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File Information

  • Submitted: Jun 16 2011 05:38 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 20 2019 01:51 AM
  • File Size: 3MB
  • Views: 40131
  • Downloads: 15,761
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: TCR

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx.exe and .dcti for Apple

* * * * - 42 Votes
e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Thompson Chain Reference

Converted with official tool to .dcti format. This will work on Windows and Apple Operating Systems. [Jon]

Thank you! Does this include the Thompson Special Bible Readings?

I added a cover photo to the file listing.

Thompson Chain Reference (TCR) - Still not downloaded...but will continue trying.

Thompson Chain Reference (TCR). The .dcti option downloads without problems, and should load in both the Apple Mac systems, and also does load correctly in the Microsoft system. Tested with e-Sword version 13.0.0 on Microsoft PC, on 2021-06-03. HINT Please remember to update both your browser, and the Windows Updates, as continuous changes to Terms of Use, and many file updates, have been implemented since the beginning of June 2021.
After the file is downloaded, move the downloaded file thompson_chain_reference_tcr.dcti  to This PC > Windows (C:) > C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword folder, which is quickly done if you use the BIBLESUPPORT e-Sword Module Installer which you can first download and then run, to install it. Access this from BIBLE SUPPORT at [ http://www.biblesupp...dule-installer/ ] That is able to link all e-Sword type filename-type extensions so that when you click on that type of file, it will call up This PC > Windows (C:) > C:\Program Files\e-Sword Module Installer\Moduleinstaller.exe This would then work when you click on the downloaded thompson_chain_reference_tcr.dcti file, to "run" it and that will then make a copy in the e-Sword folder. 


Then Re-run e-Sword. To use Thompson Chain Reference (TCR) first select a Bible in the Bible window (Bible Maximized Ctrl+F2). Then in the Dictionary Maximized (Ctrl+T), click open the Synchronize Lookup with Word click (looks like three links in a linked chain), and click open the Dictionary Topics (Ctrl+T) with the icon that looks like an open book. The Thompson Chain Reference is on the tag with the letters TCR. Then in the Index select a topic. For more information on the use of a dictionary in e-Sword, use the Help option "F1" function key, which will open the e-Sword User's Guide, and use Ctrl+F and then search for the word "Dictionary". 

Olaf Bacon 2021-06-03

Thank you for this great resource!


Where could I get it in JSON format, or something similar? Is there a way to convert the .dctx?

Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx.exe and .dcti for Apple

There are two download options [1] Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx.exe    609.49K  [2] thompson_chain_reference_tcr.dcti 2.41MB

This was submitted to Bible Support by Module Robot Jube 17, 2011, and was updated by Jon Dec 20, 2019 who added a conversion of the file to *.dcti format. This format will work on e-Sword for Windows version 11 and later. This will also work on e-Sword designed for the Mac, on e-Sword HD for the iPad, on e-Sword LT for the iPhone, and e-Sword for Android devices.


The following step-by-step notes refer to a programming problem that occurs in the self-installing Wizard designed in the *.exe file.

When you download "Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx.exe" please view the properties of the file. If the PC security has applied a block, then there will be the added message: Security This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer. Notice the open check box, ¨, next to the word Unblock. There are buttons “OK”, “Cancel”, and one greyed out “Apply”. Use the mouse to position the pointer over the Unblock check box and left-click. The check box changes to have a tick inside it, þ, and the “Apply” button becomes available. Move the pointer over the Apply button and left-click to select the Apply button. The date and time the file was accessed will be updated. Select the OK Button. The Properties window will close.


Move the pointer over the "Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx.exe" file and select this entry, to run it. The “Select Setup Language” dialogue window will appear. Options are English, and Euskara. Select the required language, [English], and click the OK button. Or back out and click the “Cancel” button.

