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Bradley S Cobb

Member Since 11 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 06 2013 09:15 PM

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In Topic: Commentaries made fast - how

14 June 2012 - 01:42 PM

Lots of commentary sets have had lots of work done on them over a long time in order to make a good, clean source text from which to work with.  Then Josh (the master of macros) can then do a lot of "search/replace" in order to format it as needed.

The whole key is finding a source text that is clean, and formatted the same way throughout.  When you find that, creating the commentary is actually quite easy.  Unfortunately, that's rarely the case unless someone first goes through it and carefully formats it that way.

Usually, the actual amount of time spent on a module is not made public.  You'd be amazed how much time is actually spent on some of these things. (I spent 3 months on a Bible file recently, but I've had other Bible files that literally took no more than two hours).