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#16316 The Gift New Testament

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 19 March 2013 - 10:53 PM in Modules In Progress

Okay, html is probably the best, since all you'd have to do is open the files with your browser and copy/paste into your word processor. Each WP is a little different but most browsers handle html the same.

Actually, the whole reason I wanted them in rtf format is to see if I could avoid having to do copy and paste, which is how I think the whole problem with the text not displaying properly arose (copying from the pdf and pasting it to the Tooltip Tool NT). The RTF format was created by Micro$oft long before the existence of e-Sword and I believe the creator of e-Sword adapted the various module formats from it. But no worries, since, like I wrote previously, I can always find a way to convert the HTML to RTF.

I can put the files in a zip directory, can that be uploaded here? If not, I can put it on my server and just give you a link... maybe I'll do that anyway.

Just in case you find a future use for it, "More Reply Options" button (under the "Reply to this topic" form and beside the "Post" button) > "Choose Files..." button.

#16311 The Gift New Testament

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 19 March 2013 - 07:19 PM in Modules In Progress

I can either send you the html files or you can copy/paste from the online text. But if I knew what format you need for modules (e.g. how to designate bold, italic, etc.), I could insert those codes and make the output a text file.

HTML would be fine, although .rtf would be better since that is what the Tooltip Tool NT (or T4 for short, which is a word processor developed by a user on this site to help create e-Sword modules) reads. However, I'm sure there are various freeware or online options out there which I could use to convert the HTML to RTF.

Re. PDF, it may be your PDF reader since I can't find any instances of "o□cial". I may have used an older PDF creator at that time, since it was done several years ago.

After I posted, an epiphany struck me that it might be the Tooltip Tool NT, since if I copy and paste the text into other fields (such as this online form), it displays correctly.

#16291 The Gift New Testament

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 19 March 2013 - 01:58 AM in Modules In Progress

Warning: the following was written quite late and therefore may be partially or entirely semi-intelligible.
Regarding your comment about John 1:6-7, I think the online version has it right....
Yep, the online has the section as John 1:6-8.
I have everything in a mySQL database and can easily write a php script to convert the content to whatever form you need.
#Pounds head on desk# I can't believe I didn't think of converting the .pdf to .rtf format, as that would probably greatly reduce the conversion time. However, your idea would seem to offer the added advantage of removing extraneous text such as page numbers, making the e-Sword module conversion even easier. So I would greatly appreciate it if you could do so. Just let me know and then e-mail me the file or upload it here. Otherwise, I'm sure I can find either a program or an online site that could convert it.
However, I have noticed that when I copy and pasted from the .pdf, certain letter combinations (especially those including "ff") aren't recognized correctly. For example, "official" appears as "o□cial". I have no clue as to whether this is a problem with the font, the conversion process to .pdf, or something else entirely and it shouldn't be too much of a problem for whatever word processor I use to do a search and replace, but just thought I would let you know.

#16129 The Gift New Testament

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 06 March 2013 - 09:30 PM in Modules In Progress

Thanks, that looks fine. Only thing is about the question mark in John 18:35, is that I "hear" it as a rhetorical question rather than one the English reader would expect a rising tone at the end as for typical questions. But that isn't critical.

I see your point somewhat, but a question mark is added even after a rhetorical question, isn't it?  =OP

#16128 The Gift New Testament

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 06 March 2013 - 09:25 PM in Modules In Progress

1) For some reason I had it in my head that when "proofread" means "I did it in the past" that I needed the hyphen. 

2) Kewl. But I do want to get it done anyway, because then the fun "proofreading" starts, not just for typos but also for consistency.

3) Thanks. I don't have e-Sword though, as I'm running Ubuntu and would have to pay for Crossover (I think that's what it was called, haven't looked at that in a while).

I don't have Linux (although it's one of those things I've put off learning for far too long), but I take it there's a reason why Wine isn't an option for you.  (Note that anything beyond a simple yes or no would probably be too technical for me at this time).

And I can't believe that I failed to "recognized" a typo in John 1:10.

