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There have been 19 items by dysert (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#22972 What Does These Mean

Posted by dysert on 26 November 2014 - 06:04 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Those are Morphology Tags. V-PAP-NSM and N-ASF (decoded below). They give informatoiin on the part of speech conjugation for verbs  and so on.  Robinson's Morphological Analysis Codes for use with the Greek New Testaments containing parsing or declension codes has the codes (the will be same for LLX or NT) Other than downloading Robinson's and looking up  each abbreviation as needed there is no way to "decode them.



Derived, compared and corrected from the Bagster "Analytical Greek Lexicon," with comparison made against Perschbacher's "New Analytical Greek Lexicon".  Abbreviated in a form similar to that found in Friberg's "Analytical Greek New Testament".

Part of Speech: Verb
Tense: Present
Voice: Active
Mood: Participle
Case: Nominative (subject; predicate nominative)
Number: Singular
Gender: Masculine

Part of Speech: Noun
Case: Accusative (direct object; motion toward; time: "how long")
Number: Singular
Gender: Feminine

Do you know if Bagster, Pershbacher, or Friberg works are available in e-Sword?

#23099 Volunteering to make e-Sword modules

Posted by dysert on 09 December 2014 - 01:22 PM in Module Requests

So I've been looking over several Raw data files. For almost all of them (that I've looked at) it seems they are little more than a .jpg and an OCRd .pdf file. Surely we don't re-key the .pdf file in order to make a module?! What's the trick?

#23107 Volunteering to make e-Sword modules

Posted by dysert on 10 December 2014 - 02:19 AM in Module Requests

There are a few "tricks". Larry is right, the bottom line is you have to OCR the text. And then proof that text against the original. The "trick" is the tools you use. Even with good tools, it's time consuming. With bad tools, it's unmanageable long term.


For the text I digitized, I bought the books myself and scanned them to get a higher resolution scan. Archive.org scans are ok for reading, but for digitizing text, you want a higher resolution scan IF the text is small (like with a commentary--not so much a 75 page devotional book with large print). A PDF scan is just a digital picture of each page. The better picture you take (high res scan) the easier the text will be to interpret.


The text interpretation is best done, in my experience, with Abby Finereader Pro. It's the most efficient with the least errors. I like how you can go page by page in a split screen mode, with the original PDF page on the left side and the digitized text on the right side. Words that Abby is uncertain of, or words that don't match a spell check are highlighted for your review. You can click a word in the digitized half of the screen, and that word's location is highlighted on the PDF side of the screen.


That's the trick: 1) scan resolution and 2) decent OCR software. You can do it without either, it's just a question of time--how much time it's going to take.

But isn't the bottom line that you end up re-typing the whole book into a word processing program? If you're re-typing everything to get an electronic copy, then the quality of your OCR software doesn't seem all that important to me. Or are you saying that the OCR image becomes the e-Sword module? I'm obviously missing some fundamental point.

#23066 Volunteering to make e-Sword modules

Posted by dysert on 08 December 2014 - 06:30 AM in Module Requests

Ok. Maybe I'm all wet, but I was kinda thinking along these lines:

  1. Find an interesting module to convert to e-Sword
  2. Get the necessary tools
  3. Read the available documentation
  4. Proceed with the conversion


Well, right now I'm still at Step 1. Are all the "waiting" modules at the link that Katoog provided?

#23109 Volunteering to make e-Sword modules

Posted by dysert on 10 December 2014 - 06:44 AM in Module Requests

Ok. I'm awake now and I think I know what's going on. I have started on a .topx module but am getting an error when trying to save it. (Is there a topic for module makers and/or to report errors when running the ToolTip Tool?) The error is:


Report the following:
TGen[46]     hdr←'prefix' Defines 'ReadTxt*' ⍝∇{*:SystemError ⋄ E1Pop ⋄ →0} 
TGen[46] *                                 

#23061 Volunteering to make e-Sword modules

Posted by dysert on 08 December 2014 - 04:25 AM in Module Requests

Is there a body of material "out there" that is waiting for someone to make e-Sword modules for? I'm willing to make modules if that need exists.

