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There have been 22 items by Gary Timm (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#30576 Work with the same data on two different computers.

Posted by Gary Timm on 26 April 2017 - 07:20 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

When I move the files to Dropbox it can't open them. Looking for a program to open



Tom, you may have to make some adjustments in order for e-Sword to know where these files are located. From the File Menu choose - Options > Resources. In this open window, revise the "Resources Location" and/or "User File Location" to match your Dropbox folder. You will also have to move any e-Sword Bible files, dictionaries, etc. to this same Dropbox folder so that e-Sword recognizes their location.


A word of warning, though. Depending on the setup, I've found that sharing e-Sword files across a network can cause severe lag within e-Sword itself.


May God bless...

#31971 search hebrew

Posted by Gary Timm on 07 December 2017 - 03:41 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

When i search the HOT for Hebrew words it does not bring back any results. Only the English book name and numbers will return in a search. How do I overcome this, Gary? Its like my hebrew font is not registering in esword at all. 


Searching in Hebrew can be tricky, and you didn't mention if you were using the e-Sword version for Mac or PC so I'll try and give you info that applies to both.


First off, if there are any cantillation marks (dots, dashes, underlines, etc.) it is nearly impossible to do any searches in Hebrew. I know I'm in the minority concerning this, but I believe this is one of the faults of modernization and revising God's Word from the original. Regardless, as these marks are not used in the HOT, you should be fine. Just make sure that you're not typing them in. Sometimes you can work around this issue by copying and pasting the fonts direct from the HOT Bible.


But if you still not getting any results, you may have a compatibility issue with fonts. The best way to overcome this is by installing a good set of Hebrew fonts, such as, Ezra SIL. Make sure this font is selected from within e-Sword as your default font in the Hebrew font option.


The last scenario is that you may have incompatibility issues or improper set up with your computer or software. Needless to say, this may run into anything from a simple fix to a hair-pulling nightmare. But as you know, the good Lord will help you through whatever problems you may face.


Hope this helps in some way, and may the good Lord help you discover His Truths in your search....

#30953 Reference Books (topx) - God's Dictionary

Posted by Gary Timm on 29 June 2017 - 09:46 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: God's Dictionary

File Submitter: Gary Timm

File Submitted: 29 Jun 2017

File Category: Reference Books (topx)

Author: G.W. Timm
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

The intent of this Topic Module is to open the (Bible) reader’s eyes to a verifiable Language known by God’s Prophets, yet has been mostly lost and overlooked throughout the course of centuries. This brief overview demonstrates how man has neglected this important aspect of Scripture as spelled out by God, Himself, in order to reveal complete understanding. More than suppositions or imaginative theories, this theology is based on factual content. Being armed with it, we can finally learn a Language that brings forth the “Word of God” in its full glory as GOD EXPLAINS IT, rather than a speculative viewpoint or some opinionated conjecture of man. Our only requirement is to open our eyes, turn our ears to God, and realize the need to comprehend it.

Click here to download this file

#30763 Post e-Sword Module Requests Here

Posted by Gary Timm on 20 May 2017 - 09:39 AM in Module Requests

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Josh Bond, his staff, and the many contributors who have made BibleSupport what it is. I know that God is using it for His Glory. I also give thanks that God's Word never returns to Him void. It always accomplishes His Will and Purpose. From the Home Page:


Total Modules: 9,009

Total Downloads: 4,583,816

Total Uploaders: 175


Thanks for the statistics. It truly shows what can be done with a group of people coming together in God's name...

#30760 Post e-Sword Module Requests Here

Posted by Gary Timm on 20 May 2017 - 08:18 AM in Module Requests

"Good" in many cases is strictly a 'subjective' term, similar to the difference betwixt 'meat' and 'milk'.  There are literally hundreds of texts available to be processed into eSword modules, but the effort to transform these texts is more than most people are willing to expend.


Perhaps 'value' or how a person values an eSword module would be one perspective.  Transforming an old text of a missionaries biography doesn't seem to have much value when compared to a commentary, except for the young believer wondering how he may serve Christ amongst non-believers (which are increasing daily).  Apologetics and Islam is another group of modules missing.  Vast numbers of hymnals are available to feed the hungry hearts for those willing to sit down and transform them.  Then, of course, there are the many "Complete Works of ___ (fill in the blank)" available.  Everyone should be aware of the conversion of CH Spurgeon.  Where would the Christian Church be if that lonely pastor who preached salvation on a mundane Sunday morning have given up his post before Spurgeon sat down?


Acorns grow into mighty oak trees, given half the chance....


Well said...


Most of us tend to forget that we have all become believers by securing different roots... and God, being gracious, allows all denominations of faith to exist. This does to designate that we all end up upon heaven's threshold, but as Larry stated... this depends on whether we want to feed ourselves on milk or meat. There's only one true source of information, and that is what God has placed within our hands... the Holy Bible. If we are going to start judging and tossing out commentaries, this should have happened long ago...


May God bless us all...

