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#31947 e-Sword 11.1.0 one problem and a couple of suggestions

Posted by DConneely on 05 December 2017 - 07:40 AM

Scripture Tooltips and the F4 copy feature don't give book and chapter just:


9  Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.


English Standard Version


I had this problem before updating 11.1.0 I hoped updating would clear the problem. It didn't.


2 suggestions for ease of use:
(1) When I try to look up reference I have copied from e-sword into my own notes, the Lookup Scripture Reference box can't handle the Pro_22:9 format, instead it sends me to Proverbs 1:1. Within e-sword clicking on Pro_22:9 will go straight to the reference, but not when I have copied and pasted it into a document. I have to change the underscore to a space to look the verse. Since e-sword uses this format itself, is it possible for Lookup Scripture to handle the format too?


(2) Compare scripture verses could do with a previous and next verse buttons instead of just previous and next chapter.