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  • Submitted: Jan 31 2012 11:01 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 21 2022 11:32 AM
  • File Size: 1.49MB
  • Views: 5753
  • Downloads: 696
  • Author: Philip Mauro
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

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Download Mauro, Philip - The Hope of Israel: What is It? 1.0

* * * * - 6 Votes
Dispensationalism Bible Backgrounds Expository Topics Joshua Apologetics / Evangelism Episcopal

Philip Mauro

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

This book examines from Scripture the question of whether God has promised to save physical Israel. Very informative and thoroughly written by a former Supreme Court lawyer.

The following quote was used to describe Philip Mauro:

As far as twentieth century religious figures are concerned, "Philip Mauro stands out as one of the most captivating. After coming to a saving knowledge of the Lord in 1903, at the age of forty five, Mauro, a member of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States and one of the foremost patent lawyers of his day, began his "Testimony" of what was to him the most important event in his life.

His repeated successes in courts of law, coupled with his legal briefs, could not but gain recognition, for they were "models of accuracy, conciseness, and literary finish." As such, they were "frequently used by judges in the text of their decisions." Perhaps one of the most important occasions where his legal work was requisitioned was in connection with the famous Tennessee-Scopes trial in 1925. The argument which William Jennings Bryan used, and thereby won the case, was prepared by Philip Mauro.

His early twentieth century was a period of great expansion for many errors...Mauro's book, "The Hope of Israel," which was written three years prior to the Scopes trial, stands as a testament to his astute mind and sharp pen, most dashing in the face of the most formidable adversaries. Rising to the forefront of Christianity's great struggle against these foes, he applied the preparation God had given him, and scored great victories for sound doctrine"

The Table of Contents:

1. The Nature and Importance of the Question.
2. How are the Prophecies of Blessing to Israel to be Interpreted?
3. How the O.T. Prophecies concerning Israel were Interpreted by Paul.
4. What the Fathers of Israel were Looking for.
5. God's Warnings through Moses to His Earthly People.
6. God's Warnings through Moses (Continued).
7. God's Promises to the Children of Israel Fulfilled by Moses and Joshua.
8. Salvation in Zion : The Sure Mercies of David.
9. The Travail of Zion.
10. The New Covenant.
11. Ezekiel's Prophecies: Doom of Jerusalem, The Branch, Valley of Death.
12. Ezekiel's Temple; Where Did the Spirit Descend at Pentecost?
13. What the N.T. Teaches as to Future Mercies for the Jews.
14. The Hope of the Gospel, Christ's Personal Teaching.
15. Other N.T. Passages on the Future of Israel.
16. Where is the Promise of His Coming?
17. The Election hath Obtained it. Hath God Cast Away His People?
18. Building Again the Tabernacle of David.
19. Shall Israel Be Restored as a Nation?
20. The Millennium.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

This book is an argument against dispensationalism. The book was originally published ~1922 - in the midst of the popularity of "chartist dispensationalists," and prior to the more theological dispensationalism as codified by men like Chafer, Wavloord, Pentecost & Ryrie.

Chapter 19 is entitled - "Shall Israel Be Restored as a Nation?" Here's is a quote from the conclusion of the chapter:

Therefore, no other conclusion is possible from a careful examination of the Scriptures cited in the article we are discussing, than that the doctrine of a yet future restoration of the Jewish nation has not a scriptural leg to stand upon.

History is a funny thing, isn't it? Less than three decades after the publication of this work, Israel was politically regathered as a nation amongst the citizens of the world.

Mauro is an excellent logician; but this single fact goes a long way to disproving his entire hypothesis.

Thank you DoctorDaveT,  It is a matter of record that in 1948 Israel was granted State Hood, and not national status. That is what the fighting is all about. The United Nations has refused to allow them a National standing


In i\ Christ


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