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Member Since 26 Oct 2020
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2022 02:30 PM

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In Topic: SQLite

08 September 2022 - 06:08 AM

My goal is to print a list of all my topic note titles. Perhaps someone knows an easier way to do this?

In Topic: E-Sword 13 and other versions will not complete the installation (windows 10)

03 August 2022 - 06:12 AM

The site to mention this issue is the one where you got the e-Sword program from... www.e-sword.net On that page there is a tab.. "Contact", and a form to fill in.

I did send this exact message to that contact tab. Hope to help make things somewhat better. I have used e-Sword for many years and love it. I've tried several such programs and always concluded that, for me, this is the best. I haven't been able to contribute much money, maybe a little helpful knowledge would make up for that. 

In Topic: E-Sword 13 and other versions will not complete the installation (windows 10)

31 July 2022 - 06:03 AM

Version 13, to be fully functional must have an internet connection. This can cause it to be very slow to load, 1m 5sec. to as long as 2m with no indication it is loading and sometimes errors installing. I have found that if I disable all wifi and Ethernet connections from my computer it loads normally. I have fiber optic wifi but it’s speed can vary greatly which accounts for the varying speed of loading.

A good fix would be to stop the internet connection until needed and place a button on the main screen to connect as needed. This would take some code changes in the executable program.

I would love to have the text color change portion in options back as in version 10, I and others have missed that option.

Hope this helps Though I have no fixes myself.

Thanks, RDG

In Topic: E-Sword 13 and other versions will not complete the installation (windows 10)

15 July 2022 - 08:44 AM

Results: D-click e-Sword icon, within 5 sec. square with copyright notice appears,15 sec. later program is up and running perfectly.

Conclusions: There were 7 old files in my old documents, e-Sword folder that were slowing down v. 13. When these files were replaced with the files in the new version e-Sword is back to its old self. I don't have time today to search and list these files. Thanks for the help. 


Back to the drawing board! 

The fix only lasted until I rebooted the next day. The next day starting e-Sword took a full 1 minute and 25 seconds to start with the copywrite square appearing after the first minute and 6 seconds. I tryed going back to versions 12 with the same problem now. E-sword works fine after it finishes loading. I give up! 

In Topic: E-Sword 13 and other versions will not complete the installation (windows 10)

15 July 2022 - 07:49 AM

Windows Media Player is installed.  Note, v. 10, v.11 and v.12 all started and displayed the logo within seconds. The sequence of events:

Turn computer on and log in, about 60 sec. Wait until virus checks and housekeeping to finish about 45 seconds. D-click e-Sword icon, 65 sec. later e-Sword square appears, 10 to 15 seconds later program loads and works perfectly and fast.

Never had this problem until upgrading to v. 13.  It seems to be looking for, or unpacking modules, topics, notes or some other resources. Today I will try moving all resources from documents, e-Sword folder to programs, e-sword folder and see if that speeds up loading. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. RDG