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  • Submitted: Aug 02 2011 07:54 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 23 2021 08:29 PM
  • File Size: 935.09K
  • Views: 14811
  • Downloads: 1,358
  • Author: Stephen Jovanovic
  • Suggest New Tag:: Tools, Utillities, e-Sword

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e-Sword Utility:
Download ESM653.zip (e-Sword CD Menu) Version 6.53

* * * * * 3 Votes

Stephen Jovanovic

Suggest New Tag::
Tools, Utillities, e-Sword

Before Downloading


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This is a new version of the e-Sword Installer Menu. The major change made to this version is the new skin (image). The previous versions with the old skins have been there for quite a few years, and when deciding to update it, I felt it was about time for a newish fresh look.

At one stage I was tossing up whether to do away with an image, and just have a charcoal flat look, but decided against it as it just looked too dark and just didn't look right. So, hence this new image.

The next major change made to this program is that it's now a 64 bit program. And as such this program will not run on a 32 bit version of Windows. So, for those of you who do not have a 64bit edition of Windows, and you still wish to use this program, you will need to upgrade your system to 64bit.

To see the actual list of changes made to this program, please read the Change Log below this page..

Media This Program Will Autorun On
  • CD (Tested)
  • DVD (Tested)
  • Pen, Thumb, Stick, or whatever name one wishes to it Drives (Tested)
  • Blueray (Not Tested)
What's in the Zip file?
  • autorun.inf
  • e-Sword.ico
  • ESM Help.pdf
  • ESM.exe
The Kind of Files You Have to Have
  • Latest e-Sword version setup file
  • e-Sword Training setup file
These two files must be in the same location as the ESM.exe and ESM.pdf files.

Important stuff you need to know.

This program will only run installer files which have an exe extension. You will not be able to install any resources by any other extension.

The next important thing you will need to know, is that the program will only load up the files from their required default folders, which are:






Step Libraries

All Notes

The program will not load any resources from any other folder names, and the user will receive an error massage stating what the error is if the folder names are different from above. See Screenshot at bottom of this page.


What's New in Version Version 6.53 (See full changelog)

  • 24/07/2021 Cleaned up some code and updated the Assembly versioning file.
  • 27/05/2021 Updated to install e-Sword 13.00
  • 30/09/2020 Updated to install e-Sword 12.20
  • 09/11/2019 Updated to install e-Sword 12.10
  • 18/12/2018 Corrected spelling error in syntax for the link to BibleSupport in the Exit Dialog
  • 21/11/2018 Updated to install e-Sword version 11.22
  • 19/11/2018 Updated to install e-Sword version 11.21
  • 15/11/2018 Added tooltip code and text for the Notes button. Seems like I forgot that one when working on the program.
  • 14/05/2018 Added tooltip text for combo boxes
  • 06/04/2018 Replaced Screenshots to reflect the new version. Fixed Copyright year to reflect the current year in the About Dialog.
  • 05/04/2018 Version 6.40 Changed the skin, slightly enlarged the size of the main interface, e-Sword logo no longer included, enlarged the size of the icons in the buttons, included a video on the main page
  • Version 6.30 Changes made to the Topic Note Button and associated ComboBox
  • 9\8\2018 Added code to re-enable the Presentation button.

Just a few things I forgot to add in the Description.

1. The resources that this program will only install are the "FREE" official ones. Third party modules you may add to your cd/dvd can only be accessed via Windows Exploder (oops, I mean Windows Explorer.

2. Before you do anything in order to use this program on your cd/dvd PLEASE READ THE HELP FILE and follow the instructions. I cannot emphasis this enough.

3. Take note of what he folder names are, and even more importantly, TAKE NOTE OF WHAT THE ACTUAL NAMES ARE GIVEN TO THE INSTALLER FILES.

If you have any problems or issues or difficulties, do not hesitate to email me and let me know what it is. I wrote the program and know it backwards. I even use it in the CDs I give away.

Stephen (Php 1:21).

A Tip for resource file names


By changing over from the context menu to the dropdown combobox in ESM, makes naming files a lot better. One is able to have longer file names for their installers, thus giving the user a more complete title rather than a abbreviated filename. I've (well at least I hope I have) made the comboboxes wide enough to view the name of the installers. However, a too longer file name will extend beyond the width of the comboboxes and make it difficult to read. So, I think its best to keep the installer filename at about a maximum of 30 characters which includes spaces. Anything longer than that cannot and will not be read.




I found that I had the wrong filename in the code for user manual.


Was ... Process.Start("esm help.pdf);


Is now ... Process.Start("esm user guide.pdf");


I apologize for any inconvenience caused by not having the correct filename in the code.




There has been a change made in the naming of the folder from Topic Files to All Notes. This is the folder where one places installer programs for:

  • Topic Notes (topx)
  • Study Notes (notx)
  • Journal Notes (jnlx)
  • Reference Books (refx)

As a result of this, I had to edit the code so that menu program could read the new folder name and load installers for that category of resources into the dropdown combobox.




Hi Stephen.

There is this old note still on this read me page


  • Installs e-Sword 10.40 (I nearly forgot to mention this one).





Hi Stephen.

There is this old note still on this read me page


  • Installs e-Sword 10.40 (I nearly forgot to mention this one).





Hi Jon,

Ta for that.


I totally forgot that was there. I think I'll change that line to read, "the current version," whatever that version may be. That way that line will always be up to date, and won't have to worry about it in the future.



Forgot to upload the latest version of ESM when the current version of e-Sword was released. Apologies for the forgetfulness on my part.




Don't forget we are in 2021. You have the date as 2020 in the changelog notes.

Also if you set your program to run a generic e-Sword filename you would not have to keep updating things. So all the user would have to do would be rename their eSword install file to, for example "e-sword-setup.exe", and it would be down to the user to change the file to that name (whatever you came up with in the program), and it would work even when you are pushing up the daises, and e-Sword is in version 50. 

Just a few things I forgot to add in the Description.

1. The resources that this program will only install are the "FREE" official ones. Third party modules you may add to your cd/dvd can only be accessed via Windows Exploder (oops, I mean Windows Explorer.

2. Before you do anything in order to use this program on your cd/dvd PLEASE READ THE HELP FILE and follow the instructions. I cannot emphasis this enough.

3. Take note of what he folder names are, and even more importantly, TAKE NOTE OF WHAT THE ACTUAL NAMES ARE GIVEN TO THE INSTALLER FILES.

If you have any problems or issues or difficulties, do not hesitate to email me and let me know what it is. I wrote the program and know it backwards. I even use it in the CDs I give away.

Stephen (Php 1:21).

Correction to email address

2022-08-18 The picture is wrong. The file name needs to be changed. Because we cannot search on "ESM" to be able to find this entry which is at  http://www.biblesupp...sword-cd-menu/ 

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