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  • Submitted: Jun 25 2011 01:52 PM
  • Last Updated: Jun 25 2011 01:52 PM
  • File Size: 1.62MB
  • Views: 36156
  • Downloads: 8,340
  • Author: Clint Branham, Jr.

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e-Sword Utility:
Download e-Sword 9 Converter

* * * * * 15 Votes

Clint Branham, Jr.

"e-Sword 9 Converter is a tool for converting e-Sword 8.0.6 specification adherent modules to e-Sword 9.x modules and is coded by Clint Branham, Jr. -- esword9@goodolclint.com.  Brother Clint’s purpose in writing this utility was at first for his own private use, but soon grew into an effort to assist the entire e-Sword community in making it through the e-Sword v9 update with as little pain as possible."

What separates this converter from others I've seen is batch conversion. You can convert eSword 8 files in quantity (or batch). I've personally converted a few hundred 8.x resources to 9.x in just a couple of minutes.

For more information, support, and updates from Clint Branham, see: http://goodolclint.com/e-sword

I've used Clint's little program and its really a great little tool. It saved me a heap of work from having to convert one file at a time.

Although I haven't used it for quite a considerable length of time, I've still got it on my computer for one of those just-in-casesituations. You never know when you'll need it again sort of things

Stephen (Php 1:21).

I've just installed the program, but when i select the BBL or CMT files as the source, there is information that the source file in invalid.
Could you please help to solve this issue?
Many thanks for your help

Grace be with u
Thank you in anticipation of success. It's been a while since I frequented the post 8.0.6 productions but I can see that the helpfulness and assistance is still there. [especially from the 50+ (old?) forensic graphologist!]

Great tool!! I needed to convert a TOP to TOPX and it worked GREAT!! Thank you!!!



Hello everyone..during the process of conversion, a dialogue box comes up requiring me to put in a password. I dont know which password this is referring to. any body have an idea of this? Thanks

Hello everyone..during the process of conversion, a dialogue box comes up requiring me to put in a password. I dont know which password this is referring to. any body have an idea of this? Thanks


What is the name of the module requiring a password?



The following is quoted from: http://goodolclint.com/e-sword


"start quote"


e-Sword 9 Converter WILL NOT NOW OR EVER convert the module type: Illustrations (.ill).


Although, e-Sword 9 Converter is a very powerful tool, it must NEVER be used to convert the following types of e-Sword 8.x modules. Furthermore, please keep in mind that the conversion of any of the module types listed below is in direct violation of US law, International law and God’s Law:

  • Never convert any e-Sword 8.x password protected module that you did not originally create or any e-Sword 8.x password protected module that you don’t personally have the explicit permission of the original module creator to convert.
  • Never convert any e-Sword 8.x module that contains copyrighted material.
  • Never convert any e-Sword 8.x Premium module, whether you bought your Premium module from e-Sword.neteStudySource.com or another source.  To obtain your new e-Sword 9.x Premium module, please return to the website where you originally purchased your e-Sword 8.x Premium module, and then follow their instructions to receive your new e-Sword 9.x Premium module.

"end quote"

Hello everyone..during the process of conversion, a dialogue box comes up requiring me to put in a password. I dont know which password this is referring to. any body have an idea of this? Thanks

When I tried to convert .bbl to .bblx it asked me for password too. What is the password to enter anyone? thank you.

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