https://door43.org/e...-and-licensing/

and the full license can be viewed at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0

Original work available at https://door43.org/u...ulb/18cf03a806/. The original work is titled: Unlocked Literal Bible. The original work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The original work has been modified in file format only.

Unlocked Literal Bible e-Sword modules (ULB.bblx and ULB.bbli), The Word module (ULB.ont), and mySword modules (ULB.bblx and ULB.bbli) created and edited by Gene Benjamin II. These Bible modules are available for download for PC, Apple, and Linux devices from www.biblesupport.com and www.wordmodules.com. On biblesupport.com do a search for “Unlocked Literal Bible 9” then scroll down, and on wordmodules.com do a search for “Unlocked Literal Bible” then scroll down. Please email Gene if your module does not work or with any non-theological questions: anapto2 at gmail dot com.

You are free and legally freed to:

• Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
• Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially

Under the following conditions:

• Attribution — You must attribute the work as follows: “Original work available at door43.org.”
Attribution statements in derivative works should not in any way suggest that we endorse you or your use of this work.
• ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

If you do create a derivative work, you must change the name of the Bible module.

What's New in Version Apple (See full changelog)

  • Edits through Feb 12, 2024.
  • Original edited file uploaded on Aug 28, 2018.

Is this a real "Unlocked Literal Bible"


The description above states that the General editor of Unlocked Literal Bible is Gene Benjamin II


However, I did not find his name appeared in one of the contributors of "Unlocked Literal Bible" stated at:



In addition, description on this e-Sword module, has this line, "... The original work has been modified.

However, this e-Sword module is distributed under the same name of the original work, without stating what actually been modified.


The description makes me think that the module is not actually "Unlocked Literal Bible".

I think it would be helpful if it the module creator states clearly what had been modified from the real "Unlocked Literal Bible".

I had passed information to unfoldingWord about this module.

Unlocked Literal Bible Apple, Version 9, published 2-21-2017. Submitted by anapto Aug 28, 2018, and updated Mar 14, 2023. Bible Support provides one module:

[1] ULB.bbli   10.33 MB

I suggest that you change the filename to ULB-v9.bbli so that you have an indication of what version you have loaded to your device.

This module is designed to work with e-Sword X for the Mac, and with e-Sword HD for the iPad, and with e-Sword LT for the iPhone. It will also work successfully on e-Sword for Android, and e-Sword for the PC on e-Sword versions 11, 12, and 13.  

The tab in the Bible option is ULB Unlocked Literal Bible.  


If you later want to load a later version of the module, first disable this module, by adding “.old” to the file type in the filename. This is because the Version 11 module uses the exact same filename and file type extension.

The current versions of e-Sword are listed here.


To load e-Sword to your device use the following link to the developer’s website, Rick Meyers, https://www.e-sword.net. Select Links, Select your version of e-Sword. Download as required, and please remember to view and follow the instructions in the FAQ option.

Good news for those who love studying the Bible.


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