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There have been 9 items by Tracey (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#17499 dictionary database format

Posted by Tracey on 18 June 2013 - 06:26 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

...You color them green and underline them with rtf tags like this: \cf11\ul Act_1:18\cf0\ulnone   but the color/underlining isn't required for operation...


The '\cf' tag in the RTF Specification is defined as the font foreground color.

What RTF tags are already (defined / predefined) by e-Sword ([aka / similar to] RTF Header)?


Please advise.

Thanks, Tracey

#17467 dictionary database format

Posted by Tracey on 17 June 2013 - 10:31 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

In the event that there is a reference to a specific passage, how do I (add / insert) a (link and/or pop-up) within the definition entry?



I can right-click to search on another word (I assume {only} within the same resource).

I see green underlined references (Book, Chapter, Verse).


Thanks, Tracey

#17456 dictionary database format

Posted by Tracey on 17 June 2013 - 05:59 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Is there a document that explains the format of a .dctx file?

I noticed that the download dialog now forbids the reverse engineering of databases (I have absolutely no problem with protecting the works and efforts of others).


After downloading SQLite Database Browser to fix a Bible and Commentary (and before I knew about the policy regarding reverse engineering) I now have the desire to create a customized dictionary, but I want to do it IAW e-Sword and Bible-Support policies.


Any help will be appreciated.

Please advise.

Thanks, Tracey (SQL Newbie)
e-Sword 10, SQLite Database Browser v2.0b1, Windows 2000 Pro sp4


#17442 [Book or Chapter or Verse] Display for Notes

Posted by Tracey on 16 June 2013 - 02:35 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

2 questions regarding Verses for Notes:

#1 When a resource is referencing a verse in e-Sword, is it necessary to have all these fields in the Verses Table: ChapterBegin, ChapterEnd, VerseBegin, and VerseEnd or can Chapter and Verse be sufficient?


#2 Can ChapterBegin, ChapterEnd, VerseBegin, and VerseEnd be used for a range of chapters or a range of verses?


Please advise.

Thanks, Tracey

I see the following used in other files: CREATE TABLE 'Verses'(Book INT, ChapterBegin INT ChapterEnd INT, VerseBegin INT, VerseEnd INT, Comments TEXT), but the numbers for ChapterBegin and ChapterEnd INT are duplicated/identical and the numbers for VerseBegin INTand VerseEnd are duplicated/identical

I  am wondering if the duplication of data is necessary.



#17433 [Book or Chapter or Verse] Display for Notes

Posted by Tracey on 15 June 2013 - 04:12 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources


Josh Bond, on 15 Jun 2013 - 11:10 AM, said:

Without seeing the database, I don't know the answer to the problem, or really, even understand what the problem is. :)

Why not just use ToolTip NT which will take the content you specify (book comments, chapter comments, and/or verse comments) and create the proper database scheme, rtf tags, etc.





Without seeing the database, I don't know the answer to the problem  :)

I am baffled by your response because I pasted the SQL database into the topic as code: everything needed to build the demo database.


even understand what the problem is.  :)

The problem is when I select the 2nd Book, 3rd Chapter (of the Bible) and click on the <Display Chapter Comment> that no comment appears.

I assume that <Display Chapter Comment> function works and there is a type-o in the database, but I read and re-read it several times and I am unable to spot what/where is the error.

Book 1 Comments and Book 3 Chapter 4 Verse 5 Comments appear when selected and the applicable icon is clicked.


Why not just use ToolTip NT which will take the content you specify (book comments, chapter comments, and/or verse comments) and create the proper database scheme, rtf tags, etc

I would like to do that, but I tried using ToolTip NT and I get the error message: "The procedure entry point GetNativeSystemInfo could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll" then the program aborts/halts :o

See below/last regarding win32 applications in Windows 2000 (some of the text of an email I sent to Rick).


The only 1 other program that I have that has a similar type of error message is with Firefox, but Firefox does not abort, halt or crash: Firefox just continues to run just fine.


You could remove the abort/halt logic if GetNativeSystemInfo does not return what you expect or the OS is Windows 2000 (Win32 NTFS).

Maybe in that case assume it is an older OS that does not use the advanced/latest features/functions :)


The SQLite Database Browser v2.0b1 runs just fine in Windows 2000.

Please advise.

Thanks, Tracey

e-Sword 10, SQLite Database Browser v2.0b1, Windows 2000 Pro sp4


Issue #2 Can you please keep e-Sword Windows 2000 compatible as much as reasonably possible (or at least do not deliberately exclude it)?