#30684 Post e-Sword Module Requests Here

Posted by Gary Timm on 14 May 2017 - 04:58 PM in Module Requests



As you mentioned, the "Seven Dispensations" by J R Graves appears to be copyrighted and available in book format only, not digital. Unless permission is received from the copyright holder, putting it in e-Sword format would be impossible.


By the way, Isaiah heard God's Words and prophesied correctly when speaking of today's world. Our only option is to cry out to the Lord, "Here I am. Send me!"... Isaiah 6:8.


May God bless...

#30722 Post e-Sword Module Requests Here

Posted by Gary Timm on 18 May 2017 - 07:56 AM in Module Requests

As DSaw mentioned (and as most of us already know), converting books to the digital standard for e-Sword, not only requires a published book in print form, but also a scanner, and a lot of time for preparation and proofreading. Although Shayne seemed interested enough to possibly undertake reviewing and proofreading—from his comments, it didn’t seem that he had any tools for conversion. I’m assuming this also included a scanner… the most basic tool to get any book into the digital domain. As DSaw and Shayne also implied, transcribing any book word-for-word, may take years.


Now I know BibleSupport already has a Topic Heading for “Module Requests”, but given this dilemma, another option might be to send out a “request newsletter” once every couple of months, or so, to keep members informed of new e-Sword requests of which they could take part of. With a combined community effort, this may help to expand module support to some older works before they’re lost, and with such a large community of Bible readers, some of these older books may already be in one of the member’s collections. In this regard, a newsletter may also have the benefit of increasing member involvement, and in the least, could help keep members aware of BibleSupport’s presence.


Just an idea…


Blessings to all.

#30727 Post e-Sword Module Requests Here

Posted by Gary Timm on 18 May 2017 - 12:07 PM in Module Requests

Thanks Tim,


Just thought it might open up some new avenues... maybe help stimulate some people to take action...


That free Bread of God tastes sweet when we eat of it ourselves, but to give it unto others can sometimes be bitter.



#31618 Original Hebrew Bible

Posted by Gary Timm on 08 October 2017 - 08:10 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Someone requesting or suggesting a Bible translation should never be criticized, but, rather, encouraged as an opportunity to teach others God’s Truths. Nor should there exist criticism of a contributor, such as Jeff Benner, who has spent countless hours fulfilling a purpose on his path towards God. Without people like him, we could have no possibility of extending our knowledge beyond what we already know. And just because someone teaches or asks about something we can’t understand, it doesn’t mean we shut the door and place them in a category which falls in line with what we consider incorrect. Everyone grows in faith.


The request which was made had a foundation of truth based on what God had originally transcribed through His prophets. Without that original copy, none of the other translations could ever exist. It should be our desire to posses, rather than ridicule a search for the original, and a request of that nature should be no more subjected to criticism than any other Bible currently on the market.


Lastly, this website was designed to help others study God’s Word. Understanding comes by way of God, and not by judgment based on one’s opinions. If helping others has ceased to exist in this forum, and if God is being thrown out, I will graciously step aside… as I will not be part of that.


May God help us all…

#31614 Original Hebrew Bible

Posted by Gary Timm on 08 October 2017 - 11:29 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

The closest Bible I've found as you described is the Aleppo Codex uploaded by "patchworkid". Here's the link. It still has the spaces but it does not contain any extras. Hope that helps.



#31598 Original Hebrew Bible

Posted by Gary Timm on 06 October 2017 - 05:09 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I'll agree. Having a copy of the original Hebrew writings would most definitely help in studying, and should be the foremost place of reference in understanding.


Does anyone know of an uncopyrighted source of Hebrew Scripture?

#31811 Original Hebrew Bible

Posted by Gary Timm on 13 November 2017 - 10:38 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I council you to seek to place your faith in the perfect God of the New Testament, not in some perfectly technical Old Testament Hebrew text which doesn't completely exist. Follow the spirit of the law and not the letter of the law which never brought perfection or righteousness.  Also make sure you take the time to get to know the author of the Bible, the Spirit of Holiness because he leads us into all truth and a more perfect understanding of the word.


Tim, your words are completely correct. The only addition/correction I'd like to make, is that the Spirit of Law and of Jesus can be found throughout ALL Scripture, New Testament and Old. This is the fullness of understanding, why Jesus recited the Old and became the New, and the importance of why God included both. The Spirit of Holiness is found in this completeness.


May God bless...

#32113 Multiple Verse Search

Posted by Gary Timm on 26 December 2017 - 02:41 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Thanks, Stephen, I appreciate your help.


I checked out Chapter 22, then searched the entire user guide, but I couldn't find anything concerning spanning more than one verse during search queries. It appears e-Sword is limited to a single verse search.


God bless...

#32108 Multiple Verse Search

Posted by Gary Timm on 26 December 2017 - 12:19 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I've been struggling with this for a while, but I was wondering if e-Sword has the ability to search more than a single verse.


With individual word searches, single verse returns work great. However, it would be nice to span a couple verses when doing a multiple word searches.


Does anyone know if expressions can be used within e-Sword for this?



#31595 Macro Stopped - Help

Posted by Gary Timm on 05 October 2017 - 09:08 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I'm not sure if this will help, but here's a link concerning macros in e-Sword: 