#22971 Regex search finds internal codes

Posted by dysert on 26 November 2014 - 05:44 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Right, it's a bug. Looks like this:

It's still a bug 2 years later (version 10.4). Any idea if it will get fixed?

#24696 Reference Books (topx) - Samdahl, Don - Jesus vs. Paul.topx

Posted by dysert on 14 April 2015 - 10:24 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Samdahl, Don - Jesus vs. Paul.topx

File Submitter: dysert

File Submitted: 14 Apr 2015

File Category: Reference Books (topx)

Author: Don Samdahl
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

This short paper compares and contrasts Jesus' teachings with Paul's teachings on the following areas:

  • The gospel
  • The kingdom
  • Jesus as king and head
  • Repentance, baptism, and faith
  • Their audiences
  • Their ministries

Click here to download this file

#23527 Reference Books (topx) - Barrett, George - The temptation of Christ

Posted by dysert on 03 January 2015 - 10:27 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Barrett, George - The temptation of Christ

File Submitter: dysert

File Submitted: 03 Jan 2015

File Category: Reference Books (topx)

Author: George Barrett
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

Commentary on Christ's three temptations in the Wilderness plus several chapters about temptation in general.

Click here to download this file

#22963 Post e-Sword Module Requests Here

Posted by dysert on 25 November 2014 - 06:38 AM in Module Requests

I would love to see an Analytical Greek Lexicon among e-Sword's modules. For those who may not know, an Analytical lexicon gives the Greek word along with its number, gender, etc. This is extremely valuable when doing word studies because you can tell, as a simple example, if a person using the word "you" is referring to just one person or to an audience of several. You can also tell, for example, how to match pronouns with antecedents. I have a hardback Analytical Greek Lexicon and have used it extensively when doing word studies. It would be great if we could do this electronically through e-Sword!

#24695 Missing upload?

Posted by dysert on 14 April 2015 - 10:20 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Can someone help? This morning I uploaded a new e-Sword module called "Samdahl, Don - Jesus vs. Paul.topx". I can't find it anywhere. It's like the module just disappeared. Is it here somewhere and I just don't know how to find it, or should I upload it again? Thanks.

#24698 Missing upload?

Posted by dysert on 14 April 2015 - 10:29 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Nice to know it's still here somewhere, but how's anyone going to find it? I did a Search on "samdahl" and it found nothing. Did I do something wrong to make it inaccessible?

#22976 How To Alphabetize The Bible Tabs

Posted by dysert on 26 November 2014 - 07:09 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers



This is the app for doing what you want. But eSword does not order things in the way you might expect It has A at bottom left and proceeds up as a card index would do it. I tend to look top left and go down, viewing the tabs as if they were on a sheet of paper.



That's a cool utility and provides the capability of reordering without going out to Windows to do it. Nicely done.

#22973 How To Alphabetize The Bible Tabs

Posted by dysert on 26 November 2014 - 06:28 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

please, could somebody tell a complete ignoramus how to use Resourcer (step by step)? And what are its uses?

thanks, and blessings!

I just downloaded the Resourcer and started playing with. I've also started reading the Help file for it. I don't see (yet) how it can be used to reorder tabs. Seems to me that the Bible tabs will always appear in alphabetical order by the tab's underlying file name. So my *guess* is that the only way to get the tabs in a different order would be to rename the underlying file name in Windows. The Resourcer will at least tell you the tab's file name, so you can use Windows Explorer to find it and rename it.


Hopefully, someone with more experience with the Resourcer will come along and tell me I'm all wet  :rolleyes:

#23160 Can you revert a module back to .rtf?

Posted by dysert on 13 December 2014 - 06:10 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Sometimes I come across a module that needs some touch-up (e.g., there are still rtf codes visible in the module). Is it possible to revert the module back to .rtf so that I could use the ToolTip tool to clean it up?