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There have been 15 items by warmbreezes@earthlink.net (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#35659 Useing E-Sword in Linux with Wine

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 20 March 2019 - 06:56 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

is anyone else having font rendering issues? Got e-Sword 11.2.2 running great, but the fonts are not rendering properly (none of them).





#35634 Useing E-Sword in Linux with Wine

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 18 March 2019 - 05:21 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

So I decided to install Wine and run the PC version of e-Sword on my Mac running OSX 10.12.6 Sierra instead of the eSword X version (more accessible layout, less clicking around, more modules available, etc...just personal preference)

Successfully installed Wine, the Stable 4.0 version

Successfully went to the e-Sword website, dowloaded the e-Sword PC version 11.22

Successfully (I thought), ran the "setup1122.exe" file through Wine.  It went very smoothly, ran the Install Wizard, finished installing. Great!  (for those of you wondering, apparently this is the latest/only version available for download from the e-Sword website?)


then.... I could not for the life of me figure out how to actually run e-Sword from there!  Two files were installed on my desktop but neither of them will execute:


e-Sword.desktop     (appears to be a terminal file?)



Things I've already tried:

  1)  neither file will open when I click on them. Error message says "no application set up to run this file"

  2) running a command line from Wine  in Terminal:   wine e-sword.exe   (doesn't work, says it can't find the path)

  3) searching for where the program files were installed (can't find any. A Spotlight search for .exe  doesn't bring up any e-sword files)

  4) tried dragging and dropping the files onto the Wine program, but it wouldn't accept them



So where the heck is this thing?  And how do I run it?  It "pretended" to install the setup1122.exe file and the wizard ran just fine.....Suggestions?   where do I go from here?



e-Sword X v6.2 is already installed prior to this and I didn't uninstall it because it's a paid-for program through the AppStore.  But not trying to run it through WINE anyways.


Thanks in advance

#35647 Useing E-Sword in Linux with Wine

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 19 March 2019 - 11:16 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

The exe file for e-Sword should be at:


/home/thomas/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/e-Sword



Replace thomas with your user name. I'm sick and I don't remember what I did from here to get an icon to click on the desktop. It will run from here by just double clicking the file. I'm sorry that I wasn't more help. I feel awful. Maybe the system will add an icon to click - I just can't remember.



yes! that worked!   Thank you Thomas. Your memory was better than you thought :)


I had to turn on  hidden files, then my path was just a bit different, but I found it as you said.  Double-clicking on the exe file worked.     I made an alias and put it on my desktop, for convenience, and double clicking on the alias also works.


Thank you so much     I pray you feel better soon

#35670 e-Sword using Wine fonts not rendering?

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 21 March 2019 - 05:31 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Thank you TJ, that was helpful.  I had copied all my Mac fonts into the Wine-Windows font folder, and after reading your post I did it the other way as well, copying the four or five fonts that were in the Wine-Windows font folder into my Mac-Fonts folder. I am only using one machine (a macbook) so didn't  need to copy things to a thumb drive.  (By the way you were not the one I was referring to above).


Thank you Roy, that is a very thorough answer, I will look into some of those options, and I agree with you about the Mac version being just okay. It's a good start, but the Windows version layout requires a lot less clicking around, as things are at your fingertips in the layouts, the ability to pin and unpin windows is very useful, as are the tabs lining up along the side where they are still accessible.  Little things perhaps, but make a big difference when you are researching and going back and forth a lot to different resources. Additionally, I find there are less compatibility issues and a more robust selection of modules available in the Windows version, as well as most tutorials out there for beginning/advanced users (including the tutorials on the e-Sword website itself) are based on the Windows version only. The mac GUI is different enough to render the Windows tutorials somewhat unusable for a beginning e-Sword X user. I'm sure that e-Sword X  GUI  will get there one day, but it's definitely not as convenient to use or as robust as the Windows version. Hence, like you, my personal preference to be able to use both. Just my opinions.  


For anyone reading this post in the future, there is one training video available at this time for e-Sword X put out by Kevin Purcell which you might find useful:



As to my original question, I am happy to report that I found a solution(s) to the font rendering issue, which I will detail in another post very soon.


Thank you again

#35678 e-Sword using Wine fonts not rendering?

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 22 March 2019 - 09:09 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

one more quick tidbit.... it seems that Crossover using CodeWeavers is just a front software running on WINE.  It is also a pay-for program and Wine is free.  So for me, it's just as easy to use Wine (WineHQ.org) since they are baically the same thing. Just FYI

#35671 e-Sword using Wine fonts not rendering?

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 21 March 2019 - 06:37 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers



Step 1:

Open the Wine Stable 4.0 application, which brings up a Wine terminal window

Type at the prompt:  winecfg

This brings up a windows Wine Configuration dialogue box

Click on the graphics tab

Click to select the "Emulate a virtual desktop" option

Set the screen resolution to 120 dpi

Click Apply

Close the window


Step 2: 

This is a known bug, with a workaround to fix it

The fix is that you need to downgrade to XQuartz 2.7.9 which is available here:



bug report at wineHQ:

Wine with freetype 2.7 causes font rendering issues



WineHQ forum post:




I will note that even after applying these fixes, Wine still only seems to use one font, regardless of which font is selected in the dialogue box, but it’s not bad, and you can adjust the size, etc. as usual within the e-Sword application. I decided I didn’t care about the not being able to change fonts issue (it may be something on my machine, you may not have this problem), as these fixes improved the appearance so much. It is definitely livable now, and I can get back to using e-Sword for what it was intended for.  I also have not gotten far enough to know if Hebrew and Greek fonts will render appropriately or not with these fixes.   