#16126 The Gift New Testament

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 06 March 2013 - 09:10 PM in Modules In Progress

Also, can you please let me know about the changes you make? I may have corrected some of the typos by now, but changing the sentence order is something I'd really like to have input on, because I take great care in how the English is handled. I realize you need to conform it to standard verse and chapter designations for compatibility with the software, but one primary goal of mine was to ignore such artificial divisions in the text, which by themselves can mislead the reader. Extensive changes to the text would thus defeat the purpose for which I started this project, which was to examine the Greek text from all angles without slavish adherence to traditional English renderings.

1) A full list of all the changes I've made so far:

  • Added a footnote to John 1:1-2 that appears on your website but not in the downloaded .pdf.  ("Greek word order primarily indicates emphasis, not meaning. Added weight for God being the object is the absence of the definite article. Also note that God may mean one or all members of the Trinity, depending on context.")
  • Moved sentences from a verse to another and regrouped the passages to make them more consistent with other versions and thus easier to compare verses between translations.  For example, "He was not the Light himself, but only came as a witness to it." appears as part of John 1:6-1:7 in the Gift.  Compare that to John 1:8 (KJV): "He was not that Light, but [was sent] to bear witness of that Light.", (Young's Literal Translation): "that one was not the Light, but -- that he might testify about the Light.", (Darby) "*He* was not the light, but that he might witness concerning the light.", (Weymouth New Testament) "He was not the Light, but he existed that he might give testimony concerning the Light.", and scores of other translations and it's almost impossible to not see a pattern emerging.  So this:
    1:6–1:7 Along came someone named John, who was commissioned by God. His assignment was to serve as a witness to the Light so that everyone could believe through his testimony. He was not the Light himself, but only came as a witness to it.
    1:8–1:14 This was the true Light which illuminates every person coming into the world. But even though he came into the world he made, it didn’t recognized him; he came to his own, but they didn’t accept him. Yet to those who accepted him by putting their trust in him, he granted the privilege of becoming children of God. These were not children born of a woman, or the will of the flesh or a husband, but generated by God. The Word became flesh and made his home among us, and we observed his majesty— the majesty of the unique progeny of the Father, full of favor and truth.


    John 1:6      Along came someone named John, who was commissioned by God.

    John 1:7 His assignment was to serve as a witness to the Light so that everyone could believe through his testimony.

    John 1:8 He was not the Light himself, but only came as a witness to it.


    John 1:9      This was the true Light which illuminates every person coming into the world.

    John 1:10 But even though he came into the world he made, it didn't recognized him;

    John 1:11 he came to his own, but they didn't accept him.

    John 1:12 Yet to those who accepted him by putting their trust in him, he granted the privilege of becoming children of God.

    John 1:13 These were not children born of a woman, or the will of the flesh or a husband, but generated by God.

    John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his home among us, and we observed his majesty— the majesty of the unique progeny of the Father, full of favor and truth.

    Several notes: There is no change in the text itself or sentence order.  On the contrary, even the words within the group remain the same.  The verses are simply separated within the group and there's a change in how they are numbered.  However, I have taken care to indicate, as much as possible, where The Gift groups verses by indenting the first line of each group and adding an extra return space between groupings.  See also “If the world hates you, understand that it hated me first." in John 15:19–15:21 (15:18); “after all, what's mine is yours, and yours is mine. And I have been honored in them." in 17:6-17:9 (17:10), “The deputies and slaves were standing around a charcoal, warming themselves because it was cold. Peter stood there warming himself too." in 18:15-17 (18:18), "So Pilate said, 'You won’t talk to me? Don’t you realize that I have the jurisdiction to either release you or have you crucified?'" and "But Jesus replied, 'You’d have no jurisdiction at all unless it had been  given to you from above. However, the one turning me over to you has the greater sin.'" in 19:8-9 (19:10 and 19:11 respectively), "So God handed them over to their disgusting passions: women traded natural intimate relations for unnatural," in Romans 1:27–1:32 (1:26), and “So the commandment that was intended to bring life brought only death" in 7:11-7:14 (7:10).

  • John 6:51- I changed the double quotes around "bread" in John 6:51 to single quotes, since the word is found within a quotation.

  • John 9:35- I added a double quotation mark at the end of this verse.

