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There have been 3 items by RTB (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#45113 Is there a Greek OT (LXX) in English Module for E-Sword?

Posted by RTB on 27 September 2023 - 09:18 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone,



I am busy studying Romans and Paul quotes a lot from the LXX. The English translations of the Hebrew OT can be be quite different.


Is there at least one bible module that has the Greek OT (any version) in English so I can perform searches etc on it and also read to see that it is correct with the Romans English translation.


Much appreciated any feedback.


I have PDF English versions of the LXX.

#44488 Planning On Converting PDF Bible into e-Sword using Tooltip NT

Posted by RTB on 26 May 2023 - 03:57 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers



That helps enormously.


I can now see how I can get this done with the least amount of work.


I will start with a small book an see how that goes.




#44479 Planning On Converting PDF Bible into e-Sword using Tooltip NT

Posted by RTB on 24 May 2023 - 08:54 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers



There is a bible translation called the Last Generation Version (LGV) which has been written by Tim Warner which I like and I know a number of Christians like his stance on using the terms Messiah, Master, Breath (for spirit). 


It is all in PDF's which I can convert to any text format normally would be word with notes on many entries. I am planning on creating two e-Sword bible versions one with the notes and one without so scripture texts can be copied and compared a lot easier with other bible translations in e-sword. 


Here is an example of what is in the WORD doc for 2 Cor


God’s great Deliverance at Ephesus
3 Blessed2 the God and Father of our Master Jesus Anointed,3 the Father of compassions and God of all consolation, 4 the one consoling us over all our affliction [in order] to empower us to console those in every affliction through the consolation with which we ourselves are consoled under God. 5 Since just as the sufferings of the Anointed are multiplying unto us, thus also our consolation is multiplying through the Anointed. 6 Yet whether we are afflicted, [it is] for your consolation and deliverance (which is effective in endurance of the same sufferings which we are experiencing). Whether we are consoled, [it is] for your consolation and deliverance.
These are the note entries currently at the end of the page
2 See note on Eph. 1:3.
3 The New Testament frequently refers to God as both the “Father” and the “God” of Jesus, showing clearly the Son’s subordinate position. This statement appears at the beginning of almost all of Paul’s letters, yet was borrowed from Jesus Himself (John 20:17).


1. Could someone suggest the best way to import the text into Tooltip NT so I can use the notes without having to input manually and how what functionality should I use so anyone using LGV can click on the number and see Tim's comments, notes, commentary.
2. Does anyone know a powerful text editor that could be used to convert the above text into the required TOOLTIP NT format genesis 1:1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. I have linux mint running as well as windows so can use either one.
3.  Any general tips welcome as I know I have a high learning curve.
4. Has anyone created a TOOLTIP NT Video showing creating a bible module that I could watch.
The  TOOL Tip NT manual looks great and has lots of details which I am sure I will be using a lot.
Does anyone have an example text file of a bible that was imported into e-sword using TOOLTIP so I can get a feel how you put sub headings in and handle other special things?
Thanks to all in advance
Blessings Raymond