I do have duplicate font files in both my Mac-Fonts and the .wine-Windows-Fonts folders, dont know if that is affecting anything.  Blessings, and I hope someone finds this useful either now or in the future.   

#35666 e-Sword using Wine fonts not rendering?

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 21 March 2019 - 01:59 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

So I did some research and WINE seems to be the program of choice for others, and is working very well except for the font issue.  


Can you suggest a VM that people like to use and works well?  Can you elaborate on why you think a VM would work better? 


I thank you for the effort. I will keep researching the font rendering issue and appreciate your attempt to help. 


Update:   I tried to delete this post as it seems a little non-productive and I didn't like the snarky tone of the original answers, which is not the type of disrespect I would expect to find in a forum like this,  but I couldn't.  


But what I can do, if I do find a solution to this problem, I will come back and post it here for everyone's benefit.  (Perhaps after the bugs have been worked out of the newest versions).  Thank you

#35661 e-Sword using Wine fonts not rendering?

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 20 March 2019 - 07:22 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hi Josh,

Thank you for responding. I will consider that.


I am actally not that technical or familiar with these issues, and found WINE through suggestions on other threads. One advantage, I've read, is that the Wine vs. a VM is not as demanding on system resources.  Everything seems to be working very well on Wine so far.  It seems quick and functional. I have no complaints. Just the font rendering issue.  That's why I was reaching out for help. eS is the only windows program I'm interested in emulating in the PC environment at this time.

#35655 e-Sword using Wine fonts not rendering?

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 20 March 2019 - 01:57 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I'm running the Windows version (personal preference)

#35651 e-Sword using Wine fonts not rendering?

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 20 March 2019 - 11:11 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers


Using e-Sword 11.2.2 on Mac with Wine Stable 4.0 and it runs great, but the fonts are not rendering properly (none of them).


Does anyone have a fix/suggestion?


Thanks in advance


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#35658 e-Sword using Wine fonts not rendering?

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 20 March 2019 - 06:51 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Thank you e-Sword Tools Developer. While I appreciate your opinion, e-Sword X has some issues, and I do not feel the need to justify to you my choices.  Perhaps you are defensive and are one of the developers, at which point I would be happy to describe to you the GUI and the compatiblity issues with e-Sword X (in another forum, not this thread) so you could improve your product. Until that time, I stand behind my right to make choices about what I use.


In fact, if you are a developer, perhaps the question you should be asking is, if there is a version available for Mac why would someone choose not to use it?  I would gently suggest that this may be a more productive question for you.  


So thank you for offering your very strong opinion, which was not helpful.  If someone else has an answer to the question that I actually asked, without disrespect and without sarcasm, then I would thank you in advance for helping to solve this problem for me.

#35747 Updated New Heart English Bible

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 03 April 2019 - 12:10 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

This is an AWESOME version.  More accurate to the original Septuagint than most.


Anyone know (or know how to make) an e-Sword X module?



Thanks in advance! :) :) :) :) :) :)

#35759 New Heart English Bible 2016 module for e-Sword X?

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 04 April 2019 - 02:29 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Thank you all


I tried re-downloading the official converter directly from the e-Sword site, but the type of file is still restricted to .bblx     It is, by the way, exactly the same program as is available here on BibleSupport.

Maybe there is an older version, or somewhere else to download it from for a version that handles reference books?   Maybe they changed it due to copyright issues? 


As for Tooltip NT, I had installed previously the NT Tooltip but couldn't figure out how to use it, as I am not a programmer and didn't know what commands to enter. I do see that there is a whole sub-forum here with what looks like a tutorial.  So that may be an option for the future if someone wants to be a power user and invest the time in it.  Not me at this point.


Adding to those complications are the fact that aftr re-installing it, I now seem to have a slight bug in my NT Tooltip, that for some weird reason, it won't let me close or click "ok" on the initial developer splashscreen, so I can't open it up now anyways.  Re-installing WINE didn't fix the problem.  Re-installing Tooltip NT to the 4-4 version didn't fix it either. It's probably something on my computer.  Perhaps it will work for someone else.


Well, thank you everyone for the tips and for trying.  I do appreciate it. I'm not a programmer, so don't want to spend several more hours fiddling with these types of things.  I'd rather just get to doing what I installed this program for originally - studying the Bible!  Hence the wisdom of having setup  both e-Sword X AND e-sWord PC both on my computer and the ability to switch back and forth.


I can heartily recommend the New Heart English Bible.  Especially the updated 2016 version.  Very nice. That, in conjunction with Brenton's English translation of the Greek Septuagint is a very nice combo.


Blessings to all

#35752 New Heart English Bible 2016 module for e-Sword X?

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 03 April 2019 - 10:12 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

yes! that worked :)


I got so excited I thought I'd convert a couple of reference modules as well, but alas it only works with .bblx files.  But it served the purpose nicely, was smooth and easy to use with WINE. Very helpful, thank you Tj

#35746 New Heart English Bible 2016 module for e-Sword X?

Posted by warmbreezes@earthlink.net on 03 April 2019 - 12:06 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources


This is an awesome version. I run both e-Sword PC and e-Sword X but can only find a .bblx module. 

(available here: http://www.biblesupp...-english-bible/)


Anyone know of (or know how to make) an e-Sword X module?   The pdf/txt files are available public domain.



Thanks in advance