  • John 9:35-38- I changed the inverted quotation marks and exclamation points to "regular" quotation marks and exclamation points, as well as the single quote marks to double quote marks, that appeared in the downloaded .pdf for these verses.

  • John 18:35- Should be a question mark after "...am I...."

  • Romans 6:11- Changed "Anoined" to "Anointed".

  • Romans 12:6-8- Should be punctuated with semi-colons (or commas) and a period.

#16099 The Gift New Testament

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 04 March 2013 - 05:28 PM in Modules In Progress

Hey Deof, I decided I should probably sign up here since this is actually happening.  
Please note that the PDF downloads were done quite a while ago and are not proof-read or up to date. I will make new ones when the project is finished. The commentaries on the Gospels and Acts will be at my lowest priority, so it will be a while till those are done. I'm hoping to finish the translation of Acts in the next two weeks as I've tried to rearrange my schedule to pick up the pace. The earliest I can hope to finish the remaining 3 books would be sometime in the fall, if all goes well.
Do e-Sword modules include links or attestation for unlicensed content? I'd like to at least have that if possible.
Thanks for your efforts!

1) As I noted in my first post, I'm doing quite a bit of proofreading as I go along.  (BTW, "proofread" doesn't have a hyphen =OP ).

2) Unless someone agrees to help me with the conversion, there's no real hurry since time constraints mean I'm not going to be able to do it all that quickly.
3) I included the following attestation and links in the "#define comments=" portion of the BBLX module: "the website for Paula Fether (the translator for The Gift New Testament) also includes an interlinear New Testament, Greek/xlit/Strong's/root/concordant/semantic range dictionary, commentary, and translation notes...."  This can be found by opening e-Sword, choosing the appropriate tab (currently "Gift-John"), and then selecting Bible > About (I fairly sure it's "About", but it could be "Information" or something similar) from the menus at the top.

#16093 The Gift New Testament

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 04 March 2013 - 02:59 AM in Modules In Progress

1) The Gift New Testament, translation by Paula Fether, although Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Acts are still in progress.  An interlinear version, with notes, dictionary, commentary, and translation notes are available online and downloadable in pdf format (a non-interlinear version and a dictionary can also be downloaded in epub and mobi formats).  According to an e-mail she sent me, it is not under any license.
2) Conversion to e-Sword status:
Gospel of John    COMPLETED
Romans        in progress
3) I would greatly appreciate any help in the conversion process and anyone interested is doing so is encouraged to respond to this post to avoid duplications.  Please note that I have made some minor changes, mainly in separating groups of verses (to make it easier to compare her translation to others on a verse by verse basis), division of verses (in those instances where they varied drastically from other most other versions), and placement of footnotes, as well as corrected some punctuation (mainly changed some inverted question marks and exclamation points) while avoiding changing the text or its meaning, so I recommend that anyone interested in helping download and refer to  Attached File  Gift-JohnBBLX-CMTX.zip   68.32K   0 downloads or Attached File  Gift-John-RTF.zip   45.5K   0 downloads to get a feel for what I am trying to accomplish.

#15688 Chapter/verse/multiple verse summaries/introductions using ToolTip Tool?

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 04 February 2013 - 09:04 PM in Module Creation Tools

If you're trying to insert that into a Bible text, then you use ALL soft breaks until you enter the next verse.  Each new verse must start with a hard break.  In the Bible formatting, a hard break basically means "new verse."



1:1 notes on the book#SOFTBREAK
notes on the chapter#SOFTBREAK

notes on the section#SOFTBREAK


verse itself#HARDBREAK





Perhaps that makes more sense.  I was thinking commentary file.

Wouldn't that make the book's format appear like this in e-Sword:

Matthew 1:1 notes on book

notes on chapter

notes on section


The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.


rather than (much preferable):


Notes on book

notes on chapter

notes on section

Matthew 1:1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.



Or is the second format not possible in e-Sword?

#15656 Chapter/verse/multiple verse summaries/introductions using ToolTip Tool?

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 04 February 2013 - 03:04 AM in Module Creation Tools

Evidently, I'm still missing something here.  I won't put the actual text in here, because I can't recall if the particular version allows distribution (if I can get the module to work, I'll check, though... and even if I can't, the info might come in handy for another time).  BTW, this is for a bblx, not a cmtx, so does that matter?  Also, I'm trying to mimic as closely as I can the version's structure, which is why I've included the "The Gospel  of Matthew" and "Chapter 1" lines.

