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Member Since 21 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2013 06:21 AM

#14283 What Modules do you want for e-Sword

Posted by BobSingleton on 25 November 2012 - 10:29 PM

You asked what sort of modules we would like for e-sword.

Oh man, I have a dream for a module. Very important to me. It's personal, nothing I could release to anyone else.
Let me explain and give the vision first and then I'll go into specifics.

Have you seen how Bible study people always write in the margins? They see an alternate translation and they want that in their Bible. They are, perhaps unknowingly, trying to create a composite of translations. They might have the New King James Bible but they believe they see something better for a particular verse from another translation - so they write it in.
The paper Bible just gets all marked up and eventually it gets old, falls apart, and alas, they have to start over.

I would like a cut and paste electronic Bible. Here's how it would work.
First I would handle the copyright issues in a couple of ways. Even in my personal copy the cover page would describe what it is and what I am doing - that it is an edited copy of the Bible. It would also be legal because it is my personal copy, not for distribution. and finally, my primary copy would be the - about to be released - not copyrighted World English Bible.
So I would be cautious in the copyright issues.

Then I need editing capabilities. I want to be able to cut and paste right into the Bible. For example, if Strongs, or some other translation has an alternate rendering for a particular word or verse I might edit that into my Bible text, deleting the old and putting the alternate verse in.
I would also want the new text to go in, in an alternate color, perhaps blue - to show that it was changed and then... I would like the edit program to go into a footnote so I could explain where I got the alternate text and why I used it.

This would be a great Bible Study tool for me. We have so many great translations these days. I want to work them together a bit as I study. No more tattered marked up paper Bible but a nice clean electronic Bible - personalized.

Alternatively - I do have some experience with databases. If I knew what program to use - knew the structure a little bit, I could edit my own e-sword copy.

What do you think of all this?  It's really an exciting concept to me. One other thing - I'm thinking of switching to the Google Chromebook which I think is a Linux based system. You might have additional comments about that.
Thxs and be blessed.
The Lord is certainly moving powerfully these days - as in e-sword