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Member Since 03 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 03 2014 10:54 AM

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In Topic: eSword and Windows 8

03 July 2014 - 10:30 AM

e-Sword Fanatic


maybe.... but unless they' re a tech....

I'll deal with the glitches and keep what works and delete what doesn't. I can scan this program for bugs and errors that might be repairable. 

since I'm always online for 1 reason or another this software will be useful. 



In Topic: eSword and Windows 8

03 July 2014 - 02:32 AM

to ALL for you that ( THINK ) without confirming eSword is " backward compatible" with win 8.1 64bit are WRONG ! it is NOT compatible yet.

If the eSword programmers are working on it then I hope they will release the update soon. but until then we who have 8.1 - 64 will have to




***** Update ** I posted the above comment earlier this morning : I'm Wrong ! My apology to who I offended by this post. 

I tried twice to complete the software d/l on my Win 8.1 machine both times were denied. not compatible with this version of Windows

a few hours later I was going to delete the executable file in my d//l's folder and thought : oh what the Hell why not.

all it can tell me is denied again and I'll delete it. it wasn't compatible anyway.

but it d/l'd just now. it took a long time to load once completed and I have huge resources on my machine too.

it opened but w/a an error of *not responding at 1st. so it might work but not w/o errors and taking too long to load the program etc...

I d/l'd two modules that weren't compatible due to a .devx file ext that wasn't allowed to open. 

so there are some glitches for sure... on Win 8.1 64bit 

I'm going to try a few more Modules to see what happens and come back and update this post again. 


** ok... out of 3 .exe module d/l's 2 were fine 1 was denied from Windows so i forced it and my antivirus had to scan it 1st so that one is gonna be a problem. 1 zip file did not extract to esword software file so I'll have to manually put that in. 1 of the Dictionaries was not compatible. 

so there ARE some definite Problems for Windows 8.1 I'm going to open esword & nav around to see what works and go from there. I might just have to stay with .EXE downloads so I'm on a "search and destroy" mission for downloading modules. so there's some tips for win 8 users 

I hope this Helps.  

</nkryptchon>   ]