I tried installing e-Sword v10.1.0 EXE and the install failed due to the OS version, but it did unpack the MSI.

The e-Sword MSI file installed just fine and e-Sword v10.1.0 runs just fine Windows 2000.



Over a decade ago I was using Windows NT 4.0 Workstation and acquired a scanner with software designed for Windows 95.

The installer for the package aborted the install because I was not running Windows 95.

However, the individual modules installed just fine and I used the scanner with the original/supplied software applications/utilities for years.



#17429 [Book or Chapter or Verse] Display for Notes

Posted by Tracey on 15 June 2013 - 09:54 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

If this is the wrong forum, is there another forum that I can use to post SQL questions for e-Sword?


I have created a simple Notes Resource, but the Book 2 Chapter 3 Comments do NOT appear when clicking on the <Display Chapter Comments> icon (separate tables this time).

I can not seem to see what I am doing wrong to enter the Book 2 Chapter 3 Comments.


Book 1 Comments and Book 3 Chapter 4 Verse 5 Comments both appear when selected.


Any help will be appreciated.

Please advise.

Thanks, Tracey (SQL Newbie)
e-Sword 10, SQLite Database Browser v2.0b1, Windows 2000 Pro sp4

CREATE TABLE 'Details' (Description NVARCHAR(255), Abbreviation NVARCHAR(50), Comments TEXT, Version INT);
INSERT INTO Details VALUES('<Test Margin Notes> Description NVARCHAR(255)','<Test Margin Notes> Abbreviation(50)','<Test Margin Notes> Comments TEXT',1);
CREATE TABLE 'Books' (Book INT, Comments TEXT);
INSERT INTO Books VALUES(1,'<Test Margin Notes> Book Comments TEXT');
CREATE TABLE 'Chapters' (Book INT, ChapterBegin INT, ChapterEnd INT, Comments TEXT);
INSERT INTO Chapters VALUES(2,3,3,'\b1 <Test Margin Notes> Chapter Comments TEXT\b0');
CREATE TABLE 'Verses' (Book INT, ChapterBegin INT, ChapterEnd INT, VerseBegin INT, VerseEnd INT, Comments TEXT);
INSERT INTO Verses VALUES(3,4,4,5,5,'\i1 <Test Margin Notes> Verse Comments TEXT\i0');
CREATE INDEX BookIndex ON Books (Book);
CREATE INDEX BookChapterIndex ON Chapters (Book, ChapterBegin);
CREATE INDEX BookChapterVerseIndex ON Verses (Book, ChapterBegin, VerseBegin);



#17404 [Book or Chapter or Verse] Display for Notes

Posted by Tracey on 13 June 2013 - 02:24 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

How can I configure a resource to display the notes when clicking on <Display Book Comments> or <Display Chapter Comments> or <Display Verse Comments> for 1 table?

I have notes that are (?associated? / ?indexed?) with the <Display Verse Comments>.
I tried adding 2 additional indices for the <Display Book Comments> and the <Display Chapter Comments>, but the notes do NOT appear when clicking on the icons (the <Display Verse Comments> icon still works).


I want to be able to choose any 1 of the 3 icons and the applicable notes appear.

Please advise.
Thanks, Tracey (SQL Newbie)
e-Sword 10, SQLite Database Browser v2.0b1, Windows 2000 Pro sp4


#17323 importing Bible text

Posted by Tracey on 07 June 2013 - 05:38 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Are you trying to convert an old bbl into a bblx file?


No, I am fixing some text.


How long should it take to import the text of Bible into/as a bblx file (is 5-1/2 hours normal or excessive)?


(FWIW a newbie to SQL): The bblx has 3 tables: details, bible, and index

Is it the in-process index building is making it take so long?


Is there anything I can do shorten the time it takes to complete the process and yet still have a fully functional bblx file?


Please advise.

Thanks, Tracey


#17317 importing Bible text

Posted by Tracey on 06 June 2013 - 02:55 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

What is the fastest/suggested way to import the Bible?
I exported the text in a matter of seconds as a CVS file (using SQLite dbBrowser2.0.b1 and Windows 2000 Pro sp4).
But reloading it to 5-1/2 hours!

I do not know what I could have done that would have caused such a delay, but I would like to know how I can speed up the process.

BTW What is a reasonable amount of time to import the Bible?
Please advise.
Thanks, Tracey
e-Sword 10