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  • Submitted: Oct 05 2011 01:05 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 29 2021 10:45 AM
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  • Author: Don Fleming
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: Bridge

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Download Fleming, Don - Bridgeway Bible Commentary (Updated) 1.0

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Whole Bible Missions Copyrighted
Don Fleming

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9.x - 10.x

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Bridgeway Bible Commentary

A running explanation of the biblical text for the people of today's world

Don Fleming

Used by Permission from Bridgeway Publications http://bridgeway.org.au/

See all the publications they make freely available for download in digital format here:

Note: Commentary has been updated to include the 50+ images that are in the original commentary. Probably half of the images are in the book notes. The remainder are scattered throughout the commentary. The commentary has also been updated so that it now works with the default font and font size.


The origins of this commentary go back to my missionary years in Thailand, when I began writing a few books in the Thai language to help local people understand the Scriptures. The result, after many years, was a series of fifteen mini-commentaries on the Thai Bible.

Although the success of the books in Thai was due largely to the lack of available alternatives, news of the books spread, and it was suggested that I prepare an English equivalent for use in other countries. Over some years the fifteen-volume series was produced in English, but by this time I had written several other books and their production was scattered over a variety of countries.

When Bridgeway Publications in Australia undertook a project to republish all these books in a new format, the fifteen volumes were revised and reissued in eight volumes under the series title, Bridge Bible Handbooks. Those eight books are now combined into the one-volume Bridgeway Bible Commentary, which is a companion in size, style and format to the Bridgeway Bible Dictionary, an A to Z of biblical information.

The eight Handbooks were dedicated to people who, in different ways, had a significant influence in my life and ministry. Since the present volume is not a new work but a reformatted (and in parts revised) version of the eight Handbooks, no new dedication attaches to it. Instead I am pleased to acknowledge again my indebtedness to those to whom the earlier editions were dedicated.

Book 1 Philip and Pat Juler
Book 2 Chun Kertyoo
Book 3 Reg and Marjorie Vines
Book 4 David Clines
Book 5 John and Grace Robertson
Book 6 Bob and Vic McCallum
Book 7 Chue Petnamngern
Book 8 Vic and Jean Fleming

In the present book, as in my other books, my aim is to provide biblical reference material that bridges two gaps at the same time. First, I want to bridge the gap in time and culture between the world of the Bible and the world of today. Second, I want to bridge the gap between the technical reference works and the non-technical reader. Above all, my desire is to produce books that will encourage people to read the Bible.

Though labelled a commentary, this volume is not a word-by-word or verse-by-verse technical reference book. But neither is it a survey that flies over the top of the various biblical books without touching the text. Perhaps ‘running commentary’ would be a more appropriate description.

My suggestion is that instead of trying to ‘dig deep’ or ‘squeeze lessons’ from the Bible, we relax a little, try to understand what each book is saying, and then let the Bible do whatever it wants to do. ‘Let the Bible speak for itself’ - which is the title of a practical handbook I have written on how we might teach the Bible in plain language. The aim of such teaching, like the aim of this commentary, is not to exhaust the meaning of the text, nor to force the text to fit our schemes of interpretation, but to provide enough background and comment to enable people to read with understanding.

The Bible has its own power as God’s Word, and is an authoritative standard for teaching truth, correcting error, and instructing in right living. It is living and active, and has its own way of making its message relevant to us as readers, but it can do so only if first we understand it. This commentary is designed to help us understand what the biblical writers might have meant, and to do so in such a way that we might readily see the relevance of the ancient Word to present-day living. And once we have the understanding, we have an obligation to act upon it.

About Bridgeway Books and Don Fleming

Bridgeway books, though credible reference works, are non-technical in style.

They are based on a firm biblical scholarship and the assured belief that once readers understand the Bible, they will find it has its own way of making itself relevant to them. Preachers, teachers and other Christian workers have found that these books do much of the preparation work for them, by helping them understand the Bible as it might have been understood by its first readers.

Bridgeway Books have been written by Don Fleming who has had wide experience in evangelism, church planting and Bible teaching, in his home country of Australia, and in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Pacific. He is well known for his ability to explain the Bible writings concisely and simply, both in his preaching and in his writing. Bridgeway Book titles are detailed here.

Bridgeway Books have been translated into more than forty five languages.

The "bridge" element in the title reflects the aim of all Bridgeway books - to bridge two gaps at once - the gap between the word of the Bible and the world of today; and the gap between technical reference works and the ordinary reader.

Bridgeway Books are easy to read and especially suited to those who use English as a second language.

See Other Bridgeway Titles:Books in the Pictoral Series Include:© Bridgeway Bible Commentary

Don Fleming 1988, 1994, 2005

First published in an 8-volume set as Bridge Bible Handbooks 1988

Reprinted 1990, 1992

First published as Bridge Bible Commentary 1994

Reprinted 1997, 2001, 2003

First published as Bridgeway Bible Commentary 2005

ISBN 0 947342 72 9

All Rights Reserved

Bridgeway Publications

GPO Box 2547

Brisbane 4001


What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.


Screenshots Screenshots

Great job on this commentary, Peter. You put a lot of work into making this happen and the result is an easy to read resource.
Thanks to BH for making this possible with tool tip and to Josh for this website.

I am working on a mapx file that will include the images in the original commentary and I will modify the commentary in the appropriate places to reference the mapx.

See how Bridgeway uses this commentary and other Bridgeway books to help missionaries around the world here:
Thank you this commentary. It help me a lot while studying chapter insights in proverbs. Rock on! And God bless!
This commentary has been updated to include the images that are in the original Bridgeway Bible Commentary. I will now begin working on adding the 100+ images to the Bridgeway Bible Dictionary.
Thank you......thank you for the illustrations.....but most of all thank you for the Font change. You've changed a "blessing" into a "pure blessing" ! JOB WELL DONE.


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