#HR# = hard return (Enter)

#SR# = soft return (SHIFT + Enter)


#define description=Generic Bible Version#HR#
#define abbreviation=GBV#HR#
#define comments=Yeah, I just made that name up.#HR#
#define version=1#HR#
#define strong=0#HR#
#define right2left=0#HR#
#define ot=0#HR#
#define nt=1#HR#
#define font=DEFAULT#HR#
#define apocrypha=0#HR#

Gospel of Matthew Info#SR#

This is information about the Gospel of Matthew, such as who it was written by (like, someone named Matthew, maybe?) and an approximate time#SR#


The Gospel of Matthew#HR#
÷÷Matthew 1#SR#
Chapter 1#SR#


Chapter 1 summary#HR#

÷Matthew 1:1 A list of Jesus' ancestors, including not only David, but Abraham as well.#HR#

Matthew 1:2 ....#HR#

#15640 Biblia de jerusalen

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 03 February 2013 - 07:36 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Unfortunately, there are several websites out there distributing bible versions that are still under copyright, so if the legality of owning a certain bible version bothers you (and I'm not saying it does/doesn't or should/shouldn't- I'm not trying to start a discussion about that here since that's something I believe the individual Christian should pray for guidance from God about), that's the first thing you might want to check.  The Jerusalen bible is one example of a version that is still under copyright according to David Cox (who breaks down an extensive list of Bible versions by copyrighted/copyrighted, but free use granted for non-profit use/public domain/unsure here).  Then again, it's possible that you have valid permission for all the versions you have, whether you purchased them or live somewhere the copyright laws are different.  In which case, kindly disregard this notice.

As for viewing them on eSword HD, I believe they have to be converted to a different format, .bbli IIRC.

#15637 Chapter/verse/multiple verse summaries/introductions using ToolTip Tool?

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 03 February 2013 - 06:10 PM in Module Creation Tools


Book of [x]

This is a summary of the Book of [x].  The consensus belief is that it was written by [writer of "x"] around [such-and-such a date].  Several main themes of [x] are... [other introductory text]


[Summary of x, chapter 1]

[Summary of x 1:1-5]

x 1:1 [Text of verse]

x 1:2 [Text of verse]

x 1:3 [Text of verse]

x 1:4 [Text of verse]

x 1:5 [Text of verse]

[Summary of x 1: 6-10]

x 1:6 [Text of verse]


[Summary of x, chapter 2]

[Summary of x: 1-10]



Does e-Sword support the addition of such summaries/introductory material?

If so, can one use ToolTip Tool NT to add them?

#15635 What e-Sword Utilities Do You Need?

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 03 February 2013 - 05:05 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

You may also be interested in E-Sword Smart Starter V2



New address: Bible Supporte-Sword Downloads More Categoriese-Sword Utilities E-Sword Smart Starter V2

#15611 New Bible translations available online

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 03 February 2013 - 03:02 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

According to the Restricted Theology section the rules of this site are:

Please do not upload material promoting, advocating, or proselytizing:
The Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower Society.
Other material that denies the deity of Jesus Christ.

I'm divided about whether such material should be banned outright, or allowed as long as it's accurately labelled.  The more one knows about a cult, I think the easier it is to show possible inconsistencies it probably has and provide arguments against it.

Also, does BibleSupport.com have a similar rule?  I'm fairly sure I've seen copies of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith Translation, and I thought the New World Translation as well, although if it's on here, I have been unable to find it using search.

#15610 Suggestion for ToolTip Tool NT user guide: add documentation for "soft...

Posted by Deof Movestofca on 03 February 2013 - 01:15 AM in Module Creation Tools

I was completely stumped as on how to add extra lines within the same verse (e.g., for dialog or poetry) until I read Creating a bible with extra information text and would have found such information helpful and time-saving had it been included in the guide.  The only other alternative that I could think of was to add tabs and/or spaces until the lines came out right, but that I'm not sure whether that would have resulted in oddly formatted lines on different screen sizes/resolutions.