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  • Submitted: Nov 22 2012 10:16 AM
  • Last Updated: Dec 19 2021 02:23 PM
  • File Size: 5.52MB
  • Views: 17693
  • Downloads: 8,572
  • Author: Jeff A. Benner
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: AHRC-RMT

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Jeff A. Benner - A Mechanical Translation of the Book of Genesis and Exodus Revised 1.0

* * * * - 8 Votes
Jeff A. Benner

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Copyright Info: This module was Authored by Jeff A. Benner. The e-Sword version was created by Richard Varno. for more information on the modules please visit http://www.ancient-hebrew.org

About Book of Genesis

The Hebrew text of the book of Genesis where each Hebrew word, prefix and suffix is literally and consistently translated word.

While the original Biblical text was written from an Ancient Hebraic perspective, all modern translations of the Bible are written from our modern western perspective. This traditional approach to translation does allow for ease in reading but it erases the original Hebraic style and meaning of the text. In addition, translations take many liberties by removing, changing or adding words from the text in order to "fix" the text for the English reader. The Mechanical Translation is a new and unique style of translation that will reveal the Hebrew behind the English by translating the text very literally and faithfully to the original Hebrew text. A great tool for those interested in studying the Bible who have no Hebrew background as well as for those who are learning to read the Bible in its original Hebrew language.

Book Features
  • An introduction to the Hebrew language and grammar.
  • The Hebrew text from the Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia.
  • A literal word for word translation of the Hebrew text.
  • A revised translation for understandability in English.
  • A dictionary of words defined from an Hebraic perspective.
  • A concordance of all words found in the book of Genesis.

About Book of Exodus

The Hebrew text of the book of Exodus where each Hebrew word, prefix and suffix is literally and consistently translated word.

The Mechanical Translation of the Book of Exodus is the second book in the Mechanical Translation of the Hebrew Bible series which literally translates the book of Exodus using the "Mechanical Translation" methodology and philosophy. This new and unique style of translation will allow a reader who has no background in Hebrew to see the text from an Hebraic perspective, without the interjection of a translators theological opinions and bias. Because the translation method identifies the morphology of each Hebrew word it is also a tool for those who are learning to read Biblical Hebrew.

Book Features
  • The Hebrew text of Exodus and a transliteration of the text into Roman characters.
  • The Mechanical Translation, which translates each Hebrew word, prefix and suffix exactly the same way it occurs in the text, and in the same word order as found in the Hebrew.
  • The Revised Mechanical Translation, which rearranges the words of the Mechanical Translation so that it can be understood by the average reader who does not understand Hebrew syntax.
  • About five hundred footnotes on the Hebrew grammar, idioms, alternate translations and meanings of specific words and phrases.
  • A dictionary and concordance for each word used in the Mechanical Translation.
  • Several appendices detailing specific word and phrase translations.
Note: Please install the fonts attached

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

The Mechanical Translation of the Book of Genesis and Exodus revised, is a great way to expand your understanding of the Hebraic Eastern thought and outlook that all scripture is based on.  It has been an adventure discovering the depth of meaning and cultural understanding in the Hebrew language and Jeff Benner in his search for understanding of the hebrew alephbet and language, has helped me immensely to begin to truly understand the scriptures.  I love it and really appreciate his 20 years of research and documentation to help us be able to understand more truth and bring understanding to others.   Thanks to Jeff Benner, and also to biblesupport.com for providing access to Jeffs' books.

a very bad bookwhich makes a slave out of a normal human. dislike!

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