First screen:

The Setup – Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx dialogue box will open. Welcome to the Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx Setup Wizard. This will install Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx version e-Sword on your computer. It is recommended that you close all other applications before continuing. Click Next to continue, or Cancel to exit Setup.

Options: [Next] [Cancel]

When you have read the instructions and have understood them, implement the instruction. Select the “Next” button by moving the pointer over the Next button and selecting Next with a left-click.

Second screen:

The Setup – Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx dialogue box will open. Information. Please read the following important information before continuing. When you are ready to continue with Setup, click Next.

Message: For e-Sword troubleshooting, support, message boards, and thousands of add-on downloads: www.BibleSupport.com

Options: [<Back], [Next >], [Cancel].

When you have read the instructions and have understood them, implement the instruction. Select the “Next” button by moving the pointer over the Next button and selecting Next with a left-click.

Third screen:

The Setup – Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx dialogue box will open. Select Destination Location. Where should Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx be installed?

Message: Setup will install Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx into the following folder. To continue, click Next. If you would like to select a different folder, click Browse.

Window: This occurred on my setup: [C:\Users\user\Documents\e-Sword] [Browse…]

At least 3,0 MB of free disk space is required.

Options: [< Back], [Next >], [Cancel].

Did you notice that the default destination folder is not the usual folder where the e-Sword files are stored? This reported the folder setup that I use for User File Location for the Editor Resources for e-Sword. You may find that the folder name is different, based on your username profile that you use to access the PC, and which is used for your e-Sword setup, and refers to the folder setup on Options > Resource Settings > User Files Location.  If you leave that as the destination folder, then after this setup has completed, you will have to go to that folder, and copy/paste the file to the destination address shown on Options > Resource Settings > Resources Location, which is to C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword where all the e-Sword files of the .dctx format, need to be stored so that e-Sword will be able to load these files from that folder.


HINT: This may explain why Gordon Mylroie [March 20, 2021] found trouble to download Thompson Chain Reference (TCR). It is ESSENTIAL that we double check the steps in any setup application, because evidently, the designer selected the wrong option for “.dctx” files to be sent to, during the programming of the setup wizard.


HOW DID THIS CHANGE HAPPEN? Here is information from Rick Meyers's website. https://www.e-sword.net/history.html

He changed destination for user files in July 2014 with e-Sword version 10.4 So any programming, prior to that, may select other design parameters.

July 2014

e-Sword version 10.4 is released. New features include User Files Location field in the Resources dialog for customizing where you wish for your user files to be located.

What I proposed is that you use the Browse option, and then browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword folder or manually move the pointer into the window, and edit the content in the window to the address of the correct destination folder. Then move the pointer over the “Next” button and select Next with a left click. Then, also, check carefully that the destination folder is correct.

Fourth screen:

The Setup – Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx dialogue box will open. Ready to Install. Setup is now ready to begin installing Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx on your computer. Click Install to continue with the installation, or click Back if you want to review or change any settings. Destination location: C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword

Options: [< Back], [Install], [Cancel].

Fifth screen:

The Setup – Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx dialogue box will open. Information. Please read the following important information before continuing. When you are ready to continue with Setup, click Next.

Message: For e-Sword troubleshooting, support, message boards, and thousands of add-on downloads: www.BibleSupport.com

Option: [Next >].

When you have read the instructions and have understood them, implement the instruction. Select the “Next” button by moving the pointer over the Next button and selecting Next with a left click.

Sixth screen:

The Setup – Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx dialogue box will open.

Completing the Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx Setup Wizard. Setup has finished installing Thompson Chain Reference TCR.dctx on your computer. Click Finish to exit Setup.

Options: [< Back], [Finish].

When you have read the instructions and have understood them, implement the instruction. Select the “Finish” button by moving the pointer over the Finish button and selecting Finish with a left click.

The dialogue window will close.

Now check whether the file has in fact been placed in the required destination folder. If it has, then you can re-start e-Sword to view the TCR file from the Dictionary window.

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