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Member Since 02 Sep 2016
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In Topic: E-Sword loading slow

05 September 2016 - 01:17 PM



I know this thread is old but I am sure, this is still a problem for many users, so I decided two share my experience.


I have been using eSword for several years now but not very often I have to say. But recently went back to it and I discovered this wonderful website and started adding a few modules to eSword last night. After that I, of course, clicked around a bit to check the new modules out.


ESword was always operating pretty smooth, in a veeery "ok" speed. But then, 'suddenly', it started lagging heavily, in a way, many of you described. I don't have that many modules installed and I really wondered, that just by adding a few more, it could slow everything so much down. I recognized the problem, when switching between different dictionarys. I started to feel a bit sad and disappointed ;)  because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to use eSword with all this great, new stuff w/o problems. But actually, I could not really imagine, that a few more modules, would slow everything down so bad. Also, deactivating the new modules, wouldn't give back the performance I was used to, it changed nothing.


Fortunately, I searched and found this thread today and figured out, that Josh's advice, immediately solve the whole problem for me! While clicking around before, I think I activated this option, which I never used before and luckily, it's highly unlikely, that I will ever really use it :P


You can also try clicking the open book icon next to it to remove the Dictionary topic list.



Try it out folks! For me, everything is back to speed and I am really glad that I can keep and use the new modules without any lack of performance.


Finally I have to say, that all this talking about upgrading your computers' RAM, processor etc. sounds, indeed, a bit extreme to me and I think it's not very likely that this kind of problem is caused by such issues. Even with many modules installed, eSword is still a pretty 'slim' software. And unless your PC is, I don't know, 10+ years old?, you should be able to use eSword without problems. I think the most of us use different software, that is waaay more hungry for your computers' ressources, and they also work fine.


I hope everyone finds a proper and easy solution, like I did, before buying a new PC  :)


Many thanks Josh and kind regards everybody!
